Chapter 21

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POV Anastasia

To say that I was shocked would be the understatement of the year. Now that I knew what happened to him I understood his actions even more. I understood him more. It's not that I had never thought about things that possibly happened in his childhood but I was pretty sure that his parents caused him to be like this. I just knew it by the way he acted when my parents were around. Especially when he blocked me from my dad, even when my dad wasn't a threat to me. I also thought that he was hit by a belt a few times. That wasn't hard to guess due to the fact that he was afraid of them and always preferred it when I didn't wear them.

I threw my arms around him, hugging him as tight as I could while I felt tears streaming down my face. Burying my face in his neck, I embraced the warmth of his body while sobbing, trying to calm down. He only hugged me back while crying as well.

Nobody said a word for a couple of minutes but we didn't need words to understand each other.

The rest of the night, we laid on my bed, facing each other while his arms were hugging me, ensuring himself that I wouldn't disappear. We never closed our eyes to sleep, too emotional to find sleep. It was silent most of the time and we only spoke a few words.


It was a few days later and we were at his house, hanging out like we always did. I was sitting at his desk, trying to draw something while he did the same on the bed. The only difference was that he knew what he was doing and I had no idea.

"How are you able to do this? My drawing looks like a sack of potatoes."

He chuckled. I loved that sound. He only did it when we were alone but that was better than never.

I soon gave up and put the pen down. it wasn't as horrible as it was before but it still looked like shit. I guess I'll stick to reading.

Standing up, I made my way to his bed, the place he was sitting on while sketching in his sketchbook. I was curious so I walked up behind him, looking over his shoulder to see what he was drawing. It was me. Again.

It was a picture of me sitting at the desk with a pen in my hand, the same position that I had when I was sitting there.

"Isn't it boring to draw the same person more than once?", was the first thing I said.

He looked up, giving me a shy smile before looking back at his sketch.

"For some people it may be, but I could draw you a thousand times without it getting boring."

I just shook my head before joining him on the bed. I was still behind him so I hugged him from behind and laid my head on his shoulder to watch him finish the piece of art in his hands.

It didn't take him long to finish the rest of it, and when he was finished, he put the pen down and turned around to face me. Kissing me on the forehead, he stood up, reaching out one of his hands. I took it, letting him lead me to the window. Titus opened it and helped me to climb onto the roof, following after me. Together, we sat down, leaning against each other while staring at the sky. It was dark outside and we had a clear sky which meant that we were able to see the stars.

It was incredible and I even was able to see a shooting star flying across the sky.

When it got cold, I snuggled more into Titus, searching for warmth. He didn't even seem to notice the change of temperature which wasn't normal but I guess he was used to it due to the fact that he sat outside almost every night.

I started shivering soon after which made him look at me, worried why I was suddenly shaking. When he noticed the goosebumps on my skin, he took off the hoodie I was wearing and put it over my head. I did the rest before frowning at him. Now he was only in a shirt.

"You'll get cold now."

He only shook his head before hugging my body again. I was a bit worried that he would catch a cold but he really seemed okay. Not even goosebumps were on his arms.

Now that he wore a shirt, I was able to see the scars that were on his wrists and forearms. They weren't as bad as before, something I was able to achieve by treating them when they were new and looking after them, making sure that he wasn't re-opening them.

He still avoided shirts most of the time, today being an exception because we were alone. His parents were at my house, talking to mine. They became good friends and spent some days together, talking and drinking tea or coffee.

About an hour later, we climbed in and changed our clothes to pajamas. We then brushed our teeth and got ready for bed. Instead of lying down as normal people would do, I played some music and waited for Titus to exit the bathroom.

I wanted to try something and I had no idea how it would turn out.

When he came out, he had a confused look on his face, probably because of the music. He walked towards me and just looked at me, waiting for me to do something. I reached for his hands and put one of them on my waist while I held the other one in my hand. My second hand was soon put on his shoulder. I started to move around and started to sway, urging him to copy my moves. I couldn't dance very well but it was good enough to have some fun. It took him some time but he started to sway as well, a tiny smile on his face.

He stepped on my foot a few times which wasn't that bad considering that he had never done that before. We had fun, dancing around in his room. When the song came to an end, he put both of his hands on my cheeks, holding me still to kiss me on the mouth. It wasn't the first time we kissed but it still felt special and magical to do so. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, deepening the kiss. When we parted our lips, we were both breathing harder than usual and just looked at each other, smiling.

"I love you"
My mouth opened, not believing what I just heard. He really said that he loved me. I can't believe it. Without thinking, I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist before giving him a small peck on the lips. I couldn't stop the smile that was breaking out on my face.

"I love you too"

I knew that for some days now but I was never courageous enough to tell him. Now I did.

The smile on his face made me realize that I should've told him sooner.

His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer so that my head was tucked under his chin. He took us to his bed, sitting down so that he was leaning against the wall with me still in his arms. I ended up in his lap, straddling him. I laid my head on his chest, content with our position. I closed my eyes, a smile on his face as I snuggled into him. I felt him move around a bit, not looking up once to check what he was doing. I then felt the blanket being pulled over my shoulders and the light being switched off. Titus slid down so that his head was lying on the pillow and his arms wrapped around my waist again. That was the last thing I felt before I was out like a light.


I think this will be the last chapter for today... the next will follow hopefully soon as I always either forget to upload or am too occupied to do that :(

Anyways, I luv ya guys and leave comments here if you have any questions -->


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