Chapter 24

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POV Anastasia

When his eyes closed and his heartbeat got slower, I started to freak out. I couldn't let him die if the last words he said were 'I don't want to die'.

I mean it's not like I would let him go when he hadn't said that but the fact that he realized that there are good things in life was a big step. I know that his actions were triggered by something because he never even touched any sharp object in the last few weeks. I knew it because I checked his wrists every day, making sure that he wasn't hurting himself.

David immediately started to do CPR to pump the blood through his veins while we waited for the ambulance. I wasn't able to do anything helpful in my state so I just sat next to him and held his head on my lap, stroking his cheek while tears were streaming down my face like a river.

It didn't take much longer for the ambulance to arrive and when they did, they came inside with a stretcher in their hands. One of them immediately came up to us and prepared him for the transport while the other one put the stretcher next to him so that they could pull him on it and carry him outside.

David pulled me away from Titus by my waist to make sure that they had enough space to work. I trashed around for a few seconds, too overwhelmed to understand that it wasn't smart to intervene while they were working.

I broke down completely in David's arms while he tried to calm me down. He was the only thing that stopped me from sinking to the floor and I held onto him as if he was my lifeline. I needed someone right now to be there for me while the love of my life was dying.

Before I knew it, we were all at the hospital. Titus was instantly brought to the operating room where they would try to stop the bleeding and reanimate him. David, Andrea and I were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for my parents to arrive.

My body wasn't able to cry tears anymore as I already shed them all. In order to deal with the situation, my body started to shut down so that I was feeling numb. Nothing mattered anymore so I just sat there, staring at nothing. I don't know if someone called my name or touched me but to be honest, I didn't care. The only thing that I wanted to hear was that Titus was alive and until then, I'd stay here.

POV Martin

As soon as we got the message that my daughter and Titus were at the hospital, my wife and I got ready and drove to them, wanting to know about their condition.

It didn't take us long to find them because they were all in the waiting room. Everybody except Titus.

I rushed to my daughter and embraced her in a bear hug to reassure her that everything would be fine. Normally, she hugged me back as soon as she felt the hug but this time, she stayed in the exact position that she was in before. She hadn't moved an inch and didn't react to anything. I tried touching her, talking to her, and waving my hand in front of her face but it was as if she was frozen.

"She is in shock. She won't react whatsoever until she knows the condition of Titus. The doctors already told us that this happens sometimes when a loved one is passing or something really bad happened to them."

It was Andrea that answered and I just nodded my head before letting go of my daughter. If that was her state, nothing and no one could help her at the moment. Titus could technically, but he had more problems at the moment. He had to survive. He was too kind to die and I knew that my daughter loved him with all of her heart. The way she looked at him was the same way I looked at my wife. And it was the same way for Titus. His actions and expressions said everything. And I knew that if he wouldn't survive, a part of Anastasia would die as well.

We both sat down next to them and waited. Nobody said a word, everyone lost in their own thoughts.


It was almost two hours later and we still had no information about Titus. Anastasia was still in the same position as before and it started to worry me. Andrea just came back with some clothes for Titus. We didn't know if he survived but they knew that he would need clothes once he got out of the operation room.

Suddenly, Andrea opened the bag and pulled out a black hoodie that was familiar to me. I saw that hoodie a few weeks back on Anastasia and I knew for sure that it was not hers.

She always loved to wear oversized clothes and since Titus and Anastasia started to hang out, she started to wear his clothes.

Andrea stood up and made her way to Anastasia with the hoodie in her hands. I had an idea of what she was trying to do but I was skeptical. I wasn't sure if that would work but it was worth a shot.

Anastasia didn't react at first, but as soon as she felt the hoodie on her hands, her eyes moved down to inspect it. After that, it didn't take long for her to put the hoodie over her head while breathing in the scent of it. I guess that it smelled like him and that was the only calming thing in the room right now.

I was happy that she at least reacted instead of staying like she did the last few hours.

"Titus O'Connell?"

My daughter instantly shot up, waiting for the news.

That was enough of an answer for the doctor to continue.

"He survived. It will take a few days until he is able to go home and he hasn't woken up yet because his body is in coma but you can visit him in room 285. Just make sure that you don't overwhelm him if he wakes up."

It didn't take Anastasia long to start walking into the direction of his room. It was very easy to find the room as the hospital had signs that helped you to find the room numbers.

When we reached the door, she immediately opened it and looked inside, making sure that she was in the right room. She then took a few steps into the room and looked at Titus. He was lying on the hospital bed with some monitors around him that were making sure that everything was alright. Like the doctor said, he was asleep. Technically, he was in a coma but it looked like he was asleep.

Anastasia walked up to him and kissed his forehead before whispering something and sitting down on the chair that was standing next to the bed. Her hand instantly reached out and took his right hand into hers, intervening their fingers. She laid her head next to their hands and closed her eyes.

I knew that she was exhausted and couldn't stop her body anymore from falling asleep. Crying her eyes out and the things that happened before tired her body out and she needed it. Moreover, it was better for her to sleep than sit here all day, doing nothing. I just hoped that she wasn't dreaming something bad because that would wake her up and cause her to refuse falling asleep again.

We all stayed there for a bit, all of us keeping quiet while a few tears were shed. When it was getting late, a nurse came in and told us that only one person could stay for the night. It was clear that Anastasia would stay. There were a few options which underlined that: One, she was the person that Titus would want to be next to. Two, she wouldn't leave his room on her own without being dragged out. Three, she knew him the best and could help the nurses better than anyone else. She knew him more than he knew himself and she was able to have a conversation with him without words which could help a lot once he wakes up. Last but not least, she was already asleep and nobody wanted to wake her up.

We all left the room after some minutes and headed home, getting ready to sleep.

A/N What is your favorite game ? Mine are Stardew Valley and Minecraft lol


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