chapter 178 ↬ primitive society

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   After leaving the previous plane, Mu Jin returned to the system space and decided to take a short rest. Although the last small world was built by Qiansha for the purpose of setting up a situation, Qianchen did not let that world go after they left. destroy.

After all, the reciprocating creatures in the small world can be regarded as real, but he used a little trick to create the illusion that the small world exploded, hoping to confuse Qiansha to a certain extent.

At that time, Qiansha thought that Qianchen was seriously injured, so he would continue to think of ways to attack him.

Ying was taken away by Qianchen and protected, but Mu Jin didn't see Ying, and didn't have any opinion on what Qianchen did. The movie of the last small world has never regained its memory. As their subordinate and friend, Shi Haoyu gave Mu Jin a good impression.

Reminiscent of Huangfu Jian and Mao Kun in the small world in the past, Mu Jin knew that a person must be affected by the spirit, so he later felt that maybe Ying was not a bad person in nature, and he was also loyal to his partner. Mu Jin felt that he could also understand why Qian Chen liked him.

But all of this has nothing to do with him, his primary goal now is to help Qianchen take down Qiansha. After a few more small worlds, the connection between Qiongqi and Ying can be completely severed.

After Qiansha was taken down, Qianchen also promised to use his own power to make up for Qiongqi's soul.

Of course, in fact, Qianchen intends to give Mu Jin more benefits, and he is unwilling to owe Mu Jin a favor.

Although now my lover has the strength to leave this small world, but if the soul is incomplete and poor and returns to the present world, he will definitely feel pain from time to time.

If Qianchen is willing to help, it will obviously have a much better effect than his own spirit of nourishing Qiongqi with Qi. It is even more imperative for Mu Jin to accept Qian Chen's proposal.

No matter whether Ying will enter these small worlds or not, Qian Chen said that he will use the energy of Ying to create such an illusion. He left some of his own aura on Mu Jin to confuse Qian Sha, and took Mu Jin as a target.

It is obviously dangerous to do so, but Mu Jin feels that if the goal can be achieved, it is worth taking such a risk.

Qian Chen reminded Mu Jin that the following planes might be manipulated by Qian Sha. After the small world is disturbed, the risk factor will be higher than before, and he will try his best to provide Mu Jin with the greatest help.

Mu Jin is very satisfied with Qian Chen's attitude, since he has made a decision, he will not regret it. And Mu Jin felt that it was undoubtedly a good thing for Qian Chen to owe him such a big favor.

In the system space, Mu Jin and Teng Gen discussed again before entering the next small world with 003.

Opening his eyes again, he saw a dense forest, and he was surrounded by towering trees. For the wooden brocade whose body is a plant, it is undoubtedly very comfortable in such an environment.

The ground under his feet is very soft, and it seems to be rich in nutrients. The sunlight is not strong, and the humidity in the jungle is still a bit sufficient, which is really suitable for the growth of plants.

Mu Jin even has the urge to become a real body and take root in the ground, to have a good time. Fortunately, he still remembered that he was here to do business, so naturally he couldn't let go, wasting time here.

But although there are no traces of people around now, Mu Jin still feels the breath of beasts peeping at him around him. Obviously, it is not a good opportunity to relax and accept the plot of this small world.

So Mu Jin pretended to be relaxed, feeling the dangerous breath coming from the trees behind him, and was slowly approaching him. Then Mu Jin's figure flashed to the right, and a boa constrictor suddenly poked its head out. Lai had already been peeping at himself, treating himself as his meal for today.

Mu Jin raised his eyebrows, seeing the boa constrictor hovering on the branch, opening its mouth wide open to him, ready to go.

However, Mu Jin didn't feel the slightest sense of tension in his heart, because he could feel the very strong power contained in his current body. It seemed that the original owner's physical fitness should be very good.

Coupled with Mu Jin's own fighting skills, it shouldn't be a difficult task to subdue this python, but before he could make a move, he felt the approach of a stranger, and this breath was still there. Very familiar.

Mu Jin put down the hand that was about to be raised in an instant, and as expected, when the python attacked him again, a stone knife flew out from behind his ear, and deeply embedded in the python's flesh.

It's a pity that the position of the stone knife was not cut on the seven inches of the boa constrictor, so although the boa constrictor fell from the branch in pain and twisted wildly, it was not killed by one blow.

A tall figure rushed out from the bushes, his speed was very fast, at least completely beyond the speed of ordinary people. Wielding a simple stone hammer tied to wood with stones in his hand, he smashed it towards the python's head.

Plasma splattered in an instant, and the scene was once very bloody.

Mu Jin stared blankly at her man, the hero who saved the beauty. Logically speaking, it should have been a handsome and unrestrained image, but perhaps it was matched with the opponent's naked upper body, the rough animal skin around the waist, and the heroic gesture of wielding a stone hammer. The action made Mu Jin speechless for a while.

In his spare time, Mu Jin sighed a few words: My lover's body is still in good shape in this life, nothing to say.

This height must be more than two meters. But this way, no matter how you look at it, you look like a savage.

But before Mu Jin finished complaining, 003's laughter came from the sea of ​​consciousness, and he said to himself: "Xiao Jin, you'd better look down at your own attire before you say that others are savages." Mu Jin

listened When it came to 003, he blinked his eyes and lowered his head to look at the large piece of animal skin around his body.

Well, a wild man himself.

However, Mu Jin still felt that he was better than men, at least his animal skin was a whole piece, and it was strung together by vines, like a simple dress.

It's just that the inside of this animal skin skirt is completely hollow, and Mu Jin feels a little uncomfortable when the wind blows through it.

But now that he is like this, Mu Jin can't help but scan his lover's lower body. Sure enough, along with the man's rough movements, somewhere with sufficient weight was looming.

If it was another time, Mu Jin might still want to whistle and make fun of it. But now facing this great hero who saved his life, Mu Jin still feels that he should behave well and try to make a good impression on his lover.

The man opposite stopped the stone hammer in his hand when the boa constrictor's head had been smashed to pieces, and he couldn't die anymore, and turned his head to look at Mu Jin.

It was only then that Mu Jin understood the appearance of his own man, with bronzed skin and knotted muscles, he looked very sturdy. The profound facial features like a knife and ax chisel, matched with the amber pupils I am familiar with, are wild and sexy.

But this height is really taller than in the small world in the past. Mu Jin just asked 003 and found that he is not short in this life.

Perhaps it was because the height of human beings in this small world is generally relatively tall, but in this life, I finally surpassed 1.8 meters. Of course, it is not enough to compare the giant height of a man.

Looking at the clothes of himself and his lover, Mu Jin guessed that this should be a plane of primitive society. But he is very thankful that his man somehow shortened his hair. It may have been cut with a sharp stone knife, and it doesn't have any nice hairstyles, but at least it looks neat.

There are many large and small scars on the man's body, which should be left when he hunted and faced beasts in the forest. It seems that life in primitive society is still very difficult. Thinking of this, Mu Jin couldn't help feeling a little distressed when she looked at her lover.

It's just that Wupper, who has no expression on his face at the moment, is actually very nervous in his heart.

He was chasing a wild deer just now, but he disappeared after running here, and then he came here, wanting to catch some other prey.

As a result, as soon as he arrived here, he saw a short man standing here and was almost attacked by the giant python. Seeing the man being attacked, Upper felt a sudden palpitation. Without even thinking about it, he struck out and quickly killed the giant python.

But when he turned his head and saw the man's face, Upper was stunned.

It was the first time in his life that he saw such a good-looking person, even more beautiful than the most beautiful woman in their tribe.

This person's skin is very white, as white as snow in a cold day. Although the animal skin on his body was a little messy, his face was clean.

A head of long black hair was tied casually behind his head, a small bridge of nose, and big cat pupils. At this moment, when he looked at himself, he still tilted his head slightly, which was indescribably cute.

Then the man saw the upturned lips on both sides of the man open, and thanked him softly: "Thank you for saving me."

Wupper only felt that his heart was beating very fast at this moment, and he didn't hear clearly at all. What exactly was Jin talking about, but he instinctively felt that this person's voice was really nice. Crisp and sweet, even better than the cuckoo birds in the woods in the warm season.

"What's your name?" Wupper heard himself ask.

"I'm Mu Jin, what's your name?" Seeing the man staring at her, Mu Jin frowned.

"I'm Wupper, where are you from?" Wupper asked more urgently.

While talking, he observed Mu Jin's condition, and found that the man's face was clean, but his body was in a bit of a mess.

And Mu Jin had just come to this world, and hadn't had time to receive the memory of the original owner and the plot of the small world, and couldn't answer the questions from his lover for a while.

Mu Jin's hesitation immediately misunderstood Wu Po. The man only thought that Mu Jin must have had an accident with the tribe and was a wandering person alone. Otherwise, how could he appear in the depths of the forest like this.

In this era, the number of small tribes is still very small. Once encountering natural disasters or herd attacks, it is very common to destroy their homes. So the man saw that Mu Jin didn't answer, and didn't continue to ask, but felt a little happy in his heart.

This man has no tribe, he is alone, and he saved him.

Wu Po turned around on Mu Jin's body while thinking about his gaze. This person is so good-looking, he felt sincerely.

This person is so good-looking, he wants this person to be his partner!

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