Chapter 10

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I felt someone shake my shoulder as I was sleeping. I first thought that it was part of my dream until I slowly started to wake up. After some seconds I was able to open my eyes, confused as to why someone was waking me up on a Sunday.

It was my dad.

"You have to wake up. Your phone was still in the living room because you left it there in the evening to charge and it started to ring. I heard it after some time and answered, wanting to tell them to call you in the morning because you were asleep. It was someone called Andrea and she told me that Titus is missing. She wanted to look after him but he wasn't in his room or on the roof. They have no idea where he is at the moment and they wanted to know if you could help them to find him and if you had any idea where he could be."

Oh shit.

I instantly stood up and put on some sneakers and a jacket. It was probably freezing outside and I had to act as quickly as possible. I picked up a thick blanket that I used while reading in winter and followed my dad. He gave me my phone and I immediately tried to call Titus but nobody picked up.

I called Andrea instead and told her that I'd try to find him as soon as possible. I also told her that they were welcome to visit us and told her my address. She told me that she would come with David in some time, having more faith in me to find him than she had in herself. She probably thought that it was more likely for him to answer me than her if he had his phone with him.

I tried calling Titus again three more times and the last time, he luckily picked up.

"Where are you?"

No answer. It wasn't surprising but I had to find a way for him to answer that question. I knew that he was outside and I was sure that he was not wearing warm clothes.

"Can you send me a message with your current location? I'll come to you then."

It was the only idea I had to find out his location. He disconnected the call which meant that he either wanted to ignore me or send me a message. I obviously hoped for the latter.

A message popped up on my screen after a few moments which made me sigh. At least he wasn't ignoring me.

"I'll drive you to him."

I loved my dad so much. He always helped me as much as he possibly could.

"Thanks dad."

We got in the car together and started to make our way to the place he was supposed to be. His message said that he was in the park on a bench. There was only one park that I knew of and I never visited it but it would make sense for him to be there. It was a place where he could be alone and he sometimes drew a bench in his sketches so maybe that was the place he often used. I just hoped that he wasn't too cold because it was freezing outside and I didn't want him to catch a cold or worse...

We soon reached our destination and got out to search for him. I picked up the blanket and wrapped it around me like a cape to carry it easier while we started our search.

The park was bigger than I thought, which made me sigh. It was probably harder to find him here in the dark and it would take longer which meant that he would freeze for a longer time.

About fifteen minutes and a few empty benches later, I found him hidden on a bench, almost invisible in the dark. I ran up to him and hugged him to my chest which made him flinch. He looked up and started to relax in my hold leaning into me. His eyes held no emotions which wasn't unusual but it still made me sad. He was supposed to live his life and be happy but someone had to destroy that in his childhood.

Removing the blanket to drape it over him, I made sure to cover as much of him as possible. He was only wearing joggers and a long sleeve which was definitely not enough for the current temperature.

"Let's get you inside. It is freezing and I don't want you to get sick."

Titus only shrugged his shoulders but made no move to get up. To solve the problem, I removed myself from his embrace which made him frown and look up. That way, I knew that he would want to snuggle back into me like he did all the time when I was at his place. Now that I had his full attention, I was able to manipulate him into following me. I knew that it wasn't good to trick people but it was for his health so I made an exception for once.

"Come on. Just come to my place and you can cuddle with me for some more time, okay? It is freezing outside and I am cold so I just want to go home. And I won't let you sit here the entire night."

He was hesitant for a moment but reluctantly agreed and got up. The blanket fell off his shoulders which made me glare at him. He was supposed to keep it on him in order to get warm. I picked it up again and wrapped it around him, this time securing it in the front with the hair tie that I always had on my wrist.

Grabbing his hand, I started to walk back to the car.

My dad was watching us as we came closer to the car. He had stayed back when I found him, knowing that we needed some space and time alone.

As soon as Titus saw my dad, he backed away and became stiff. He wasn't used to seeing many people, especially in the last weeks, and my dad was very tall and intimidating to people that didn't knew that he was a giant teddy bear.

"It is alright.' That is just my dad."

Suddenly, he gripped my wrist and swung me behind him, hiding me behind his body. It was almost as if he was protecting me from my dad. But why?

I thought about it for a minute before I found the solution. He started to act up after I said 'dad' so it was his dad that broke him. He was the reason for Titus' state. My eyes widened at that realization.

I turned him around and cupped his face, making sure that he was looking at me. His face was as cold as ice but I had bigger problems at the moment.

"I promise that he won't hurt us. He is not as scary as he seems, okay?"

Saying 'us' instead of 'you' was very important because I knew that he cared for me and would protect me at all costs. He had to know that we weren't in a dangerous situation.

He nodded his head and leaned into my hand, showing me that he trusted me. I took his hand again and led him to the car, opening the door to let him in. Titus sat down but was still wary about my dad. I reached over him to secure his seatbelt before I closed the door and made my way to my dad. I hugged him while whispering 'thank you' before I got in next to Titus. He immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him. I secured my seatbelt too, obviously in the middle to make him more comfortable.

He leaned his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes while throwing a part of the blanket over my lap.

A/N: 2 new chapters today!!!!!!!!

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