Chapter 30

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Time passed and Sarah left the room a few minutes to go to eat something. She tried to persuade me into joining her but after a few seconds she gave up and went alone. I just hope that they won't come inside my room and try to force me to eat something. If so, good luck.

Like predicted, a young woman soon came inside after knocking on the door, a tray with food and something to drink in her hands.

"Hey, I heard that you didn't join our dinner so I brought it up into your room as I was sure that you were overwhelmed and didn't want to join the others."
I looked at her and blinked my eyes before turning my attention back to the wall.

She tried to get me to eat for over an hour and didn't even stop when Sarah was in the room again. I felt a bit sorry for her as she probably had to do that all day with different people but I couldn't bring myself to eat. Not without her.

I missed her so much.

The worker gave up after almost two hours and left me alone.

After that, I continued to stare at the wall, not moving while thinking about Ana. When Sarah was asleep, I moved for the first time in hours. I got up and opened the suitcase. I wanted to know what Ana had packed inside of it and I hoped for a surprise or something.

When I opened it, the first thing I found was the hoodie she wore last night. It made me smile a bit as I loved the way she remembered the small details.

Underneath, I found a sketchbook that I never saw before with a few pencils.

Sitting down on the back and leaning against the headboard, I opened the sketchbook. I had no idea what I expected but it certainly wasn't a letter.

Dear Titus,

There are so many things that I want to tell you but there is not enough time to do that. I could spend the rest of my life telling you how much you mean to me and how much I love you, and it still wouldn't be long enough to say it all. You are everything I need in my life, and so much more, wrapped up in a cute boy with the most beautiful shade of green in your eyes.

Whether it's your smile or the emotionless facade that you wear too much, I love it all. The good and the bad, it doesn't matter. Other people have no idea what I am talking about as they have no idea how I am understanding you. To be honest, I don't even know how I do but I do. You make me feel wanted and you showed me that life didn't consist of books and more books.

You showed me your hidden side, the one you always claim to be broken but you're wrong. That part of you just needs time to recover but I am always there for you. It doesn't matter if I am not with you, I will always be in your heart. I told you a bunch of times that I love you but there is something that I never said before. My heart is yours so I hope that you take care of it while you are not with me because I left it with you.

I love you to the moon and back, and more and I hope that you are okay. Never forget my love for you.

<3 Anastasia

PS. The sketchbook is there for you to use it. I am open to adopt a few of these pages once you did something with them so feel free to use it anytime ;)

I read it a few times before hugging it to my chest, closing my eyes for a moment. Then, I put it under my pillow and hugged the hoodie to my chest. Picking up the sketchbook, I started to draw.

If she wanted to have a few drawings of mine, she would get them. I would fill the whole book so that she would be able to fill a whole wall with them if she wanted to.


It was about a week later and I still refused to sleep. I ate only enough to stay alive but I knew that I already lost a few pounds. They were at their end and I knew it wouldn't take long for them to call my guardians for advice.

The only thing I did was fill the sketchbook with drawings. I already finished a dozen of them for her.

They were all different but had the same message. They all said 'I love you' somehow, sometimes with symbols and sometimes with other details

But as soon as a worker opened the door and came in, I stopped working and closed the sketchbook immediately as I didn't want them to see my drawings. They were meant to be seen by Ana first.

The only person who was able to see me drawing was my roommate but she never was allowed to see my artworks either.

I knew that they had cameras everywhere and probably knew what I did through the day but I wouldn't give in and talk to them.

The therapist joined me in the room a few times as well when Sarah wasn't there but she wasn't successful. She tried a couple of things that didn't change a thing about me. I never answered her even though she spent an hour or two here and I knew that she was starting to run out of ideas to get me to talk or answer non-verbally.

POV Anastasia

It was a week later and I still didn't get any information about Titus. I had no idea if that meant that he was getting better or that he was silent while they tried a bunch of methods. I assume it was the second one to be honest.

I spent the last 7 days at my house with his pillow and blanket. It helped me to sleep faster due to the fact that I was used to being around his smell at night.

At the moment, I was at Titus' house because I wanted to visit David and Andrea. Knowing that they would've told me the news, I wasn't there for that. I just missed having them around so I decided to spend the day there, talking a bit and maybe steal another piece of clothing from Titus.

We were currently eating some Pizza that was made by Andrea while talking. It was weird without the silence of Titus and it also made me sad. I missed him so much and I wanted to see him as soon as possible. I hope that they'll let me see him in the near future.

Suddenly, the phone began to ring which made us all look up. Andrea went to the phone and started to have a conversation.

It didn't take long to figure out that it was the place Titus was staying at. And it wasn't hard to realize that they probably had the problem that he wouldn't eat.

I knew that he would do that, maybe to show them that they have no control of him, maybe to get them to call us for help. Either way, he won.

"There is actually a way to get him to eat. It may sound weird but when Anastasia, his girlfriend, is telling him to eat, he will eat more than he would without her. It only works when she is with him but technically, it is possible."

I instantly looked up and listened to the conversation more than I did before.

Andrea soon explained everything and told us to get ready. They wanted to see if I would be able to get him to eat.




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