Chapter 19

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POV Anastasia

A few days had gone by and my fever went away. I was still feeling a little bit tired but other than that, I was okay again. Titus never left my side during my sickness and I was thankful for that. He didn't care when I vomited or just wanted to lay in bed all day. He even tried to eat for my sake so that I wouldn't have to convince him - he knew that I needed that energy to get better instead of using it to scold him all the time. I knew that it was hard for himm, it was basically written in bold letters on his face.

We were currently in the treehouse in my garden that I almost forgot about. Due to the fact that I spent the last weeks with Titus, I never used it before. Now we used it as a place to read side by side, almost like I'd imagined it a few weeks back. The only difference was the fact that he was by my side.
If you would have told me that I would be sitting here with a boy, totally comfortable to tell him my deepest secrets, I would've hit your head before asking you if you were drunk or high. I never imagined forming a bond this strong in that short amount of time.

I tried to concentrate on my book again, not succeeding. My attention was on Titus as he silently read his - my book. We did that a lot, just reading next to each other for hours on end. We never needed to communicate to understand each other. It was almost as if we could read each other's minds.

"What are you thinking about, Ana?"

It was his voice that brought me back to the real world. I looked up and saw him staring at me with a raised eyebrow, patiently waiting for an answer.

I answered, "Nothing. I am just thinking about the last few weeks, the process we made together, and our relationship. I think I never told you but I like you. I like you a lot."

The smile that broke out on his face made me smile as well. His smile was contagious and I couldn't stop smiling as well.

I laid my book down and moved over until I was sitting directly beside him. I closed his book as well and laid one leg on his lap while turning to my side so that I was facing him. My hands wandered to his neck and stroked the baby hairs at the nape of his neck while I stared into his eyes. I was lost in them. His green eyes were like a never-ending forest. It was beautiful and you couldn't look away. They held so many mysteries that no one knew. Secrets that haunted him every day.

I leaned in and soon found my lips on his, kissing him softly. I never kissed a boy before and never imagined it to be that good. His lips were soft against mine, our lips moving in perfect harmony. They tasted as I imagined it. They tasted like him. We were lost in each other's gazes as his hands somehow ended up being on my waist while I was gripping his hair with my fingers, tugging him to be as near as possible.
When our lips parted, we stared at each other for an unknown timespan, just looking at each other. His hands wandered to my tights, lifting me up only to set me on his lap. My hands released his hair and just hung over his shoulders, hugging him to my chest. I felt content and happy and I could stay here forever. Everything was perfect.

I laid my head on his chest so that I was still able to look at him. His eyes were watching me closely while he hugged me, caging me in his hold.

The emotions I felt at the moment were indescribable. But there were a few things that I knew for sure: One, I knew that this kiss changed our relationship a lot. Second, I couldn't imagine living a life without him anymore. And third, I loved him. I loved him for who he was and how he was in my presence. I loved everything about him, his scars and every 'bad' thing included.

I wasn't ready to say that out loud yet but I knew that I would say it one day, hoping that he would love me too in the future.

We spent the rest of the day, reading and sharing a few more kisses, both liking them. I even think that he loved them more than I did because he couldn't stop asking for more kisses. It reminded me a little bit of a cute puppy, always trying to get attention. It was adorable.


A little short but the next chapter will follow in a few minutes so don't worry

Do you prefer to read Happy or Sad ends more? (me: definitely happy :)


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