Chapter 26

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"You know that you have to wake up in the near future. I can't survive without you and you know that. I miss you. Everyone misses you. I need you."

Tears were streaming down my face while I was talking to him. I was still in the bed next to him and hugged him to myself, still careful not to disturb anything.

"You can survive this. You just have to wake up for me. I know that you can do this. I know it seems hard and a part of you may think that it is not possible but it is. I'm here for you and I promise that I won't leave you. I love you. I love you so fucking much."

It was two days later and I hadn't left this hospital once. I only ate a sandwich a day and took a shower in the bathroom of the hospital. The only thing I did was lying next to Titus and staring at him, hoping that he would wake up. I often talked to him, or to myself in hopes of him waking up earlier like the nurse had said a few days ago.

My parents visited every day and tried to convince me to eat or to drink more. That didn't work as I was too focused on Titus. I wanted to be with him all the time as his scent and the contact calmed me down. I know it sounds weird but his scent never changed even though he wasn't using perfume or something in the last couple days.

His parents were here as well, mostly twice a day. They worried a lot about him and I knew that they cared a lot about him. Titus may not realize that, but it was the truth.

The bandages on his wrists were changed every day and his wounds got a lot better. They were far from healed but they were good enough to let them be without bandages. I kissed them a lot to make it better. It may sound weird but it helped me to feel better about them. In particular because of the fact that his last words before he passed out were that he didn't want to die.

I was again watching him while holding his hand. I rested one of his hands on my lap while holding it tight but carefully in my own.

It seemed like eternity when I had the feeling that he moved. I don't know if I started to hallucinate but it felt fucking real. I swear I felt him twitch with his fingers. OMG. Please let it be real.

I stroked the back of his hands, hoping that he would feel it and maybe move his fingers again. Suddenly, one of his fingers moved a bit, this time enough for me to know that I wasn't hallucinating. I gripped his hand tighter, thinking that it would help him to feel my presence. And I guess I was right because he moved around more and more. I knew that I should call a nurse or something but I was too stunned to do anything other than focus on Titus.

I had no idea how much time passed since he started moving around but guess it was about an hour or so. It got more and more and I knew that he would wake up soon. A smile started to break out on my face when I realized that the waiting finally came to an end. Even though he wasn't awake yet, I knew that he'd be very soon.

I moved my hand out of his to lean over him. I wanted to brush a strand of hair out of his face that fell on his forehead a while ago. When I let his hand go, it felt as if he wanted to resist my movement as if he didn't want me to move away.

I didn't stop, instead removing the strand before cupping his cheek and stroking his cheek with my thumb. He leaned in a bit which made me continue to caress his cheek.

"It's okay. I am here so please wake up, okay? I won't leave your side and it would make me so happy if you'd try to open your eyes."

I continued to pat his cheek, waiting for him to do something. What felt like a thousand years later, he finally moved again. His head leaned more into my hand and I saw that his eyes were moving behind his closed eyelids. He slowly opened them, adjusting them to the light in the room. When they were completely open, he looked very sleepy and confused. His eyes trailed around as he looked around, presumably trying to figure out where he was. After a few minutes, he finally looked at me. At first, his expression seemed puzzled and he looked like he had no idea who I was.

I let him look at me for a moment. I knew that people who were in a coma sometimes needed time to wake up fully and recognize their loved ones so I gave him time to do that. A part of me was scared that it would take him a long time to figure out who I was.

His eyes were focused on mine as he stared at me, not once blinking his eyes. After a moment, he blinked a few times before looking at my hands that were still resting on his cheek. I don't think that he felt them earlier as he looked around due to the fact that his concentration wasn't on them.

My hands were starting to let his cheek go to give him some space. Only my fingertips were touching his cheek now and I was about to let go of it completely when his hand stopped my movements. He laid his hand on mine and caged my hand in between his hand and his face so that I couldn't remove mine.

His other arm snaked around my waist. He was still weak but he used probably all of his strength to pull me on his chest. I followed his silent orders and laid my head on his chest so that I could still look at him. He seemed to be pleased by that as a smile broke out on his face. Nobody said a word. We didn't need words to communicate. It was enough for us to look into each other's eyes.

The hand on my waist started to move around until it was located under his hoodie on my bare skin. When he achieved that, he stopped his movements and just rested his hand there, hugging me to his chest.

His other hand left mine and wandered to the other side of my waist and to my back. This one copied his other hand until both of his hands were directly on my skin.

He did that a few times in the past when we were cuddling but he never did something inappropriate. He just moved around until he was able to feel the warmth of my skin before stopping.

I removed the hand on his cheek which made him frown. Before he could say anything or tell me silently to put it back, I used both of my hands and slided them around his stomach area to hug him as well.

He seemed to be pleased enough as he knew that I wasn't leaving the room.

My eyes started to feel heavy which made me close them more and more. I wanted to fight sleep but the fact that he was okay was enough for my mind to be calm again. Therefore, it told me to catch up on the sleep that I didn't get in the last few days.

But I wanted to stay awake as he was awake now as well. I didn't want him to be alone at the moment.

"D-Don't fight i-it, love. I k-know you need i-it."

The first thing he said after being in a coma was telling me to go to sleep...

His throat was dry from not drinking which made it hard for him to speak. I reached over to the bedside table to the glass of water that I got for myself a few hours ago. I brought it to his mouth and waited for him to drink a few sips from it. He did so without complaint. I put it back to its place before lying down again with my head resting on his chest.

I was able to listen to his heartbeat which lulled me more into sleep. The fact that he was drawing shapes on my back wasn't helping either which made me give in after some time. My eyes closed and I fell asleep in his embrace, dreaming peacefully without any nightmares.

A/N :)


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