Chapter 8

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POV Anastasia

I led him to the living room where I sat down on the couch. He followed me but stayed standing. He only moved closer until he was standing in between my legs, looking down at me. His hands were both on my right hand like a sandwich. He started to play with my fingers and I let him because he seemed to be content at the moment which wasn't the case a few minutes back.

The rings he wore on his fingers were cold but they looked good on him. They suited him like they were designed for him and I couldn't imagine him without them. He wore them all the time and never took them off.

What he did next bewildered me. Titus took the ring on his pinky off and put it on my hand. After admiring it for a moment, he sat down next to me and waited for me to do or say something.

I turned around to face him and leaned my torso against the headrest. He copied me and sat down next to me.

There was a notebook on the table that I picked up to have some fun. I decided to play tic tac toe with him. That way, we could interact with each other without talking and hopefully we could have fun at the same time.

I started to draw the grid and gave him the notepad with the pen. He looked confused for a moment until he realized what I wanted him to do.

We played for some time until he used a new paper and drew some lines. It was easily recognized as hangman. I started to guess the letters. It took some time but I was able to solve it without losing. It said 'Thank you' which made my eyes water.

"You don't have to thank me for anything. I am helping you because I want to and I like you."

I hugged him which made him stiffen for a moment before he put his arms around me too to embrace me. It felt good to hug him and I didn't want to stop. I reluctantly let go of him and kissed his forehead which made him smile a little bit. We both pulled back and stared at each other for an unknown period of time.
Suddenly, he laid down so that his head was on my lap. His eyes looked tired and I knew that he needed to sleep a lot more to not be tired after waking up.

He probably refused to sleep enough for months and his body wasn't able to take it anymore. It found me to be a safe place and trusted me enough to sleep in my presence. Sleep was most likely to be the most vulnerable thing humans did and Titus knew that. In his head, it was dangerous so he avoided it at all costs - until now. He even asked me to relax with him, not with words but with actions, and I agreed without hesitation.

I felt his hand on mine which made me snap out of my thoughts and look down. He grabbed my hand and led it to his hair, silently asking me to play with it. I did just that but decided to use the other hand, which meant that he could keep one hand clutched to his.

His eyes closed after some time and he fell asleep on me, hopefully dreaming something good instead of getting nightmares.


He was still asleep when Andrea and David walked in. They both smiled when they saw our position and said a quiet 'good morning'. I greeted them back and smiled back. They sat down on the other couch and looked at me as if they wanted to tell me something. I think they weren't sure if it was a good idea to have a talk at the moment.

I nodded for them to start because I knew that it was probably important.

"His doctor is coming today," stated David.

"I called him after observing Titus' behavior towards you and he wants to see it himself. He can't believe that there is a person that is able to help him. I just wanted to tell you this because I know that once he is there, Titus will wake up and I know how bad his reaction is when a doctor is trying to do anything. I hope that you'll be able to calm him down like now because otherwise, that won't be a beautiful sight to see for all of us."

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