chapter 70

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   Although the wound on her body still hurt a little, but seeing her lover's peaceful sleeping face, Mu Jin couldn't help but reach out and kiss the other's dry lips, feeling distressed for a while.

He naturally knows the man's hard work these past few days, and he can only be thankful that the time flow in the system is not too fast, otherwise, wouldn't his lover have to suffer a lot more. After this experience, I will definitely be more careful.

Mu Jin has known for a long time that every time he goes to a world, once his lover is sure that he is in love with him, then he will become his weakness. Neither of them can let go of each other, and even occasionally lose their minds for each other.

But he is still fortunate, because they love each other so much and are willing to give everything for the other person, so they will also become each other's armor.

Mu Jin never regrets following her lover into these dangerous worlds, and believes that with the current relationship between them, if it were her, her lover would definitely be willing to do nothing for her.

In the next few days, Mu Jin's injury quickly recovered, which made the doctors around him marvel that it was a miracle. The victims thought that Mu Jin was a good man with good rewards, because he saved many people, so even the gods appeared.

Hearing that these disaster victims knelt near the post station and prayed to heaven for themselves after learning of their accident, Mu Jin was also a little moved, feeling that he had not worked so hard to save these people's lives in vain.

However, although his injury healed quickly, Wen Renhong basically never left him. The man moved all the official documents that needed to be read to his and Mu Jin's room, and usually took care of Mu Jin while processing the official documents sent up from below.

As for the inspection work, Wen Renhong handed it over to someone he trusted. Even discussing with the officials below about disaster relief every day, the men do it in the next room, and all visiting officials are required to speak softly so as not to disturb Mu Jin's rest.

Now, everyone knows that this doctor Mu is the one whom the prince puts on top of his heart. If you offend the prince, it's still easy to say. If you offend Dr. Mu, you will definitely be unable to eat and walk around.

Although Mu Jin persuaded the other party many times, he didn't want Wen Renhong to delay his official duties because of himself. But the man really couldn't let Mu Jin stay here alone.

He is always afraid that he will see something he doesn't want to see when he comes back after going out. Only when he sees his sweetheart all the time can Wen Renhong feel at ease.

It was getting dark again, and the medicine boy outside had already prepared the decoction that Mu Jin needed to take. Seeing the dark concoction in the bowl, Mu Jin's eyes were full of resistance. He really didn't like the bitter taste of these drugs, but whenever he saw the worry in the man's eyes, he had to drink it.

Mu Jin stretched out his hand to take the medicine bowl, but who knew that the medicine bowl turned around and reached Wen Renhong's mouth.

The man saw Mu Jin's entanglement, and a smile flashed in his eyes. In fact, he didn't expect that his little dark guard would be afraid of taking a bowl of bitter medicine even if he wasn't afraid of being injured in a martial arts competition.

After pouring the medicinal juice into his mouth, Wen Renhong leaned forward and kissed Mu Jin as usual, and just fed the medicine to him like this. Obviously it was just taking medicine, but Mu Jin blushed because of the man's lingering gesture.

I am obviously much better, and sometimes I can even get out of bed and walk a little. The main thing is to eat lightly. Although Wen Renhong forcibly feeds him and doesn't let him do it, at least it is still a normal way of feeding.

Only this medicine feeding, my man seems to be addicted to it, ten minutes love this way, every time it makes people's hearts tremble, it really makes people blush and heartbeat.

After finally drinking the medicine, Mu Jin raised his head, and said to Wen Renhong with some embarrassment: "Master, this subordinate is already healed, you can drink the medicine by yourself, you don't need to feed me like this again. "

Who knew that after listening to his own words, the man came up and kissed Mu Jin's lips again, and then gently hugged him in his arms. While rubbing hands with him, he whispered in the young man's ear: "Xiao Jin, be good."

This kind of prevarication again, choking on words like coaxing a child from her lover, Mu Jin knew that no matter what she said, the other party would not listen. I found that since I woke up, although I was almost spoiled by Wen Renhong, my lover has become more domineering than before.

Especially for these things that are close to him, he spares no effort. Even if he occasionally expresses euphemistically that he can not do this, he will never allow himself to resist.

The two got bored for a while, and Mu Jin persuaded Wen Renhong to deal with those official documents. After all, there are many things that need to be busy, and those official documents pile up like a mountain every day.

He knew that his lover always sneaked up to deal with official duties after he fell asleep, and felt very distressed. He thought that he might as well urge him to let him deal with it earlier so that he could have a good rest with him.

But he didn't know that the man beside him had been holding back for a long time, wishing to swallow him in his stomach every second, so he could only use such an intimate way to calm the fire in his heart a little.

Wen Renhong just looked at the cute little guy in front of him, since Mu Jin woke up these days, he couldn't help getting close to him. If it wasn't for worrying about Mu Jin's injuries, maybe he couldn't help but do something to him.

He didn't want to waste time with the other party, but seeing the worry in Mu Jin's eyes, Wen Renhong felt both sweet and distressed in his heart. I had no choice but to lean over and kiss Mu Jin's forehead, grab his hands and play with them in my own, coaxing softly: "Then Xiao Jin will accompany me to read the official documents?

" After the incident, did the lover suddenly become a clingy person?

Mu Jin wanted to help his forehead helplessly in his heart, but he nodded obediently on the surface, and then he found out that he had such a view of accompanying him to read the official documents.

Forced to sit in the arms of her lover, Mu Jin looked at the man speechlessly with her arms around her and was busy with the business in front of her. While looking at the official documents, she would feed herself a little snack from time to time.

Knowing that Mu Jin is still recovering from his injuries, these snacks are mainly digestible and nourishing. He didn't dare to let Mu Jin eat too much, so he divided them into very small pieces, and Wen Renhong fed them to Mu Jin bit by bit.

And every time after feeding, the man would come up to kiss himself, or touch his head. What is this sense of immediacy that seems to be a small animal in captivity?

Mu Jin's eyebrows twitched, feeling a little speechless. It's just that the young man's heart can't help but turn into a puddle of water when he sees his lover bowing his head and subconsciously kissing himself every time he reads a document or two.

What is there to be dissatisfied with the feeling of being loved on the tip of my heart?

In this way, the official affairs were quickly handled with Mu Jin's company, and after the work was done, Wen Renhong took Mu Jin back to the bed to rest. Of course, he didn't forget to help Mu Jin change the medicine on the wound before that.

Seeing Mu Jin's wound recovering better and better, the man felt relieved a lot. It's just that Wen Renhong still couldn't help feeling distressed every time he touched the scar that was still healing.

After the wrapped cloth was replaced with a brand new one to cover the wound, the man lightly kissed it and hugged Mu Jin quietly, watching his sweetheart slowly fall asleep.

With Wen Renhong's careful care and 003's assistance, Mu Jin's health has almost recovered after a few days. At this time, the disaster situation after the flood in the south of the Yangtze River was also managed by Wen Renhong in an orderly manner, and everything was recovering.

Because of Wen Renhong's drastic measures and vigorous measures, the people here have received real help, so the people here are very grateful to this loyal king, and even Mu Jin has become a local famous person.

It is widely rumored that Dr. Mu, who has excellent medical skills, is Wen Renhong's confidante, the prince's true love in his heart. The two have been married for a long time, but because Mu Jin is not a brother who is not good at marrying into the royal family, the two did not get married, but in fact they are an extremely loving couple.

003 was naturally aware of this matter in Mu Jin, but how could Wen Renhong, as the owner of the Yin Pavilion, not be aware of these gossips.

But the man was not only not angry when he heard such rumors outside, but also very happy. I thought happily in my heart, the villagers here really have vision. Aren't I and Xiao Jin an extremely well-matched and loving couple? When Xiao Jin marries me in the future, I will be his husband.

When he thought that he would marry Mu Jin in the future, and the two of them would spend their whole lives together, Wen Renhong's heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he felt extremely happy.

After the flood in the south of the Yangtze River was cured, Wen Renhong didn't intend to delay the trip any longer. After all, no matter how the environment here was, it was definitely not as good as the capital city, so he prepared the carriage.

Because he was worried about Mu Jin's injury, the man spread several layers of blankets in the carriage, which was quite comfortable, and then he sat in the carriage with Mu Jin and headed towards the capital.

Along the way, the speed of their carriage was not fast. Wen Renhong still insisted on making Mu Jin drink some nourishing decoction. Although he didn't like the taste of the concoction, he also knew that these medicines were indeed good for the body. Moreover, Mu Jin didn't reject the other party's kindness because her lover cared about her like that.

However, Mu Jin always felt that Wen Renhong didn't seem to be interested in drinking.

At the beginning, it was okay to just feed the medicine, but later the man even made an excuse that the medicine tasted bitter, and after feeding him the medicine, it would be better to let him drink some honey tea. As for how to drink the honey tea, it is naturally the same way, making Mu Jin both helpless and hot.

And as Mu Jin's wound healed, he found that his lover looked at him with obvious scorching heat. Having lived together for several lifetimes, he naturally knew what the other party's gaze meant.

Mu Jin also doesn't want to reject his lover, he has always been happy to do intimate things with his beloved. However, it seems that Wen Renhong cares more about his injuries than himself, so he has endured it until now.

Looking at the man who has been taking good care of her, Mu Jin's eyes softened.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Wen Renhong who was about to get up after feeding the medicine, and said to him with a blushing face, "Master, do you really not want your subordinates to serve you?" She looked a little embarrassed and breathed disorderly for a moment, but felt helpless in her heart. I wondered if my eyes were too revealing, so that the little guy next to me noticed.

So he sighed, and said to Mu Jin: "No need, your injury is not fully healed yet. But Xiao Jin should not call me master in the future."

Mu Jin looked at Wen Renhong in a daze, and asked Said: "Then, what does this subordinate call you?" The

man leaned up and hugged Mu Jin in his arms, and said to him extremely intimately: "Then Xiao Jin, you can think for yourself. In short, I will not do it in the future. Your master."

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to say some sweet words, but he didn't expect that the face of the person who was pregnant would change instantly as soon as his own words fell. At this moment, the usually calm young man was pale, clenched his fists, and said to himself with red eyes: "Please don't abandon me, master!"

Wen Renhong didn't expect that the person in his arms would be wrong. Before he passed out, he confessed to himself. And in the interaction between the two of them these days, the man always thought that Mu Jin had understood his intentions.

But seeing the appearance of the person in front of him, it seemed that the other party didn't understand what he was thinking at all. Wen Renhong showed a helpless expression on his face, and then said to Mu Jin: "Did Xiao Jin forget? What did you say to me before you fell into a coma?"

The people beside him were stunned when they heard his words I was stunned, a flash of panic flashed in my eyes, and after a while, I said to Wen Renhong in a muffled voice: "Subordinate, this subordinate always thought that those words were just my confused thoughts when I was in a coma, but I didn't expect to really say them. Immediately, the

tone of the young man in front of him suddenly became anxious, and he defended himself: "Master, this subordinate made a slip of the tongue for a while, please don't blame the master. Subordinate, this subordinate will never dare again!"

"Don't dare to do anything?" The man narrowed his eyes dangerously when he heard Mu Jin's words. Pinch Mu Jin's chin and force him to look directly into his eyes.

When the young man heard Wen Renhong's words, his face became paler and he opened his mouth. Finally, he lowered his eyes sadly, and said to Wen Renhong: "I don't dare to dream about it anymore, I must be the master's secret agent honestly." Wei, do things for the master."

Hearing Mu Jin's words, the man almost laughed at him. It's just that the person in his arms has always been so dull to feelings, what can he do with him, who made himself fall in love with such a person.

He lowered his head and bit Mu Jin's cheek as punishment, leaving a shallow tooth mark. Then the man leaned over and kissed Mu Jin with some distress, and said to Mu Jin, "I don't want to be your master anymore, I want to be your husband. Xiao Jin, call your husband to listen." Listen to my

man Mu Jin secretly laughed at the shameless words. On the surface, he looked shocked and looked at Wen Renhong stupidly, as if he couldn't believe the words he heard were true.

Until Wen Renhong repeated it twice, urging Mu Jin to answer. The young man came back to his senses as if waking up from a dream, his eyes were tangled for a long time before he said to himself: "But master, this is against the rules." "Rules are made by

man, don't you want to stay by my side?" Wen Renhong looked at the face, but Mu Jin's eyes became more and more profound, which made Mu Jin, who wanted to play for a while, a little bit overwhelmed. In the end, he took a deep breath, nodded, and softly called Wen Renhong: "Husband."

Hearing that his beloved finally said the title he had been thinking about, the man couldn't control it for a while, and lowered his head. He kissed Mu Jin's lips fiercely. A kiss was gentle and lingering, although a bit domineering, but it was obviously with the love of his lover.

It took a long time before the two separated again. In Wen Renhong's eyes, there was obvious joy and a kind of satisfaction that finally got his wish.

Since this incident, the relationship between the two has become more and more intimate. Talking about love along the way can be said to be extremely sweet. The originally boring journey seemed like a honeymoon trip. When they arrived in the capital, Mu Jin still felt how time passed so quickly.

That night, when Mu Jin returned to the palace, seeing that Wen Renhong was not in the room for the time being, he stretched fiercely. Sure enough, it is still the most comfortable in your own home. Although the carriage was well furnished by his lover, he still missed the big soft bed. Now, I should take a good rest.

Just after returning to the capital, the emperor Wen Renda had deliberately asked someone to inform the palace in order to express his thoughtfulness, saying that after Wen Renhong came back, he would send someone to the palace to order something.

The emperor allowed him to come back to court on the fifth night, saying that he was tired from the journey, and the job was really hard, so he was given five days to rest. What made Mu Jin feel a little strange was that Wen Renhong, who used to surround her every day and refused to leave, suddenly became busy after returning.

In the past two days, a lot of news came back from the Yin Pavilion, but the man seemed to avoid him, and he didn't deal with it in front of his face, but came back after finishing his daily work outside.

Mu Jin's injury has not fully recovered, and his martial arts are not as strong as the famous people. Even if he wanted to follow, he was powerless, but seeing the other party so mysterious made him feel a little worried.

Another night, Wen Renhong returned to the room and carefully changed Mu Jin's wound medicine, but after finishing, he suddenly raised his head and kissed Mu Jin's lips. Even though her lover's actions were extremely gentle, the seriousness and determination in the man's eyes made Mu Jin realize something else.

He knew that he had always had a keen sixth sense for his lover, so after the kiss was over, he couldn't stop asking Wen Renhong: "Master, what happened?"

"It's nothing." The man Wen Yan shook his head, put his chin on the top of Mu Jin's head, rubbed his hair, and said softly: "Xiao Jin, don't worry, I will not let you suffer in vain these days. "

Hearing Wen Renhong's words, Mu Jin frowned, feeling a little vigilant in his heart, and hurriedly called 003 in the sea of ​​consciousness, asking him to check the situation of the Yin Pavilion and the capital recently.

As expected, Wen Renhong had already made such a calculation with the people below. As early as when Mu Jin was injured, Wen Renhong already had the idea of ​​killing the king. Now Yin Pavilion has decided to mobilize all the forces, and is ready to secretly raid the imperial city tomorrow night.

When Mu Jin heard 003's report, his pupils shrank suddenly. He quickly held Wen Renhong's hand, and asked him in a serious tone, "Master, what have you done?

" Emotionally excited, he couldn't help but smile, he just felt that his little dark guard was really sensitive in terms of emotions. However, there were some things he had to do, so he softly stroked Mu Jin's cheek, and whispered to him: "Xiao Jin, do you want to be the queen of Chiyue Kingdom?" Mu Jin heard Wen Renhong's

words Said, opened his mouth in surprise, but

quickly shook his head vigorously at the man, and said, "Master, are you going to attack the emperor?" Mu Jin nodded. Wen Renhong didn't care about Mu Jin's nervousness, instead he said with a light smile, "As long as Xiao Jin is ready, she will obediently be my queen, okay?

" With a tone as if the entire Chiyue Kingdom was a fish pond in his backyard, Mu Jin had the urge to vomit blood. But speaking of myself, this is also a disagreement. I was suddenly slapped by my man's domineering president. I blinked and threw out something else, but there was still a little sweetness in my heart.

But looking at the current situation, the lover did this entirely to vent his anger. After all, Wen Renda obviously couldn't live for two or three months. Obviously, as long as he waited quietly, he could become the regent and control the entire government.

Moreover, if the overall main line is destroyed so early, even the protagonist may be killed by the butterfly is not a good thing, and it will be troublesome if the world consciousness is annoyed too much.

Thinking of this, Mu Jin cheered himself up, tried his best to get rid of the beauty of the man in front of him, and said to him righteously: "No, master, you can't do this.

" Shun, I don't want you to bear the reputation of seeking to usurp the throne and murdering your brother because of this! Besides, the current emperor has been deeply poisoned, and I'm afraid he won't live long. Master, you must think twice!"

Who knew Wen Renhong's attitude was different Very resolutely, she replied to Mu Jin: "I've already made up my mind. If it wasn't for him, how could you have been injured so badly. He hurt you, and I will definitely make him return ten times and a hundred times."

Said At this point, scarlet flashed in the man's eyes. Seeing the other party's appearance, Mu Jin couldn't help being stunned. He knew that he was very important to his lover, but he didn't expect that the other party had reached the point of madness.

Knowing how to appease her man is the quickest, without hesitation, Mu Jin raised her head and kissed Wen Renhong's lips directly. Sure enough, the man was just stunned for a moment, and then turned his back on the customer. He would never waste this kind of blessing from heaven.

After a long time, trying to satisfy Wen Renhong, Mu Jin took a deep breath and said to his lover: "Master, I beg you. If it is because of my subordinates that you should be blamed, The subordinates will never feel at ease in this life. I will never forgive myself!"

Looking fixedly at Mu Jin in front of him, even if his sweetheart explained something, Wen Renhong still couldn't figure out why the other party would be so resolute against this. One thing, it is clear that he has a great chance of winning.

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