"I have witnesses" I hesitated and looked around at everyone.

But everyone just lowered their head.

Of course they didn't want to get involved. Cameron just laughed at me.

"Right. Now let's share this"

But I wasn't going to let him take my money. The money I earned working hard, working over time, working seven days a week.

"Give that here" I said through gritted teeth and tried to take the money from his hand.

"You, bitch!" He yelled and caught my wrist.

He gripped my wirst so hard that I was worried it would crack. My body wasn't strong.

This will definitely bruise.

"Hey, enough" Isaac said and pushed him back, "Give her the money"

Cameron gave him a dirty look, but Isaac insisted.

"You want to fuck her too?" Cameron glared at him.

"No, I'm just not being an asshole. Now give her the money or I'll tell Mr.John and you know he will believe me"

Cameron gave me a disgusted look, as if he wanted to spit at me and threw the money at me.

Isaac helped me pick it up from the ground and then gave me an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry that you have to deal with this asshole"

"It's fine. I have no choice anyway"

"You went through a lot today, do you want me to drive you home? You must be tired"

"No, but thank you for the offer" I politely smiled at him.

There was no hesitation in my voice. I didn't want anyone from work near our home. I didn't want them in my personal life outside of work.

"Are you sure? It's pretty late"  He insisted with a worried look.

"Yes, I'm sure. Thank you, though"

He looked a little disappointed, but he let it go and we said goodbye.


"Do you have to work this weekend too? Do you like working so much?" He whined.

My poor Kai has no clue I hate working. I wish I could be with him everyday so he would never be lonely.

But it's better that way.

"Yes, my coworkers need some help and I can't say no to them" I lied. I was working more because I needed the money.

"I've been thinking of getting a job"

Not again.

"Why? Don't you like it here?" I asked trying to seem calm, but inside I was panicked.

"I do, but I get lonely when you're not here"

"Kai", I scooted closer to him and then got on his lap, "You can work if you want" I started, "But our schedules might not match and we might never see each other around the house and when we do we will probably be too tired, so be ready for that"

"I will make sure they match"

I sighed.

"What is it really, Hanon? Why don't you want me to work?"

"I'm worried"

"What are you so worried about?" He asked and cupped my face.

How do I even explain this to him without it sounding weird?

"I'm worried that you will be treated badly. Not every boss is good. I'm also worried about your father"

He sighed, "You're right"

"Now, how about we go take a nap?" I suggested taking his big hand in mine. He nodded with a small smile playing on his lips.



"Yes, a nap"

We both stared at each other and I sighed when I realized, "You don't know what that is, do you?"

He gave me an embarrassed look and lowered his head, "I've heard you say it before but.." He trailed off.

It was devastating to see him be embarrassed of something that wasn't even his fault. It was even sadder to know that he was fourteen and didn't know what a nap was, but I forced a smile to make him feel better.

"It's when you sleep for a short time during the day" I explained and touched his forearm soothingly.

He nodded and smiled, "Okay, let's take a nap then"

I sat on the couch and opened my  arms wide, "Come here" I told him with a smile.

He was very hesitant. He wasn't used to anyone being close to him, but he was fine when I was close to him.

"Oh, sorry. I'll take the other couch" I apologized and was about to stand up.


I stopped and sat back down.

"Let's cuddle" He murmured. 

It was so strange to hear him say that and I couldn't hold back my chuckle.

"What?" He asked with a flushed face, "You said it meant hugging" He mumbled.

"Yes, you're right. Let's cuddle"

He sat down next to me and hugged my waist, hiding his face in my neck.

Soon after, we got comfortable and fell asleep.

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