Chapter 5

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When he came out of the bathroom, he looked a little bit better than before. His hair was still a tangly mess but his wrists weren't as bloody and he looked more like a human than before.

He sat down on the bed, not saying anything.

Firstly, I wanted to bandage his wrists. To do that, I used a first aid kit and started to clean his wrists with alcohol. After that, I bandaged them and made sure to be careful in order not to hurt him more than I had to.

He flinched the whole time but didn't stop me which made me proud of him. He was trying to let me help which meant a lot to me. It meant more than he could imagine.

His hair was still wet and it seemed like he didn't even use a towel to dry it.

I stood up and walked into the bathroom, getting intoxicated by the smell of his shower gel on the way. It smelled heavenly and I could literally bathe in that scent but I had better things to do right now.

Picking up one of his towels, I walked back into the room and went up to him. He only looked at me as if asking me what I wanted to do so I started to talk.

"Your hair's still wet so I wanted to dry it with a towel. You can do that by yourself too but I just wanted to make you as comfortable as possible. At least, I prefer to dry my hair to ensure that I won't drench my pillows when I want to lie down."

He only nodded his head but didn't move his hand to pick up the towel from my hands. Using that as an invitation, I slowly started to dry his hair. At first, he flinched when I touched his hair but after some time, he got used to the feeling and even started to relax.

Then, I used my hands to detangle his hair and to my surprise, it was very soft and easy to brush through. When I was happy with the outcome, I hung the towel up and sat the bowl of soup on his lap. He looked down for a moment but then averted his attention to something else.

I knew that he had to eat something, so I picked up the spoon and brought it to his mouth. He hesitated for a moment but then opened his mouth and ate the soup. I did that until he shook his head, probably full because of starvation.

After that, I put the bowl on the desk and gave him a glass of water. He drank it after I gave him my cute puppy eyes. They always worked when I wanted someone to do something for me.

I sat down on the bed again with the books that we were both reading last week and patted the seat next to me. He sat down similar to me with his head leaning against the headboard and we both started to continue our books.

I was getting tired after some time which ended up with me falling asleep.

A/N: Sorry for not updating for such a long time... I had a lot on my plate plus my mom got covid, meaning that I couldn't use her computer (with the file of this story)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it ,)


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