chapter 148

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    Ever since he met the woman in the manor today and said that he was the only human being directly sucked blood by the person in his arms, Huangfu Yu no longer felt any rejection of Mu Jin's way of sucking blood. Even subconsciously willing to actively cooperate with each other.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that after a long time, the blood-sucking situation he imagined still didn't happen. It really seemed like just a pure lingering kiss. Along with the kiss, the other party's hand was still stroking his cheek, and then slid down to his throat.

The cool fingertips slid back and forth on his Adam's apple, Huangfu Yu's heart trembled. I don't know why, but I actually felt a warm current pouring into my throat, which instantly relieved the pain left after he was given the dumb drug.

Ever since he was given the dumb drug, Huangfu Yu's throat has been feeling unbearably sore, which is one of the reasons why he is unwilling to eat. It's just that he took a good rest yesterday, and he felt that the pain has eased a lot.

I thought it was just my own illusion, but now it seems that it may be the credit of the little guy in my arms, and I don't know what the other party has done to me.

After a lengthy kiss, Huangfu Yu was surprised to find that all the pain in his throat had disappeared. The mouth is full of the sweet taste of plants, and there is also a faint fragrance of medicine. This taste may not be considered good in the eyes of others, but he likes it inexplicably.

Then the person opposite said to him: "You can try to say a few words now."

Huangfu Yu's eyes widened in surprise when he heard Mu Jin's words. The man pursed his lips, and after a while he tentatively said "I" to Mu Qing. As soon as that word came out, Huangfu Yu's heart shook.

He tried his best to restrain the excitement in his heart, tentatively said to Mu Jin slowly and completely: "You really cured me!" After saying this

, Huangfu Yu was completely sure that it was true. He looked at Mu Jin in front of him with a little excitement, no matter how the other party did it, he was very grateful.

Originally, he thought that he would be dumb for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect to be cured so easily by the other party. This is also the first time Huangfu Yu directly faced the magic of the blood race. Of course, what he doesn't know is that only Mu Jin can actually restore his throat so quickly.

Of course, Huangfu Yu didn't believe that there would be goodwill for no reason in this world, so he suppressed his excitement and said calmly to Mu Jin, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Mu Jin heard Huangfu Yu's words She raised her eyebrows and sighed with emotion at the man's way. My lover has been immersed in shopping malls for many years, so I naturally don't feel that I have cured his throat and told him that I am willing to help him without conditions.

After pondering for a while, Mu Jin told Huangfu Yu a non-painful reason. "I want to experience human life."

Huangfu Yu froze for a moment when he heard Mu Jin's words. He obviously didn't expect this to be the request made by the other party. The man didn't realize how to answer the words for a while.

Of course, Mu Jin could understand the thoughts in his lover's heart, and explained to the other party without stinginess: "I have been asleep for decades, and I just woke up now. I don't know what has become outside

. There is very little time to be

awake for a hundred years . But it is different now, and I will stay awake for a long time in the future. I have always been curious about what your human life is like, and now I finally have a chance."

Mu Jin proposed The request sounds simple, but it is not a lie. The original owner had been sleeping for many years and died in a deep sleep, so he didn't have any wishes at all. But the original owner had also looked forward to experiencing the life of ordinary human beings.

Mu Jin took up someone else's identity, so he was naturally willing to realize this small wish. Not only that, Mu Jin would also help the original owner protect the Mokawi clan. The Mokawi family will not be easily destroyed by the hero.

"But there should be many people around you who can help you do it."

Although Huangfu Yu felt that the other party's request was not difficult to fulfill, he did not agree to it outright. He just stated a fact calmly.

The young man in front of him has a noble status, and there are many servants around him, whether they are blood races or humans, he can choose at will. I believe that many people will be willing to help him realize this wish.

"Maybe it's a feeling." Mu Jin said in a vague way.

"There are not many people in this world who know the existence of our blood race, and most of the humans who can stay in the manor will not really connect with the outside world in this life. As for the blood race, they are still not human beings. What I want to know is The real life of human beings.

So you are undoubtedly the most suitable, after all, you were just sent to me by the Huangfu family. You know the outside world, and now you have no other place to go except to stay by my side ."

Although what Mu Jin said was rather cold, what he said was indeed the truth. Huangfu Yu was not angry at Mu Jin's words, but his eyes dimmed for a moment, and he nodded slowly to Mu Jin.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Jin continued to say to Huangfu Yu: "Of course, my request is not that simple. You still have other things to do. I have already understood your situation and I am very confident in your ability. Back then,

Huangfu The family has not delegated power to you. You can expand your performance several times. As long as the plans you handle are handled perfectly, I appreciate your ability.

I think the industry that Mo Kawei puts outside can try I want you to manage it, and I hope you can bring us greater benefits."

Hearing that Mu Jin actually wanted to hand over the Mokawi family's property to him to manage, Huangfu Yu felt that he seemed to be hallucinating. After all, the Mokawi family is the Mu family, so it's like a dream that such a huge enterprise should be handed over to him to manage.

The person in front of him has only seen him back and forth for a few days, and the other person has never seen him doing anything. Even if you have investigated the information before, is it really good to trust yourself so unscrupulously? Rather than telling myself to do things, it is better to say that I am the one who has benefited greatly from it.

Huangfu Yu's mood was a bit complicated for a while, but Mu Jin ignored his entanglement, patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, and said to him: "You just need to follow my orders, and you don't need to worry too much.

Finally The distribution of the rights of the Kawei family to human property is different from what you imagined. I have the absolute right to speak. As for your other requirements, I will mention them later. Of course, what I promised you will also come true. How to deal with the Huangfu family

? Everything can be done according to your wishes. If you want, I can send people to

kill all those who hurt you right now. Although the follow-up processing will be a little troublesome, it is not difficult for us."

The tone of the person in front of him was flat, but the contempt for the Huangfu family revealed in his eyes moved Huangfu Yu's heart. It was a strong man's contempt for ants, which inexplicably attracted his attention.

It's just that the man shook his head at Mu Jin and said, "Thank you, but I don't need it. What you want me to do now has given me a chance, and I will follow your arrangement. I only hope that this hatred will come from me. Report."

Mu Jin nodded when he heard the words, not knowing whether to agree with Huangfu Yu's words. Of course what he said just now was not just talking nonsense, he really planned to hand over all the property to Huangfu Yu for management, and Mu Jin was not worried that Wallis would have any objection to this.

These industries are under the overall management of Wallis, but Wallis respects the decision of the original owner. Although the original owner has been awake for so few years, he has never missed the decisions he made.

More importantly, other blood clans have been making moves recently. Even though Mu Jin had already met some other high-ranking blood clan leaders before, there were still many things to deal with, and it was most appropriate to hand over these things to Wallis.

Without the fetters of property, Wallis would have more energy to deal with the matters of the blood race.

Huangfu Yu originally felt that Huan Mu Jin asked too little of him, but when he heard that the other party said that he would have other things to ask him in the future, he decided to relax for the time being. Anyway, he has lost everything now, and the biggest sustenance for him is to make the Huangfu family who took advantage of him pay the due price.

Huangfu Yu was originally a person who was indifferent to feelings. For several years, the only thing he really cared about was his grandfather Huangfu Hongzhi and the housekeeper in the old house. They raised him.

But who knew that everything was false in the end, these two relatives whom he thought were cruelly hurt himself and sent himself to a dead end.

They would never have thought that there would be such a change after they came here. Not only did they not die, but they even had an extra chance to take revenge on them. That being the case, I will naturally not disappoint the second chance God gave me.

Thinking of this, the gloom in the man's eyes flashed, and then he looked at the young man opposite him. Although the other party is a blood clan, Huangfu Yu instinctively feels that he can trust the other party. After all, he has nothing to lose now.

On the other side, after Mu Jin told Huangfu Yu these things, she stretched out her hand and frowned, sitting directly on the bed. Mu Jin's mental strength is very strong, but he was too eager when he came back, and he used too much teleportation, which inevitably made him feel a little tired.

Having just dealt with Julia and the others and said these words to her own man, Mu Jin really feels a little tired now.

He just quietly stayed in the same room with his lover, even if he didn't look at him or speak, he would feel a sense of relaxation in his heart. Knowing and loving each other for several years, as long as there is this person by his side, Mu Jin's mood will improve, and his nerves will relax.

But Huangfu Yu was a little tangled in the face of Mu Jinzai. In this room where only the two of them were left, although he was not at a loss, he still felt a little embarrassed.

After all, they are actually just strangers to each other. Huangfu Yu didn't even know Mu Jin's name, he only

knew that the young man opposite him had a high status, and everyone called him Master. So, do I also need to call the other party the master?

Thinking of the master's title, Huangfu Yu didn't have much struggle in his heart. It's just that living in the same room with Mu Jin was beyond his expectation. After Huangfu Yu woke up, the people below had already informed him of his situation, saying that he should serve the master well.

Serve? Huangfu Yu couldn't stop blushing. Although the man's facial features were cold and hard, they still showed a thin red that could not be concealed by facial paralysis.

He had briefly looked at the room before, and he saw two people's toiletries in the bathroom, and double supplies scattered around the room.

Whether he wanted it or not, his life was now in the other party's hands. Huangfu Yu didn't think he had the right to resist Mu Jin's decision, and he wasn't that overconfident.

Mu Jin was not as much as Huangfu Yu thought. After feeling tired, he really wanted to sleep. Although it is said that the blood race does not need to sleep at a regular time every day, it is fine even if they do not sleep. However, Mujin still retains some of the same sleeping habits as humans in the past world.

At this moment, I can see that the sky outside is getting late, although it is still early to rest. But Mu Jin sometimes wants to be self-willed when facing her lover. So he went directly into the bathroom, ignoring Huangfu Yu in the room, and washed away the tiredness of the day with warm water.

There was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom. Through the glass outside the bathroom, although the scenery inside could not be seen clearly, the rising of mist could be seen. Huangfu Yu clenched his fists, feeling a little nervous unconsciously.

He didn't know if Mu Jin would do something to him, he didn't even know if he should feel resistance. It's just that the mind is confused, and the body stands there stiffly.

Not long after, the door of the bathroom was opened again, and Huangfu Yu saw some pale young people coming out of the bathroom barefoot wearing silk bathrobes, the slender and beautiful body wrapped in the close-fitting nightgowns.

Water droplets fell from his hair and slowly sank into his neck. Although the face of the young man on the opposite side had been steamed by the heat, it still didn't bring much rosiness, but the ruby-like eyes seemed to be a little brighter than before, with a breathtaking feeling.

Huangfu Yu felt that he must be crazy, because that face still kept a clear and cold look. But for some reason, he just felt that the other person's current appearance was very seductive, and even made his heart beat a little irregularly.

Huangfu Yu, who has never known what a heartbeat is for several years, feels that after meeting the person opposite, there will always be something in his body that he cannot suppress. So, is this the charm of belonging to the blood race?

But then Huangfu Yu thought of the female vampire who deliberately seduced him today, as well as the other vampires he had seen in the manor before, and quickly denied his thoughts.

Because he didn't feel anything when he saw them, even the female blood who wanted to seduce him, he just felt disgusted.

Only this person in front of him, every move is a scenery in his heart. Even if he didn't do anything, just standing in front of him, it seemed that he could easily arouse the deepest desire hidden in his heart.

Naturally, Mu Jin didn't miss the surprise that flashed in Huangfu Yu's eyes, and happily twitched the corner of her lower lip. It's just that the arc was

too small to be noticed by the man whose thoughts were in chaos.

Mu Jin logically threw the bath towel in his hand to the man opposite, then sat on the edge of the bed and raised one leg. Glancing at the man beside him, he said as a matter of course, "Dry my hair for me."

The man swallowed his saliva when he heard the words, and did not refute Mu Jin's words, and gently wiped the young man's short hair with a bath towel. Obviously, it was the first time to serve people like this, but Huangfu Yu felt that he had done this kind of thing thousands of times.

His movements are very skilled, even like an instinct. After he gently wiped off the water droplets on the hair of the person opposite him, thinking of the tiredness on Mu Jin's face before he entered the bathroom, he even started massaging Mu Jin's scalp without a teacher.

As in countless worlds, the strength of the man's fingers is moderate. Mu Jin closed her eyes unconsciously, and hummed a few times comfortably, feeling a little comfortable in her heart. It's just that after he made the sound, Huangfu Yu suddenly came back to his senses, and suddenly withdrew his hand.

His body was agitated just because the other party leaked a few voices, Huangfu Yu felt ashamed and annoyed, and didn't dare to touch Mu Jin for a while.

The comfortable massage suddenly stopped, and Mu Jin felt a little aggrieved. But when you turn your head and see the annoyed look on your lover's face, you can understand the other's mood.

She raised her eyebrows, and didn't let Huangfu Yu continue to massage herself. Mu Jin patted the soft big bed lightly, and said to the man, "Come up, take off your clothes."

Hearing Mu Jin's words, Huangfu Yu was stunned and didn't react for a while. Although he once thought about whether he would encounter such a situation, the man still felt a little dazed when such a situation actually happened.

He swallowed, gritted his teeth watching Mu Jin who had no expression on his face, and quickly took off his clothes. Since you want to achieve your goal, you can't have hypocritical thoughts.

For the hatred in his heart, he would not hesitate to sell his soul to the devil. What's more, the person in front of him is much better than the devil.

Huangfu Yu was thinking like this, but after he gritted his teeth and took off all his clothes, he found that the person in front of him was looking at him with a smile, with bright jokes in his eyes.

Looking at the blushing man who was completely undressed in front of him and pretended to be calm, Mu Jin knew that Huangfu Yu would be mistaken. It's just that he doesn't kindly remind the other party, he just thinks that his lover in this life is really interesting.

Seeing Huangfu Yu standing blankly in front of her without moving for a long time, worried that he would become angry, Mu Jin finally had to kindly remind the other party: "There should be pajamas that you can wear in the cabinet over there. Put it on, and then come and lie down."

Huangfu Yu was stunned when he heard Mu Jin's words, thinking why he had to put on clothes when he was doing certain things.

But of course he wouldn't object to Mu Jin's words, he hurriedly opened his closet, didn't look carefully at the clothes inside, just took out the very obvious black nightgown hanging on the left side, and put it on himself . Then he walked to the other side of the bed with some stiffness, and lay down on the other side of the bed.

Mu Jin looked at Huangfu Yu, who was as stiff as a wooden stake, and wanted to laugh out loud, but considering the character design of this world and his lover's current mood, he decided to be kind and not laugh out loud. It's just that from an angle that Huangfu Yu couldn't see, he showed a big


With a snap of his fingers, Mu Jin turned off the lights in the room, and the curtains were automatically closed.

The room was suddenly pitch black, and Huangfu Yu was so nervous that there was a rustling sound from beside him. In this quiet darkness, it seemed that all sounds and perceptions were infinitely amplified, and then he felt a cool body approaching him.

Huangfu Yu didn't move, but closed his eyes nervously. Until the person next to him hooked his neck, and the whole person was snuggled into his arms, Huangfu Yu still didn't respond in a daze. Until he heard the person next to him whisper to him: "Hold me."

Huangfu Yu hugged Mu Jin subconsciously. Basically, at the moment the other party issued an order, his body reacted instinctively. It's like being trained countless times.

Afterwards, he quickly adjusted his posture, making him nestle comfortably in his arms. At the moment when he hugged Mu Jin, the man only felt that the body in his arms was so comfortable. Even though his body temperature was a little cold, it gave him a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before, as if his soul had been filled.

In the darkness, Mu Jin's soft eyebrows unconsciously appeared because he finally lay in his lover's arms. He just felt that the exhaustion of the whole day had finally gone away from him. He raised his hand and touched the other person's cheek, and said happily, "You are so warm. Human body temperature is different."

Said Wan Mujin rubbed against Huangfu Yu's arms, and soon fell into a sweet dream.

Huangfu Yu heard that the breathing of the person in his arms gradually stabilized, but he didn't react for a while. Everything I expected didn't happen, the other party really just let me hold him, and then fell asleep in my arms like this.

Is it because the person in your arms doesn't know what to do?

This idea was quickly vetoed by Huangfu Yu as soon as it came out. The life of the blood race is so long, how could the person in his arms not know the world.

So this little guy doesn't really mean anything else when he wants to be in the same room with himself, but he just wants a warm pillow?

Thinking that this might be the real reason, Huangfu Yu inexplicably wanted to laugh. Even though he knew the age of the person in his arms and he didn't know how old he was, but looking at that baby face, he still couldn't combine him with his age.

I just feel that Mu Jin is like a child, who finds a warm pillow that suits his heart and hugs him like this, a little indescribably cute.

In the calm night, Huangfu Yu seemed to finally be able to calmly think about what happened in the past few days. He just felt that the direction of the matter seemed too unreal, completely different from what he had imagined in his heart.

However, I have to say that this is changing in a good direction, and this is already the best result I can get. He doesn't hate the blood clan, nor does he hate the Mokawi family. Even at this moment, the man is full of gratitude to Mu Jin who is willing to provide convenience for him.

The author has something to say: Xie Xie thinks at night, say, casual mines~~ Xie Xie misses Lin Muzi's grenade~~

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