Chapter 23

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It was about an hour later when we were back at my place. Her hands were cold and she was freezing, while I was warm. I guess I got used to the cold.

We headed to the kitchen to eat something. It got a little bit easier to eat but it was still very hard. The only thing I had no problem with eating was popcorn but I can't really explain the reason for that.

Andrea had ordered pizza shortly before we arrived so it was still warm. We took a pizza and sat down at the desk. We both knew that I wouldn't eat as much as other people so it was enough for us to share a pizza.

She immediately started to dig in while I stared at my piece for a few minutes. While eating, I always had him on my mind. He was stopping me from living my life. He was the one that caused my problems. All of them. I fucking hate him!

After almost finishing two pieces of pizza, I slammed the rest of the pizza on the table before getting up and running away.

You deserve to die.

I should starve you.

Why didn't I kill you when you were born?

Why don't you just kill yourself to end this misery?

Sometimes I really think that this was the only solution to stop this excuse of a life. I was not free because even after escaping, he was controlling my mind. He won't stop until I stop breathing.

One cut and it will be over. Only one cut.

I locked myself into the bathroom and slid down, leaning against the door. I let the tears that were trying to escape my eyes fall and closed my eyes.

I heard knocking but ignored it, not wanting to answer the door. I wanted to be alone right now.

After some minutes, I stood up and went to the sink. I searched for razor blades and soon got them. Taking one, I stared at it for a few seconds before sitting down so that I was leaning against the bathtub. Gripping the blade in my fingers, I slowly brought it down and did the first cut. Blood started streaming down my arm, dropping onto the floor. It didn't hurt and I just followed the trail of my blood, amazed that something as tiny as a razor blade was able to kill you that fast. Another cut soon joined the first one, creating an even bigger bloodflow.

I continued that for a few times until my arm looked like a mess.

I was losing more and more blood which made me start to get light-headed after some time. Letting the blade fall, I leaned more against the bathtub and just waited.

In the beginning, it was reliving and felt good. The pain went away and I got a glimpse of the feeling of being completely free. But then, the pain came back. I got my senses back and realized what I just did. I didn't want to leave my angel alone. She was too precious.

What did I just do? I have to stop this somehow, I can't just give up.

Trying to stand up to open the door. I moved a bit but fell down immediately. My body was already weak so I wasn't able to stand up anymore. Instead, I started to crawl towards the door.

Suddenly, the door was forcefully being opened by david. At that moment, my arms gave up. They rushed inside and came towards me. I just looked at them, too tired to do much more. Ana sat down next to me and moved my head on her lap. Looking up at her face, I saw a river of tears which was probably similar to mine. My hand slowly started to lift itself, trying to reach her face. She knew what my intention was, so she grabbed my hand and brought it to her face.

"I'm sorry", I said while staring directly into her eyes.

"It is alright. Everything will be alright, I promise.", was the response I got.

We stared at each other for a few seconds and I knew that I would pass out any second now. My body was too tired to take more.

"I don't want to die."

These were the last words before my eyes closed and my body got limp while the beat of my heart slowed down before it completely stopped.

~the end~

just kidding

A/N: I hope you guys don't hate me now... but I can promise you a happy end soooo yeah

Did u believe that the story was finished'?


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