chapter 1 ↬ tyrant x state teacher

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The sky was overcast, and the inside and outside of the imperial city of Xiling Kingdom was shrouded in a depressive atmosphere.

The emperor's most beloved second prince died, only fourteen years old.

Since then, of the five sons of Mo Yeliang, Emperor Wen of Xiling, only the third prince, Mo Jing, and the fifth prince, Mo Dun, remain.

In less than a year, the three princes died of illness one after another.

There are rumors in the entire Xiling, this is the punishment from the heavens, which makes the originally prosperous sons of the royal family become so withered.

In the capital, Goulan Washing House is closed. It had been a long time since the sound of silk and bamboo wind music was heard, and there was no more noisy noise in the restaurant.

The civilians on the street gathered together in twos and threes, whispering, guessing who the next prince God would take away was.

It's just that the powerful officials in the court think that the next successor to the great line will be born from these two princes if there is no accident.

Everyone knows that the third prince, Mo Jing, was born by a female slave of a foreign race, and his blood is low.

However, the mother of the fifth prince's birth mother, Concubine De, lived in the highly respected Marquis of Anping, and the final winner was probably none other than the fifth prince, Mo Dun.

The ding dong of the bell attracted people's attention.

A car that was so simple that it only had a frame and cloth was slowly moving towards the gate of the imperial city.

It is not an ordinary horse that pulls the cart, but an old scalper.

There is a huge copper bell hanging around the old cow's neck. The sound of the bell is not clear, and even has a heavy feeling.

People don't recognize the car, but they know what the pattern embroidered on the streamer behind the car represents.

Knowing that the person sitting in this car must be Master Chongming, the national teacher of Xiling.

It's just that I don't know why, my lord would choose to take such a weird car today to enter the palace to meet the saint.

I hope that with the presence of the National Teacher, I can think of a way to make God take back the punishment and not condemn Xiling.

Seeing that the ox cart entered the gate of the imperial city without hindrance, the people on the street looked away only after the gate was completely closed.

The crude car entered the palace gate and creaked as it moved forward.

The curtain of the car was lifted, revealing a small figure.

The slender young man sat on the edge of the bullock cart lightly, making the old man behind him startled.

Hastily stretched out half of his body to protect him carefully, and whispered to the young man: "Shangxian, be careful! This car is too simple, let the boy exchange a car for you someday!" If you let others listen to

you You will surely drop your jaw.

Unexpectedly, the national teacher who has always been aloof would call himself a kid in front of a child.

But who knew, the boy waved his hand indifferently. He chuckled lightly and said, "No need, what should I do if my old Huang

can't pull it if I change to another heavy car!"

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