Chapter 62: Reasons

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35 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

My fingers move over the keyboard, typing out the email I've been putting off for so long.

But it's time. The baby would be here in a month or less and I wanted to be able to fully devote myself to it.

I press send, not letting myself give it a second thought. It's done.

I'm officially no longer on the board of any charities.

I worried they would suffer, until I heard they decided to make Jenna the executive assistant. With how well she took over for me in my absence, it was only fitting for the board to promote her to a real position. She did amazingly at keeping everything on track then and I knew I could rest easy as long as she was involved.

Someday.. When things have settled down I plan on being involved again. But until then, I'm focusing on giving my little girl all the attention I have to offer.

I only want the best for her.

I sigh, setting my elbows on the counter and resting my head in my hands.

I want the best for her.

That involves so many things. But only one sticks out in my mind.


My phone dings and I glance over at it laying on the counter next to me.

One New Text Message

I swear, it's as if he can read my mind. As if he knows I was thinking about him right then.

I snatch my phone up, unlocking it so I can read the message.

~ #18... I still need to convince you bananas are delicious. x

A small smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. He could spend forever trying and I'm never going to like the mushy things.

But I think that's the point.

I scroll up, finding the first text he sent me over a week ago. The day after he showed up at the apartment.

~ I know you're trying to convince yourself not to be with me. Think it's only fair you view the situation from both aspects. So in the spirit of fairness, here's a few reasons we should be together....

~ #1 I'm in love with you.

~ #2 I will always be in love with you.

~ #3 How am I supposed to take care of you if you're not with me?

~ #4 There's a baby bout to be born. One that we made.. together. One that we should raise.. together.

~ #5 I like looking at you. I think the feeling's mutual?

The list goes on and on. He's sent at least two reasons a day since then, sometimes three. Whenever one popped into his head, I would relieve a text shortly thereafter.

Some are sweet, some funny, some just outright silly. But one thing I can't deny is that they're all true. My eyes scan over the rest, as they have so many times the past week.

~ #6 My family adores you.

~ #7 I adore you.

~ #8 We're happier together then apart. Don't even try denying this one. xx

~ #9 The good times far outweigh the bad.

~ #10 You get my jokes. Even the giraffe one. :)

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