Chapter 3

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two weeks later

The last two weeks were much like the first day, just without the incident at the library. The only difference was that Titus wasn't attending school.

I was starting to worry about him. For some reason, I had a soft spot for him and I am really thinking about asking for his address. But whom do I ask?

I decided to ask Mr. Masen. I know that he wasn't supposed to tell me these kinds of information but I had a feeling that he would make an exception.

And I was right. He seemed to know him privately and told me the address, understanding my worries.

After school, I made my way to Titus' house and rang the bell. A woman who seemed to be in her thirties opened the door and looked at me with a confused expression on her face, waiting for me to start talking.

"Hey. I'm Anastasia and I wanted to ask you why Titus didn't show up at school the last two weeks. I am starting to worry about him."

When I said my name, she seemed to know who I was. The man probably told her about me.

"I am Andrea''."Come in."

She opened the door wider and let me in. We sat down at a table in the living room.

"He isn't feeling well. I don't know how to explain it because that is his task. I don't know how he is feeling either because he keeps to himself since we adopted him. His past wasn't the best and we tried to help him but he wont let us. I don't know what to do anymore. Could you maybe try to get him to eat some proper food? I know that sounds weird but I don't know what to do anymore."

Oh my god! What the hell happened to him that even his foster parents weren't able to help him.

"I can try but I don't think that he will eat it."

She nodded her head before standing up. She motioned for me to follow her and walked to the kitchen where she gave me a plate with Lasagne that she had warmed up in the microwave before. Then, she gave me directions to his room and led me to the staircase. Walking upstairs, I followed these directions and soon found a closed door.

I knocked and waited a bit before entering the room. He was sitting in the corner next to his bed and looked even worse than he did two weeks ago.

"Hey, I brought you something to eat."

He stared at me without showing emotion, almost like a robot. I took a few steps until we were about five feet apart. I sat down with crossed legs and pushed the plate to him. He looked at it before watching me again, not starting to eat.

"You have to eat something. It is not healthy to not eat."

He didn't even react as I said that.

"I promise that I won't hurt you."

He looked down and widened his eyes before backing away into the wall. I looked down as well but found nothing to be afraid of.

"I have an idea. I'll give you a piece of paper and you'll write down what I have to do for you to eat."

I did just that and pushed the paper to him, waiting for him to start. Eventually, he started to write something on the trousers, which surprised me a bit. Titus pushed the paper back and I looked down at his writing

Change into the trousers on my desk and give me yours. The bathroom is behind you.

It was an odd request but as long as he would eat some of the food that I got from Andrea, I was fine with it. I nodded my head before doing exactly as he told me. When he had my jeans in his hands, he threw them aside and picked the plate up, eating half of the small portion that was on the plate. I watched him silently until he was finished.

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