Chapter 18

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I was awake the whole night and rubbed her back as she snuggled into me. Her head was under my chin and her hands grabbed my shirt which forced me to stay where I was. One of her legs was draped over my waist while the other lined up with mine.

Her body was still warmer than usual and she was still tired which was normal considering that she was sick.

It didn't take long for her to wake up, rushing into the bathroom again. I already predicted that she would throw up again so it was no surprise for me. I ran after her to do the same as yesterday.

After that, I carried her back to bed and sat her down against the headboard.

"You need to eat something," said Ana after a while.

"I will. Do you want anything?"

I knew that she didn't want to eat but maybe I was wrong. Moreover, it could be that she wanted to drink something other than water.

"No, just more water, please."

I nodded my head before heading downstairs. I had to eat something, not only for me but for her. She would worry too much otherwise and that was not a good idea while she was ill.

Downstairs, l got her more water and also brought a bottle for me. I also prepared some cereal for myself. To be honest, I didn't want to eat but it wasn't as bad as it was when she met me. I could probably eat a bit without her encouraging words by now which was impossible a few weeks back. So I made some progress I guess.

She was still leaning against the headboard where I entered the room and sat down next to her. I gave her a bottle which she eagerly took, trying to open the cap. When she wasn't successful, she gave me a small pout, silently asking me to open the bottle. I did exactly that and ate my cereal after I gave her the opened bottle.

It took a while for me to finish but I did it. When I finished my bowl, she was leaning against my torso with her eyes l closed.

Her body was trying to heal itself which made her sleepy. I never left her side, not caring if I would get sick because that would be worth it. It felt good to be able to help for once. She did so much for me and I wanted to give her something back, even if it was caring for her during her sickness.

Not that I would have had a chance to leave. Her grip on my arm was too tight and the fabric of my shirt was also gripped in her tiny fists.

I felt a bit like a teddy bear because she held onto me just like a kid held onto their stuffed animal. It was cute.


Ana was asleep with her head on my lap while I was reading a book. It was a book that I had from Ana because we had a similar taste in books and we both had books that the other person never read before.

I heard a knock at the door which made me look up from the page. The door opened and Ana's parents entered the room followed by Andrea and David.

"Hey Titus, is Anastasia feeling a little bit better than last night? Andrea called us to let us know that she came down with a fever and wasn't feeling good."

I shrugged my shoulders, not feeling comfortable talking. It was okay to say a few words last night but I didn't want to do it right now. I think it had something to do with the fact that I needed help last night and was able to overcome my fear only because I knew that Ana was feeling bad.

Her parents came forward and her mum immediately rubbed Ana's back. Ana started to move a bit and opened her eyes, scrunching her face while she got used to the light. The light wasn't bright but still a bit annoying when you just woke up.

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