Chapter 1

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It wasn't pleasant to get ready the next morning. I should have slept a few more hours instead of reading into the night.

After a lot of yawning and getting ready, I made my way to my motorcycle. I just loved to feel the air while driving on the streets. My dad always took me with him when I was a child and since then that was our thing. We sometimes even took trips together.

They gifted me my own motorcycle when I had my 17th birthday, seven months ago.

I put on my helmet before making my way to school. It wasn't hard to find my high school and before I knew it, I reached my destination. I felt some people staring at me, probably because I had a motorcycle and was new but I ignored it. I didn't want to interact with them so I just walked inside and picked out my timetable.

Making my way to my first class after studying my timetable for a moment, I was a little anxious to walk inside the classroom. It wasn't that bad but I didn't know the teachers so I couldn't be too sure.

After two classes, I started to recognize some faces. I found a girl called Blair who was friendly and told me that I could sit with her group at lunch but other than that, nobody really tried to talk to me. I only heard some people talking about my motorcycle and some were staring at me because they have never seen me before.

At lunch, I walked with Blair to her table and sat down, quietly telling her friends my name. For some reason, I wasn't very fond of her friends. The boys were too arrogant in my opinion and the girls were mostly bitchy. I guess I will spend lunch alone outside while reading in the future.

I looked around and found myself staring at a boy who was sitting alone at a table in one of the corners. He wore a dark blue hoodie and was reading a book, the hood of the hoodie over his dark brown hair. I only saw his side profile but I still saw the dark shadows under his eyes. He seemed to be very tired and I felt sorry for him. For some reason, I wanted to help him but I had no idea how I could do that.

The bell rang, indicating that lunch was over. I walked to my history class, one of my favorite subjects, and sat down. I waited for the class to start while unpacking my things. The teacher talked a little bit and told me to introduce myself in a few sentences before telling us that we had to work on a group project for the next three weeks. I hated group projects for a passion.

"I'll give each group a famous person and you will make a presentation about that person, telling the rest of the students the most important facts about their life, including the impact that they still have at the moment."

He started to divide us into pairs of two. It took a while until he said my name.

"Anastasia Smith and Titus O'Connell. You'll be searching for information about George Washington."

I looked around, trying to find my partner, and saw the boy in the blue hoodie already staring at me. I guess I just found a way to get to know him.

I gave him a small smile before turning around again and waiting for the teacher to finish telling the rest of the students what they were supposed to do and who they had to work with.

"Now that everyone has a partner, you can use the rest of this class to talk to your partners and to plan when you will meet. You can also start to discuss what you want to add to your presentations, if you want to do that"

I packed my things together before standing up and walking to the empty seat next to him.


He looked up for a second before laying his head on his arms again. Now that I was right next to him, he looked even more exhausted than he did at lunch. Poor boy.

Instead of closing his eyes, his eyes stayed on me as if calculating if I would do something or be some kind of danger towards him.

Something was definitely wrong with him. It was not normal to react like that.

I looked at the clock and saw that we had 20 more minutes until the end of this class.

"You can use the rest of this class to sleep if you want to."

He shook his head, refusing to close his eyes for more than a second.

Was it normal that he didn't speak or was I the problem?

I looked at my teacher and saw him already looking at us. He looked sad as if he knew more about Titus and it looked like he hoped for a miracle to happen.

"You really should sleep. You look like you are about to pass out!"

He shook his head again which made me frown.

I gave up after a few minutes and just relaxed the rest of the lesson, thinking about ways to get him to talk to me if he was able to do that.

I stood up after the bell rang, walking up to the teacher.

"Mr. Masen. I just wanted to know if you had any idea why Titus isn't talking to me."

He looked at me with sad eyes before answering.

"He can talk but he doesn't talk to anyone, including his parents. I can't tell you why because I am not allowed to tell you that and even if I could do that legally and knew the exact details, it wouldn't be my place to tell you that. I thought that he might start to like you. Please try to get to him because you are the last student I could think of helping him. Don't give him up because I saw him answering you, not verbally but it was still better than nothing. He usually ignores me completely and I tried to get any kind of answer out of him for almost a year."

I nodded my head before walking out of the room.

The rest of the day was as expected without any problems.

A/N: Here is the first chapter for ya guys... I hope you enjoyed reading this and will continue to do so in the future

QOTD: What is your favorite color? (My answer: Lavender and pink)

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