Class project

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Amy went to school the next day, the events of the previous day already forgotten.
As she walked down the busy hallway, she sighted Hunter and Julia kissing as usual but she ignored them and walked to her locker.


"Okay, I have decided that today, we are going to have a discussion class... Oh come on you guys, don't be lazy.
Our topic will be about the evolution of science you guys, aren't you excited?"

Everyone moaned unenthusiastically...but that didn't stop Mr Garfield from being overzealous.

During the discussion class, Amy was called upon to explain her own concept of the various progressive scientific discoveries made over the centuries...
She smartly gave her answers but there was someone who kept on opposing every single thing she said... Hunter.
He countered each and every point she was making and that frustrated her but she took it as a challenge and fought back.
The class became interesting because of the two of them, Julia didn't have much to contribute, so she just stayed mute like a puppy, hanging on to Hunter like a second skin.

At the end of the discussion class, Mr Garfield was more than impressed...

"That was great guys. Hunter, you are so brilliant but I must say, you have met your match today".

This irked Hunter to the bones..
" That's not true Sir, she is not good at all.. She knows absolutely nothing!". He said.

"Hmmm, you may have a point, since you know so much, I think it would be a wonderful idea to pair you both up for the class project I was about to give so that you can teach her all you know".
Said Mr Garfield..

" What? Pair?"
Hunter was so shocked.
He and Amy shared an angry look but cut their eyes at each other and turned back their attention to Mr Garfield.

"That's right people, class project!... So, here's how it's going to be done, get yourself a partner first of all. Hunter remember, you with Amy...
You all are going to use your imagination to demonstrate the advantages modern day science have over the ancient one. Your deadline is Monday, two weeks from now, and for your grades to shoot sky rocket, I suggest you give it your all".
Explained Mr Garfield.

The bell rang, everyone started leaving. But Hunter was not ready to face such an 'injustice'.

" Mr Garfield Sir, please please, it's not fair, I can't work with that girl, she is the worst".

"Oh, Mr Wilson, as your teacher, I believe I have every right to pair you up with whom I choose".
Said Mr Garfield.

" I know sir, but why does everyone else get to choose their partner except me?".

"Because you said she doesn't know much, so I thought you would want to teach her more"

"Sir, I don't like her..."
Hunter poorly defended.

"Oh well well, that does not concern me. Mr Wilson, if you don't want to fail and dent your perfect result, it would be wise to do as you're told".
The smile on Mr Garfield's face had disappeared at this point, he meant every single word.
Hunter knew better than to argue further, so he just gave up and walked away.

Amy just stood there, not knowing what to say... The boy she hated was going to be her partner, that means they will spend a lot of time together.. She just hoped that it would go smoothly.

The next day,
" Where could he be for goodness sake"

Amy had grown frustrated looking for Hunter so they can start with the project, she really needed this and wasn't going to let some spoilt rich boy ruin it for her.

She sees Julia down the hallway and decides to go ask her.

"Hey Julia" she greeted.

Julia looked at her, then looked around and focused back on her..

"Did you just say 'hey' to me?
I don't speak nerd and I most certainly am not your buddy".
She rudely said.

"Believe me, I know that. It's just, do you know where Hunter is?"
Amy could never had imagjned that a day would come when she'd ask Julia such a question.

"My Hunter, you mean?".
Julia said intimidatingly.

"Whatever, your Hunter, where is he?"
Amy didn't have time for this.

"I don't understand why that dimwitted Mr Garfield decided to pair you both, but I will sound this as a warning, AmyClaire, Hunter is mine, don't you ever look at him any other way. You dirty little basement girl".
Julia said sinisterly.

Amy rolled her eyes...
" Come on Julia, I never knew you to be so insecure ".

Julia raised her hand to slap her but stopped herself, remembering what Adam had said to her.
" I won't get into trouble because of you, AmyClaire".

Just then, Hunter appeared and walked towards them...
The second he got there, Julia wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a very long, passionate, sensual kiss, right in front of Amy...
Amy looked away, somehow she felt a little jealous but did not show it.

When Julia was done proving her point, she smiled dangerously at Amy and walked away, leaving the two of them standing there.

Her stolen memories [Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt