Chapter 13

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We were all sitting on the couch, watching a movie. It was tradition for them to watch a movie every Sunday and I didn't want to stop her from doing that. I was sitting on the end of the couch so that I was as far away as possible from her parents. Ana was next to me, holding my hand while stroking it with her thumb.

I was still tired because of the years of sleepless nights. I knew that it would take some time for me to get a normal rhythm and I also knew that this so-called rhythm was only possible if Ana was sleeping next to me. A part of me wanted to use my time with her to sleep but the other part was still wary about her parents.

She seemed to notice my conflict without me telling her because she used her right hand to my chin to move my head. While doing that, she motioned for me to come closer which meant that she didn't mind me laying on top of her. It was the most comfortable position because I felt her body all the time and I could hug her while she was able to massage my scalp which helped a lot too. It made me sleepy and relaxed me even more than just laying on her.

I was hesitant to change our position but she encouraged me by squeezing my hand. Following her request, I laid down with my head on her stomach and my hands hugging her waist. My eyes closed on their own accord, knowing that I was able to catch up on some missed sleep.

Her hands started to massage my scalp as predicted while I felt myself getting sleepier. It didn't take long for me to give in to the darkness.

POV Anastasia

I continued to watch the movie with my parents while Titus slept. My parents were sneaking glances during the movie, trying to be inconspicuous.

"You can voice your thoughts. I know that you have questions."

I looked at my parents while saying that and saw their eyes widen slightly before they looked me in the eyes and nodded their heads simultaneously.

"How is it possible that he is so close to you after a few days?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not really knowing an answer for it. It was something I thought about too

"I have no idea. Maybe it is because I helped him on my first day or maybe because I was worried when he stopped to visit school. I guess I broke into his privacy which seems to be negative in the first place but my head told me to do it anyways and here we are. I never gave up even after he pushed me away. I stayed and I think that was the main reason for that. No other student tried to be nice to him. They all just stared at him while I tried to talk to him, not knowing that he wouldn't answer due to the fact that he isn't talking at all."

I was interrupted by Titus who began to move around. His pullover started to ride up to his right arm until the scars on his wrist were visible. The bandages fell off overnight after he scratched them so his wrist was bare.

I heard a gasp from my left and looked up to see my mother holding a hand in front of her mouth. I knew why she reacted like that and I immediately felt my eyes water. I tried to ignore his scars as best as I could but it wasn't always possible. I just wanted them to disappear, I wanted the bad things from his past to vanish and I wanted him to be happy. These scars showed what he did to himself, but to me, it also meant that he was in pain and in search for any kind of relief..

Nobody said a word in the next few minutes. The movie was over but no one made a move to stand up or say anything.

My eyes were still watery and I was about to break down. He deserved so much better. I had to stay strong for him because I was the only reason he was here today. Nobody knew all the details about the time I found him on the roof. They know bits and pieces but I was there, I saw his pain.

My parents gave us some privacy, realizing that I was overwhelmed with the situation. They knew that their reaction caused me to start crying and they wanted to avoid making it worse. I didn't blame them though. They were shocked but that was understandable when you thought about it.

Hugging him tighter to my body, I let the tears fall and found comfort in his hold. I hoped to not wake him up through my shaking but he was a light sleeper, meaning that it was very unlikely for him to not wake up. Titus started to move and opened his eyes after a moment. Looking around, he sat up and observed the room for a moment until his eyes found me. His expression immediately changed and he used his thumb to wipe away my tears. He looked nervous and scared and I knew what he wanted to ask.

'What is wrong?'

'Why are you crying?'

Things like that. He continued to wipe my tears while stroking my cheeks with his fingers which calmed me down a little bit. I leaned into his touch and laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

It felt good to have someone who could calm you down when needed, someone who cared about you. I knew that my parents would try to help me too but it was not the same.


I looked up, not recognizing the voice. It took me a while to realize that it was Titus but when I did, my mouth started to open and my eyes widened in amazement. He just talked. He used his voice after years and I am the one he spoke to. Titus even said my name after being mute for years.

I must have looked like an idiot with my facial expression but he didn't seem to care. He just smiled.

"You just talked! Oh my god, you said something and I am the first one to hear your voice even if you have only known me for a few weeks. I can't believe it.", were the words that came out of my mouth.

I continued to stare at him, probably much longer than I intended. It was a big step for him to talk, even if he only said one word because that meant that he would talk more often in the future. At least that was my opinion about that topic.

He nodded his head before bringing his hands to my waist, pulling me on his lap. Then, he hugged me to his chest and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment. It felt good to be in his arms. His body was warm and he smelled fantastic. His arms were comforting and his presence was calming. I hugged him tighter, wanting to stop the moment while my legs wrapped around his waist so that I was clinging to him like a koala.

A/N: Btw I promise that this story really is already just needs editing and that is the only reason I am not uploading all chapters at the same time



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