Chapter 16

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It was a few days later and I was at my place, waiting for Anastasia. She would be getting her results for her Spanish today and was a little bit nervous about it. I knew that she nailed it because she learned a lot and was able to understand everything they did this year.

In my lap, I had my sketchbook and a pencil was in my hand. I was drawing her - again. I did it almost every time when I drew since I met her and I loved it.

Today was also the last day of school which meant that she would spend even more time with me in the next few weeks. I was happy about it because I loved spending time with her.

POV Anastasia

I just got my results in Spanish and I was so happy. I really thought that it wasn't that good. To my surprise, I got an A and I can't believe it. Spanish was one of my best subjects, with history of course, but I never thought that I would be that good.

Happy with my grade, I walked out of the classroom as the bell rang and made my way to my last class today - history. That subject was so interesting and I loved Mr. Masen. He explained everything in a very interesting way and made everything easy to understand.

Time flew by and before I even realized it, my last class of this year was over. I packed my things up and put my bag over my shoulder before I started to walk out. I was about to reach the door when I heard someone call my name. Turning around, I came face to face with my teacher, Mr. Masen.

"Hey, I am sorry to stop you from leaving school but I wanted to know if Titus is okay? I only talked to Andrea once since he stopped attending school because I didn't want to be too nosy and I had a lot on my plate but I am still worried. I have known that boy since he moved in with her and I care about him more than I should but I am friends with his foster parents sooo..."

I smiled a little, surprised that he cared that much about him. Yes, he was the one that wanted me to help Titus but I never knew that he was that close to the O'Connells. It warmed my heart to hear that he cared about him as much as he did.

"He is indeed getting better. When he left school, his condition wasn't good at all but he got much better. It will still take a lot of time for him to get over it but he is making progress. He sleeps more and is eating more than he did a few weeks back."

While I said that, he started smiling, an indication that he was really worried about him and was grateful that he was getting better.

"Is he talking?"

Technically, he was talking. Practically, I promised him to not tell anybody about it.

I only shook my head and hoped that this was enough of an answer.

"Oh okay. But how did you manage to help him more than the doctor did? I mean since you moved here, he seems to get better which was unthinkable half a year back. You don't have to answer if you don't want to but I am curious to find out about your secret."
That was a good question that I couldn't really answer. I just did what I thought was right without thinking too much about it.

"I spent a lot of time with him and showed him that he could trust me. I did everything I could to make him comfortable around me and the rest is luck I guess."

With that, we ended our conversation and parted ways.


When I reached Titus' home I was happy to be able to relax. The whole day I felt tired which was weird considering that I slept normally the night before. Usually, I never felt tired but I just shrugged it off, thinking that I only had a tiring day.

As usual, he was on his bed with his sketchbook and a pencil. It seemed as if he was drawing me again...

"Hey Titus"

"Hi," was all he said before looking up and watching me. He always did that, waiting for me to do something.

I put my bag on his chair and walked to his closet in search of a pair of jogging pants. I often wore them when I was at his place because they were comfier and I had the feeling that he was afraid of belts. He always shied away when I touched them so I figured out that they were used in a bad way in the past.

I never asked him though, not wanting to cause another panic attack. I just avoided them around him as much as possible. Another reason was that he liked me wearing his clothes. He never said that but I was not dumb. His eyes were always sparkling when I was wearing his stuff.

Spontaneously, I also picked up a hoodie and changed into the clothes in his bathroom. After that, I joined him in bed and snuggled against him. He stayed seated while I laid down so that my head was on his chest. Too tired to do something, I just watched him continue his drawing. It was relaxing and fascinating.

Here it is...the next chapter

You can thank @annmaria1105 for commenting "Update soon" and therefore encouraging me to get on my pc to do just that :)


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