Chapter 27

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POV Titus

She was asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. I had no idea how long I wasn't awake but it had to be a few days when she was this tired. The eyebags on her face were very prominent and I knew that she probably worried too much in the last few days to sleep peacefully.

It was weird. In the beginning, I wasn't able to recognize her. Ana seemed to be a stranger that I never met before and I only started to realize who she really was when she was about to give me some space. It kind of clicked in my head and I remembered everything.

At first I was only thinking about her, the beauty that was lying in my arms. But now I am starting to think over the past. The day that I tried to kill myself to be exact.

I don't know how it happened. Everything was just so overwhelming and the voices in my head were starting to take over. I had no control over my body anymore and before I could stop it, I cut my wrists over and over again until I felt like passing out. It was just when I looked into her brown eyes that I realized what I just did.

I saw the future that we would never have in my eyes and I started to notice that I didn't want to end my life. I wanted to live as long as she was by my side. I couldn't just leave my angel alone, knowing that she would break down.

Looking down at my wrists, I saw the mess that I created. I felt guilty. A few minutes later and I would've died.I started to feel that tears were gathering in my eyes. At first I wanted to stop them from falling but that wasn't possible. So I let them fall.

Hugging her even more to my torso, I silently broke down. I was careful not to shake too much as I didn't want to wake her up again.

I heard the click of the door, causing my eyes to shoot up to the door. Silently watching as the door was being opened, three people came inside. On the one hand, a young woman who seemed to be a nurse came through the doorway. On the other hand, Anastasia's parents followed the nurse. They didn't seem to realize that I was awake as Anastasia was blocking the way. Due to the fact that she laid on top of me, it was hard to notice me.

I stayed silent and stopped the tears that were falling. I cried enough and my body wasn't hydrated enough to produce more tears.

It didn't take long for the young woman to reach the bed that I was lying on. She first looked at Ana and then turned her head a bit to look at me. I was staring at her which made her widen her eyes.

"You're awake."

She seemed to be stunned for a moment before she composed herself and said more.

"How are you feeling, Mr. O'Connell? Do you need anything? Water or a blanket or something."

I didn't answer her, not even nodding or shaking my head. I just stared at her. I focused back on Anastasia, removing one hand from her waist to brush her hair out of her face. The bun that she was wearing was falling apart so I took the hairband and carefully removed it from her hair, letting it fall down her back.

While doing that, I felt eyes on me. I looked up and found myself surrounded by her parents and the nurse.

"I don't think that Titus will answer any of your questions. It took him a long time to even respond to her and even longer until he started to use his voice around others. I don't think that he ever used his voice around others for a long time so I wouldn't count on that."
That was Martin.

"I guess you have to wait until my daughter wakes up to know if he needs or wants anything. She is able to read him like a book, even without words. It is incredible how they are able to communicate, you won't believe it until you see it by yourself," added his wife.

The nurse just looked at them, baffled. She obviously didn't believe it.

She still nodded her head before checking some things, probably my vitals or something.

After that she made her way back to the door, about to leave when Ana started to move around. I knew that she was waking up, likely because of the stares that she was receiving. She always woke up if someone stared at her for too long. I should know that.

The nurse turned around and waited to see if Ana really was waking up.

Ana opened her eyes and slowly started to move around until she was leaning over me. Giving me a small peck on the lips she sat up on my legs and started to look around. When she noticed her parents and the nurse she tilted her head to the side and waited for them to explain the reason that caused them to stare at her. Her dad was the first one to speak up.

"Hi honey, we were hoping that you'd wake up soon. The nurse wanted to know if Titus wants or needs something but she had some problems while trying to get an answer."
She nodded her head before turning her attention to the nurse.


She then turned around until she faced me. Her expression was telling me if I needed anything. I just looked at her, knowing that she would know that I didn't need anything at the moment.

"No, we don't need anything for now. I'll tell you as soon as that changes."

With that, the nurse left the room with a stunned face.

A/N: I didn't realize how many chapter I would have to upload at once to get the whole book on wattpad lol...anyways... I will do as I promised ( I am just surprised by the amount of chapters I have in total because I just wrote it as a whole without really thinking about where to end a chapter lol)

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