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"What's your name?" Harry whispered to the beautiful black snake, taking special care to keep his voice down so Uncle Vernon and the other Dursley's couldn't hear him.

"I don't have one yet," It whispered, to Harry it sounded like a boy's voice. "what's yours?" It asked.

"My name is Harry." Harry whispered. "My full name is Harry Potter."

"Why are you speaking so quietly?" The snake asked in a confused voice.

"Because I will get in trouble if I be too loud." Harry answered. "My uncle will get angry if I make too much noise."

"Oh...should I be quiet too?" It asked.

"Yes, please." Harry nodded, glad that the snake was understanding him. "How did you get here?" Harry asked.

"I don't remember," The snake admitted. "I just remember being moved and waking up here."

"But your a baby, aren't you? How come you already know how to talk?" A confused Harry asked.

"I don't know." The snake replied, sounding equally confused. "I just do." It said, before briefly shaking its head. "I'm hungry." It said to Harry.

"Oh?" Harry frowned. "I don't have any food here," Harry said quietly. "if you want something to eat then we'll have to wait for later. Then I can sneak into the kitchen and get some food for you."

"Sneak? Do you sneak a lot?"

"Little bit." Harry shrugged. "Now shush, you've got to stay quiet." Harry whispered, he was glad when the snake nodded as if to say 'okay, I will'. It brought a smile to his face, having someone that would listen to him, even if it was a snake.

The next day was a school day, meaning Harry had to go to school. Luckily he was able to hide his new snake friend from the Dursleys, he couldn't imagine what they would do if they found him. Actually scratch that, he could, they would more than likely end up killing it and then end up punishing him. Though when Harry went to school he had to take the snake with him, he obviously was not going to leave it at home where it could get found by Aunt Petunia.

The Dursley's avoided Harry's cupboard for the most part, unless they wanted to throw Harry in or pull him out of it, but they also stored other stuff in there so it was possible for them to go in occasionally to take something out. The last thing Harry wanted was to come home to find a dead snake on his bed. Harry's new little friend was smart enough to hide under Harry's uniform, usually he wrapped himself around Harry's right arm but he would sometimes move.

Like in the car when Dudley sat on Harry's right, the snake moved itself from Harry's right arm to his left. Feeling the snake crawl up his own body was a funny feeling, and a weird one but Harry managed to hold back any reactions, or at least limit them so they were not easily detectable.

During his school break Harry went to the library, to look up information on snakes, like what they would eat. Harry learnt that while a lot of snakes had venom, other snakes killed their prey by wrapping around them and squeezing until they died. Harry had heard before that some big snakes could eat cows and deer but he thought they would just rip it up into pieces, but apparently snakes can open their mouths really wide so they could swallow big things, but they don't chew on their food or eat it like people do, snakes preferred to eat their food in one go. While reading Harry couldn't help but wonder how big his own snake would get. Though, that would only be if he could keep it. The snake would probably leave him eventually, why would he stay in a cupboard with him when he could be free?

A week later and Harry was pleasantly surprised to still have his snake friend with him, the two had also settled in a name for him. One day Harry had simply decided on 'Jet', Harry had heard a teacher say 'jet black' and got the idea from that, it was a simple name but Harry liked it and his snake like it so it didn't really matter.

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