Chapter 14

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Three weeks later

Three weeks had gone by and Titus was getting better. He started to answer me with a few words like 'yes' or 'no' and he seemed to be calmer than before. He also started to stop being frightened when his or my family were in the room. Titus was still very alarmed when they moved too quickly towards them but he started to be in the same room as others more often. I guess he realized that nobody would hurt him anymore. His eating habits were still not good and he tried to avoid eating as often as possible. I didn't know exactly why he did that but I had a theory.

A while back I read a book where a girl had a bad past too and she avoided food as well. In her case, she was verbally abused which led to her thinking that she didn't deserve to eat.

It would make sense for Titus to have a similar problem. I knew that it is only a fictional book I got my idea from but normally authors tend to use things that are possible, as long as we are not talking about fantasy.

The only problem that we had at the moment was that Titus was still clingy while I had to go to school. I knew that he hated it when I had to leave but I had no other option. I couldn't just not go to school. When I came home, I either went to my place where he was waiting in my room on my bed, snuggled into my sheets because they apparently smell like me, or I went to his place where he did the same in his bed.

I then started to do my homework while he was watching me. Sometimes I gave him one of my books that I knew he hadn't read to occupy him. After that, we ate together. Mostly it meant that I was eating my plate before I fed him his. He accepted the food as long as I did it and as long as he was able to stop after a little bit. I knew it was hard for him. I saw it every day in his eyes. One day I was going to crack the walls that he built up. He would tell me about his past in the future and then I would hopefully be able to help him even more. Maybe I would understand his actions and find a way to avoid them. At least I was telling myself that.

I also asked him if he wanted to visit a therapist to help him but he declined, more or less telling me that I was enough.


I was on my way home, this time spending the day at my house. I knew that Titus would be there as well which I of course didn't mind. Sometimes he was a bit distracting when I tried to do homework but other than that, it was fine. The year was almost over which meant that I had a lot of free time in a bunch of weeks. That meant that I could help Titus even more.

Reaching the house, I made my way inside. There, I hung up my jacket and removed the shoes from my feet before I made my way to my room. Unsurprisingly, he was already there, hugging the pillow I used at night. I immediately walked towards him and embraced him in a tight hug

"Hi Ana"


A small smile broke out on my face whenever I heard his voice. It was still unusual to hear him talk even if he did it more and more around me. I was the only one who knew about him using his voice again. He made me promise not to tell anyone because he wanted to surprise them one day. He wanted to answer his foster parents one day when he felt comfortable enough. Titus already spent more time with them in the living room and he seemed to realize that they were the kindest people on earth. They treated me like their own daughter and I knew that they loved Titus.

I sat down on the ground to do my homework. I always did them on the floor. It was a habit that I just couldn't stop. I was almost done with my exams and only Spanish was left. I was really good at it which made it a lot easier to learn. I had two more days to learn for that subject and the only thing I had a problem with was the vocabulary part. I always avoided learning them because it was boring but I had to do it in order to pass my exam with a good grade.

I picked up my book and started to go through the words to get a good view of my knowledge. It wasn't that bad but it wasn't good either so I was happy to have two more days to learn them. Leaning my head against the bed, I started my learning routine to get all these words inside my head.

After some time, I felt a hand on my head, touching my hair carefully. That was one of the things about Titus that I recently found out. He loved to play with my hair as much as he loved it when I did the same to him. Sometimes he randomly brushed them with his hands or tried to braid them. He wasn't good at it but it was getting better every day.

My hair was still tangled from the ride on my bike which made it hard for him to do what he wanted to do. To solve the problem, I stood up and brought him my hairbrush. He continued as if nothing happened and untangled my hair with soft movements. After that, he started to braid my hair while I learned.

It might sound weird but it helped that he was playing with my hair. I remembered the words faster than I usually did which was weird but I didn't mind. Instead, I embraced it because it meant that I had more free time.

A little bit over an hour later, I was finished for the day. I sat my book down and leaned more into his hands. He was still playing with my hair, redoing the braid a few times while I studied. I think he could do it for hours on end without getting even slightly bored.

Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the moment before looking up at him. My hands automatically found their way to his hands which made him stop his movements and look up. He then led his hand to mine and intertwined them. I slowly stood up and pulled him up with me to snatch some food from the kitchen. He followed me without hesitation even if he knew what was coming. Knowing that I wouldn't stop arguing until he ate at least a little bit, he knew that he had no chance to escape that.

We went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to find something to eat. In front of my eyes, I found some food which was already prepared for us. I guess my mum did it before she went to work, knowing that we would be at my place today.

Heating up the food in the microwave and eating were the next things we did.

In the beginning, Titus ate some of the soup without my help. It was something he did a few times. The problem was that he stopped eating very soon and it was hard for me to convince him to eat more. And that was exactly what happened. The spoon was placed on his plate after a few minutes and he refused to eat more.


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