Chapter 12

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POV Martin

Andrea and David were really nice. Since we all weren't sleepy because of the last hour, we were chatting with each other. They told us about their son and mentioned a few times that Anastasia helped him a lot. From convincing him to eat, being able to bandage his wounds to calming him down if needed. They seemed to have a bond nobody except them understood.

"The most surprising thing is how she is able to get him to sleep. We tried a lot of things to help him but nothing worked. She is just there and he ends up sleeping soundly as long as we don't intervene. I bet that he is sleeping right now, probably clutching her hand or something to know that she is with him. He always did that when I checked up on them at night"

I was curious and amazed at the same time. I couldn't believe that my daughter was able to affect him this much. I also wanted to know what Andrea meant with his sleeping pattern while he was with her. It may sound weird and a little bit creepy but I had to see for myself.

I wanted to support her by helping him as much as I could and I was pretty sure that my wife had the same opinion but she was still my daughter. And he was a boy.

I won't be as hard as I'd be on any other boy because I know the circumstances. Knowing that he was doing that in search of comfort and not because he was a teenage boy was calming.


It was sometime later and they had left to sleep for a few hours. We were heading to bed too, just checking up on the kids. It wasn't just curiosity that made us do it. We also wanted to know if they were both okay.

I opened the door slowly, making sure not to be too loud. Looking inside, I found Anastasia sleeping on her back while he was sleeping on his side, facing her. They weren't touching much, just holding hands which surprised me.

I thought that she would hug him to her chest like she always did when someone she cared about felt bad.

Titus started to move around in his sleep, looking as if he had a nightmare. His movements were getting more and more until he suddenly woke up. He looked around frantically and calmed down after some seconds. Maybe he thought that someone was here, which was in fact true.

To our advantage, we were hidden in the shadows due to the light in the room so he wasn't able to see us.

He sat up and leaned against the headboard. His fingers were twitching and he soon started to scratch his bandages harshly, not stopping until Anastasia started to move around. It seemed as if she could feel his pain. Her eyes opened and she looked around, searching for him. When she realized what he was doing, she immediately used her hands to stop him. She took both of his hands and interlaced them. His hands were still twitching, trying to continue the scratching but his gaze was fixed on her. It was as if he was in a trance where he had no control over himself. Anastasia seemed to take control to protect him from himself.

Titus relaxed and let his hands fall on his lap, still connected to her hands.

"How about we go back to sleep? I'll be there the whole time and nobody will hurt you ever again, okay?"
His answer wasn't verbal but he nodded his head. I just hoped that this boy was somehow able to overcome his past.

She laid down again and motioned for him to come closer. He obliged, laying down so that his head was laying on her stomach. Her right hand wandered to his hair, her fingers brushing through it which seemed to calm him down even more. His eyes closed and they both started to fall asleep again in each other's arms, content and hopefully without nightmares.

A/N: Get ready for at least three more chapters :)

Do you own any squishmallows? If so, which one and what did u name it?


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