Chapter 28

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POV Nurse

I was stunned by the way they interacted. Even after hours, I still couldn't believe it. I wasn't able to read his face at all but she seemed as if she was normally talking to him by the answer she gave me.

I was currently in the hallway that led to some of the hospital rooms. I still couldn't believe the way that boy reacted towards her. When I talked to him, he was stiff and didn't answer at all. But as soon as she spoke to him, he reacted. Like I said, I still couldn't read him but I knew that by the way they were really looking at each other that they were having a silent conversation.

Also, I noticed that his tenseness left when his focus was on her. She was like a magnet that pulled his attention to her and held him so that he wouldn't fall apart.

We only had one problem. When he was healed it was obvious that they would put them into a mental institution. In normal cases, it would help the patients to recover. In this specific case, I was pretty sure that he wouldn't get better there. It wasn't allowed for them to have visitors which meant that he wouldn't be able to see her. What I saw made me realize that he's depending on her. She is the one that helped more than any therapist could.

His parents told me that they tried a lot to get him to talk. And they also said that his behavior changed as soon as he got to know her. The way they described it was weird but she really seemed to be the best option for him in order to get better.

It was clear that I had to do something. It was inevitable but he had to go to the institution. I just hope that I will be able to convince them that she was what he needed in order to heal. I will do everything in my power so that she can visit him or something.

POV Anastasia

It was a few days later and he was not far away from being released. That was good but we had one problem. We knew that he would have to go to a mental asylum because of his attempt to commit suicide and I also know that they probably won't be able to get through him. I was still the only person who got him to eat enough food to gain a little bit of weight so that he could get back to normal.

Since he woke up, he was quieter and more closed off than before. He stopped talking to others at all and only said a few words to me, mostly cuddling me to his chest as if to make sure that I was still there and wouldn't leave his side.

His nurse already told me while he was asleep that she'd try to do something about the problem that we have. She also said that it wasn't hard to notice how much he trusted me, meaning that his condition would probably get worse during his stay in the mental institution if no one was allowed to visit him.

Currently, we were both lying on his bed, side by side in each other's arms as we watched some tv. Or rather I watched tv and he drew something. It made me happy to see him in his element because he seemed to be happier while being occupied with pens and a piece of paper in his hands.

It was his last day in the hospital which meant that he would start to live there very soon. I didn't want him to leave. It may sound bad but I knew that something would go wrong. And I was afraid that he wouldn't feel safe there. I knew about everything that happened in his past and nobody else did, which meant that something could trigger him and they wouldn't be able to figure it out, meaning that the number of panic attacks would go up.

We tried talking to the worker of the asylum that they had chosen for him but they said that they wanted to try the normal way at first because that was the first step of a new patient in their facility.

I couldn't do anything against it and it broke my heart.


A few hours later we were at his house. He was scheduled to arrive there the next morning, which was the best we could get. They wanted him to get there today but we convinced them that we wouldn't leave him alone for even a minute until tomorrow and they agreed.

I was starting to pack his suitcase for the time that he would spend there. He was sitting on the bed and watched me quietly while I did so. It was hard for me not to break down in front of him because of the bad feeling in my stomach, but I had to be strong for Titus. I couldn't show him my emotions at the moment because then he'd lose it and freak out.

I'd rather spend some more quality time with him before tomorrow.

"Which hoodie do you like more? The blue one or the black one?" I asked, turning around to face him. He only shrugged his shoulders, not saying anything.

I hung them back into his closet before walking up to him, sitting down on his lap.

"I know that you don't want to go there but there is no other choice, okay? It will get better after a few days and I am sure that they will allow me to visit you in a few weeks. They just want you to get used to the routine there without many interruptions and they think that it'll help you."

"But you're the only one who is not an interruption."

That sentence almost broke my heart apart.

I just hugged him to my chest and scratched his scalp. His head was lying on my shoulder, his face towards my neck as he hugged me back. With his nose buried in my neck, his body started shaking as he started to sob. Titus tried to keep it in but failed which was better, to be honest. I didn't want him to bury his feelings inside until he breaks apart. I wanted him to let it all out.

It didn't take him long to fall asleep against me, a bit exhausted due to the fact that he worried about going to the asylum. I removed his arms around my waist and laid him down, covering him with a blanket. I gave him the pillow I've always slept on so that he would sleep even when I wasn't in the bed with him.

Packing the rest of his stuff, I changed into another hoodie that he had in his closet and put the one I wore until now in his suitcase.

Sitting at his desk, I wrote a few words on a piece of paper and put that paper in a new sketchbook that I'd asked my parents to get for me.

Putting all of that inside, I closed the suitcase and pushed it into the hallway so that he wouldn't look at it the whole time.

Walking up to the bed, I laid down next to him after putting my hair in a messy bun. Titus instantly moved closer to me which caused me to smile. He was too adorable for his own good and this would be the last night we'd spend together in a bed.

Removing the pillow from his grasp, I placed myself in his embrace instead and snuggled into him, enjoying every minute. Titus turned around so that he was lying with his head on my chest and hugged me tighter to himself, continuing to sleep.

I was soon getting tired as well and started to doze off in his arms.

A/N: I am only now starting to realize how many times a chapter ends with someone falling asleep hehe


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