DNA test result

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   Decisions concerning the DNA test were left to Avery. She made it clear that she does not trust her grandmother concerning the matter, so Agatha threw in the towel on that one. Avery chose the best hospital in the city and the uncompromising Dr. Hubert to read the test results.

Samples were collected from Amy and Avery and sent to the laboratory for testing. Meanwhile, Amy returned to work at the diner. Hunter has been calling her phone, but she kept ignoring his calls. The poor boy was worried sick.
Maj and the kids did not abandon her either, they would call to check up on her. She lied to them about her living conditions, to keep them from worrying.

  The day for the collection of the results arrived. A taxi stopped in front of the hospital, and Amy got out. She paid the driver and focused her attention on the gigantic building before her. There is a large Red Cross on the wall which is hard to miss. She walked in and met the lady at the reception. "Miss, Good morning. Where can I find Dr. Hubert's office?"

The lady pointed at the hallway on Amy's right. Amy followed her exact direction, and arrived in front of a door with the name, Dr. Patrick Hubert proudly engraved on it. She knocked and entered when a man in his fifties opened the door.
The man smiled. "Please, come in, Miss Amy"

"Dr. Hubert?"

"Oh, no dear" Agatha's voice came from inside the office. She was seated at the large desk and invited Amy with a gesture of her hand. "That's Henry, our family lawyer"

"Good morning, Mrs. Agatha" Amy greeted as she sat beside the old lady.

A few seconds later, the door opened. Everyone in the room turned to see who it was. It was Avery, in a black, vintage knee-length dress. Her long hair was let down, and her makeup was elegant and chick, highlighting her beautiful big eyes. Her heels made contact with the floor as she stepped further into the room.

She ignored Agatha's greetings. Her eyes were fixated on Amy. "I'm just here to make sure you are not deceiving my gullible grandmother."

"I have no reason to," Amy answered with as much courage she could gather.

Avery stood proudly, towering over Amy. "Oh, poppycock! I know of the dirty dump you're staying at. And that pathetic excuse for a coffee shop where you get paid peanuts. So, of course, you have plenty of reasons."

Amy's words were cut short when Dr. Hubert walked in. "Good morning, everyone. Sorry I kept you waiting." He should be around seventy, but as athletic as a man in his forties. He hung his lab coat on the hanger and took a seat opposite them.

"Good morning, Doctor" They all chorused.

He held up an envelope. "With me is the result of the DNA test performed by Zudrace diagnostics".  He pulls out the piece of paper inside the envelope and studies the wording. He reads: "DNA testing was done to determine siblingship of the alleged siblings, Avery Bennet and AmyClaire Robinson. Based on testing results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of siblingship is...",   He looks up at the anxious eyes staring back at him. "...99.9%"

Agatha jumped for joy, while Amy and Avery stared at the Doctor in shock.

"What?" Avery said under her breath.

Agatha embraced Amy. "I knew it! I knew I'd find you one day, my beautiful Soul! Thank you for coming back"  Her laughing turned into tears as she placed endless kisses on Amy's face.

After they broke the hug, Amy turned to Avery. There was an unreadable expression on Avery's face, almost immediately, She turned around and walked out of Dr. Hubert's office without a word.

Agatha placed a hand on Amy's shoulder to comfort her. "She'll come around, Give her a little time."

They left the hospital and Amy accompanied Agatha to her grand estate. It took a whole lot of convincing to get Amy to agree to stay for the night. After all, she and her grandma had a lot of catching up to do. The next week, she quit her job at Gerald's. This time, he warned her to never return, you bet!


She invited Maj to lunch.

"Congrats, Amy, I'm glad you finally found your family."  Maj took a bite of the steak. "So tell me, how is your grandma?"

"I'm not used to calling her that" Amy giggled. "She's pretty cool. She makes a mean pumpkin pie, I tell you that"

"You must love it there" Maj stated rather than asking.

"I do. Would you guys come to visit me?"

Maj's smile faltered. "You know how Mark is nowadays. Since you left, and Fernando and Leo moved out, the atmosphere has been a little gloomy"

"Which is why you should come hang out with me and Agatha. It'd be nice to have the kids over. Please."

Maj nodded. "Okay, Amy, we'll come. Thank you for not forgetting us."

"You're still my mom, nothing will change that".

This brought tears to Maj's eyes. "This means so much, thank you."



  Peter held the door open and Amy stepped out of the sleek black car, onto the pavement. Gracefully, she walked up the stairs of Bennet University, the most prestigious private university in the country, which was founded in 1990 by Joshua and Deren Bennet.
When she got to the top of the stairs, a lady in a grey suit was waiting for her. The lady smiled at her. "Welcome, Miss Bennet, I am Ming, Mrs. Russell's assistant. Please, right this way, Mrs. Russell will have you in a minute." She led Amy through the baronial corridors. On the brick wall are iconic paintings. They walked past a group of students who all gawked at her. It felt like walking through the hallway of Hogwarts, heading straight to Professor Dumbledore's office.

Amy was struggling to keep up with Ming's fast movements. "Miss Ming?" She called, breathing heavily.

"Yes, Miss Bennet?" Ming answered without halting.

"Who is this Mrs. Russell and why did she ask me to come?" Truthfully, she only got an email from the school inviting her for an interview. Signed by a Mrs. Russell.

"She is the school's Vice-chancellor. As for your second question, you can ask her yourself". Ming came to a stop in front of a thick wooden door. She pushed open the door and stood aside for Amy to enter. "She'll be with you shortly". Said Ming before shutting the door.

Such a spacious office!
Mrs. Russell must like reading a lot, Amy thought to herself. There is a bookshelf on the wall on the right. A large wooden desk is situated in front of a tall glass window overlooking the school courtyard. On the desk are a computer, some stacked papers, and a few other items. Two sofas and a center table, a copier, and a fax machine are well placed on the left side of the office. Amy took a seat at the desk.

The sound of the doorknob twisting caught her attention and she looked back to see who had just entered. She shot up from her seat. "Miss Avery?"

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