Chapter 17

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POV Titus

Her behavior wasn't normal. Usually, she convinced me to do something when she had no homework to do but today she just snuggled against me and watched me silently. She seemed tired, which made no sense because it was only three o'clock.

Maybe she was coming down with a cold or something and her body tried to get rid of it.

I just let her sleep, knowing that she probably needed it. It wasn't long until she was asleep. This was the perfect opportunity to draw her again. I normally drew things without preference but it was easier to do it with a model in front of your eyes.


When I woke up, it was 2 AM. I guess I slept in after finishing another piece of art with Ana as my model. I sat up and looked around, finding Ana on the other side of the bed. I smiled a little before attempting to snuggle up to her to sleep for some more minutes. But when I touched her, I was shocked due to the fact that she was burning up.

Oh shit. What am I supposed to do?

Even in her sleep, she noticed that I was touching her and leaned against my hand. Maybe another reason was the temperature of my hands because they were cold if you compared them to hers.

I had no idea if I was supposed to wake her up or let her sleep. I never had to help someone from getting better so I had no experience in that field. I guess it's better for her to sleep it off as long as she looks more or less fine. She did at the moment, only a little bit sweaty because of her fever.

I took her in my arms so that half of her body was on mine and laid down again. She instantly snuggled against me and buried her face in my neck. She still wore my hoodie which made me unsure if she should keep it on. I decided to keep it on her and just roll up the sleeves so that it wasn't that warm anymore but still better than removing the whole thing.

It didn't take long for her to wake up. She was tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable before she gave up and opened her eyes. Looking around, she noticed that I was awake as well.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Ana said after a moment.

I shrugged my shoulders before whispering 'not tired'.

"You're burning up."

She felt her forehead before slowly nodding her head. I didn't know if she really was feeling it or if she just agreed because I said so.

"What can I do?"

I was trying to help her but without instructions, I was lost. She then explained a few things that could help, like drinking a lot of water or avoiding thick blankets and heat in general. I just followed these things and brought her a bottle of water to drink. She eagerly took a few sips before she laid down again. Her head was lying next to me on the pillow and she was facing me.

"Why is it so warm in here?"

It wasn't warmer than it usually was in my room. On the one hand, I wanted to let her change into a t-shirt but on the other hand, I was afraid that she would get cold in it. She could just wear a long-sleeve from me. That way she would be colder than now but not too cold.

I stood up and made my way to my closet, searching for what I needed. When I found it, I walked up to her and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. She looked up and gave me a tiny smile before raising one eyebrow as if asking what I wanted to do. I just held up the shirt and she immediately nodded her head. Sitting up, she leaned against the headboard and waited for me to move. I laid the shirt on her lap and turned around to give her some privacy. I didn't want her to move too much so I opted for her to stay on the bed instead of going into the bathroom to change.

After she finished, I turned around again and just looked at her. She was paler than normal and looked exhausted, even though she just slept for almost nine hours.

Suddenly, she jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I followed her without thinking and found her leaning over the toilet. She looked as if she was about to throw up so I gathered her hair in my hand and held them back. That way, she wouldn't feel as gross because there was no chance of her messing up her hair. Not even a second after I did that, it started. I rubbed her back while she vomited to make her feel better. I didn't know if that even helped because she was probably not feeling good right now.

When she finished, I waited a moment to be sure that she really was finished before I closed the toilet and flushed it. I then helped her to sit on the lid and told her to stay seated. Walking to the sink, I prepared a washcloth to clean her up.

After cleaning her up, I helped her to brush her teeth to get the taste of vomit out of her mouth. Basically, I brushed her teeth while she was leaning against me for support, drained out.

Then, I carried her back to bed and laid her down. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before walking out of my room. I had to ask Andrea for help because I couldn't handle the situation alone. My fear of doing something wrong was too big.

It didn't matter to me that it was in the middle of the night and that everyone was sleeping. She was more important than that.

I stood in front of their bedroom. I was afraid because I had to talk to them in order for them to help me but I had never done that before. I mean I talked to Ana but that was different. I trusted her completely and she was the only person I trusted this much.

Taking one last deep breath, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. When nobody answered, I knocked a little bit louder in hopes that they would wake up from the noise. It worked. Both Andrea and David were standing on the other side of the door, both sleepy as they looked for the intruder.

"What is wrong Titus? It is in the middle of the night, you should be in your bed."
I looked down and fiddled with my fingers for a moment before I answered.

"I need help!"

Their eyes were wide open when they heard me talk for the first time since I met them. I guess they wanted to ask questions about me using my voice but stopped themselves when they realized why I did it. Telling me to show them what was wrong, I nodded my head before I led them to my room. Andrea instantly knew that Ana was the one that needed help. She rushed out of the room and came back a minute later with some things in her hand.

She did a few things like taking the temperature before she gave me some medicine.

"Wake her up in a few minutes and give her this. It'll help with her fever. Did she throw up?"

I nodded my head which made her sigh. I think I heard her say something like 'I hope the medicine is able to help before she throws up again' but I wasn't sure.

"If you need us, just knock at our door or something, okay?"

I nodded my head and they left the room after having one last look at Ana.

When I was alone with her, I put the bin next to the bed just in case and got in next to her.


Here you go...another chapter for you guys

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