Chapter 25

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POV Anastasia

I woke up to some noises around me. It was weird because these noises weren't familiar. Opening my eyes, I needed a minute to adjust to the brightness of the room. After a moment, I was able to look around and found myself in a hospital room. Everything came back and I remembered what happened.

Instantly looking at Titus, I made sure that he was alright. He still wasn't awake which made me pout a bit. I knew that his body was trying to heal itself and that he would wake up sooner or later, but I was still sad that he wasn't conscious.

My hand reached up and stroked his cheek. It was something that he usually loved. I knew it because he would lean in while closing his eyes. Sometimes, he even would put his hand over mine to make sure that I wouldn't stop.

These memories made me smile a bit.

Both of his arms were bandaged which I was grateful for. I didn't want to see the scars at the moment because they would take me back to yesterday and I didn't want to think about it too much.

The door opened and a nurse came in, smiling when she saw me awake. I smiled back as I didn't want to be unfriendly. She then started to check his vitals and wrote a few things down before turning to me.

"Could you please let go of him for a moment so that I can change his bandages? I have to redo them so that his wounds won't get infected."

I only nodded my head before letting go of his hand. I kissed the back of his hand before backing away a few steps.

She did her job while I checked my phone. I had a few messages from my parents, telling me that they would visit in the evening and would bring me some clothes as they knew that I wouldn't leave his side.

I send them a short message before watching a few stories on instagram to distract myself. When she was finished, I looked up again. She was already looking at me and gave me another smile.

"I am pretty sure that he knows that you're here. You probably didn't notice this but his heartbeat picked up a little bit when you let go of his hand as if he didn't want you to leave. It sometimes happens that people in a coma are able to realize when someone they really care about is in the room. Some say that they were able to hear snippets of conversations and such so I guess it would help if you visit him as much as possible."

She was very sweet but it kind of annoyed me that she was in the same room. I know that it was her job to do that but why was she talking with me? I was not in the state to have a conversation right now because I just want to hold Titus.

On the other hand, she was only trying to explain things that I have no idea about. And she gave me a few tips that could theoretically help Titus to wake up sooner.

I only nodded my head, not in the mood to answer. Soon after that, she left the room and left me alone with him.

Looking at him again, I just wanted to cuddle with him. I had no idea if it was allowed to do that but I did it anyway. Grabbing the blanket that he was covered with, I pulled it down and climbed in next to Titus. It was a little bit small but I managed to squeeze myself into the space that I had. Pulling the blanket over us again, I made myself comfortable and laid my head on his chest.

I made sure that his arms weren't squeezed to death and laid one of them around me so that we were both comfortable. Listening to his heartbeat, I calmed down and closed my eyes to rest them for a bit. I was still exhausted as I hadn't slept very well in the chairs and due to the shock that I had the night before.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep to the beat of his heart while breathing in his scent.


I woke up a few hours later when I heard some rustling around me. Squinting my eyes due to the light, I snuggled deeper into Titus' chest, trying to shield myself from it. I knew that someone was in the room and I was pretty sure that it wasn't a nurse because they would have been closer.

After a moment of listening to the noises in the room, I opened my eyes to look around. I was right. His parents were in the room, sitting in the corner on two chairs. By their feet, there was a bag with what I presume to be clothes for the both of us.

I kissed his cheek before carefully sitting up, making sure not to move his arms too much. Andrea and David both looked up when they heard me move around. I gave them a small smile while sitting up properly to make myself more comfortable. I wonder why they haven't kicked me out by now. I mean I was sleeping in the same bed as their patient which means that they had to make a detour to reach everything they needed.

Maybe I wasn't sleeping for a long time and no nurse came inside while I was asleep. Or they were very kind and let me sleep next to him, knowing that it was calming me down.

"Good evening, Anastasia. Did you rest well?"

I looked up again and stared into Andrea's eyes while answering.

"It was alright. Better than sleeping on the chair."

She nodded her head before turning her attention to David to give me some privacy. I turned around again to look at Titus. His eyes were obviously still closed but he looked peaceful. I don't know how he felt but I won't spend even a second thinking about it because otherwise I won't be able to calm down again.

Stroking his cheek, I spent my time watching him silently. I had no idea what to do but I knew that I wouldn't leave his side so I didn't move.

Not long after that, a nurse came inside to check up on his vitals. She didn't say anything about me sitting on the bed so I decided to ask if it was okay. I knew that I'd probably do it anyway overnight but I would sit on the chair in the mornings so that they would have easier access.

"Is it okay that I am right next to him?"

My voice was only a whisper as I didn't want to talk too loud in front of Titus.

"It is completely fine, sweetie. It can possibly even help him to wake up sooner if he feels your contact and if we need you to stand up so that we are able to reach his arm or something, we'll tell you. Also, you don't have to whisper. It won't change anything other than the fact that he could hear you which could lead to him responding. It also helps his mind to stay calm during the coma."

Smiling, I nodded my head before turning my attention back to Titus. I had no idea how long I could survive without him. Seeing him like that broke my heart. He was fighting for his life and I could do nothing except talk to him which I didn't really think would help.

A/N What do you say about the story at the moment?


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