Strawberry and Coffee

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Theresa took angry strides towards the three girls, but her attention was on the one girl she hated to see, AmyClaire Robinson. She gripped Amy's arm firmly and dragged her to the cottage down at the back, away from people's eyes. Like a fly, Julia followed them.

When Theresa was sure they were safe from people's sight, she let go of Amy's arm. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why can't you just leave my family alone?!"

"But ma'am, I didn't do anything-"

"Shut your mouth!! Do you think I don't know what this is all about? You wanted to get Adam but your plan failed. That's why you're mad"

"That's not true, Adam is my friend"

"You wish." She pulled on Amy's pink dress. "You have to promise me you'll stay away from Hunter, or else, Mark will lose his job"

"He's your son, talk to him" She respectfully removed Mrs. Theresa's hand from her dress.

"You should thank your gods that I don't want any negative publicity, that is why I'm telling you nicely to get out!"

"Okay, ma'am, I'll leave" She turned towards the door to begin her exit, but Julia shut the door and held onto the key. Amy tried to take it back but Julia threw it away
"What is the matter with you, Julia?!"

"You ruined mine and Thea's lives when you got us expelled, you piece of shit!"

"You got yourselves expelled. You tried to hurt me and hurt yourselves instead" Amy grinned, but deep down was a scared little girl wanting to hide away.

"Aww, how cute of you to think that's the end of life for me... my dad got me into a private school in France. Perks of being the daughter of a senator. And you? I'm sure your real dad was a sloth that got your mother pregnant and ran away. I've seen so many girls like you, guess where you all end up eventually... in a brothel"

"We need to leave, Julia, come on" Theresa picked up the key from the floor and went to open the door.

"Sure thing mom-in-law, just wanted to remind her where she belongs."

Theresa appointed one of the bodyguards to make sure Amy left the house. While she and Julia returned to the party as if nothing happened.


"Bro, What the heck! Why would you let mom and dad manipulate you into getting married? I thought you were different but you're just like them"

"Hunter, don't say that... Some things are necessary-"

"Oh please, what's necessary here? To help dad in his campaign by sacrificing the rest of your life to some random girl?"

"She's my wife now, be a little respectful"

"I don't give a rats' ass who she is, no one does that to my brother!"

Adam placed his hands on Hunter's shoulders. His baby brother has always been the tougher one, not afraid to fight for what he believes in. But he always hid his softer side, showing weakness was never his forté. "Hunter, listen to me. Everything I did, I did it for you"

"Me?" A confused look was plastered on Hunter's face.

"Yes. I made a deal with mom-"

Her stolen memories [Editing]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant