Try one more time

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On exiting the boy's bathroom, she thought to herself, 'I can't let him talk to me like that.So she went back to give him a piece of her mind.

"What are you doing back here?!" The boy asked.

"I only made a mistake earlier, you shouldn't have spoken to me like that," She said firmly, proud of herself for speaking up.

He laughed at her, making her confused. "You must think you're so brave but you're just a stupid girl, now get out". He barked.

"And you're rude and annoying!...and a jerk!". She stumped out of the bathroom passing some boys on the way.

"Who does he think he is, talking to me like that, jerk" She kept talking to herself until she found her way into the girl's bathroom.

"And who are you talking to? Do your imaginary friends from the basement follow you around?".. Julia, the girl who made fun of her earlier said from behind her.

Amy-Claire turned and saw her new enemy. Julia stood with three other girls who seemed to be her minions. She was tall and had an hourglass shape like a model, with perfectly styled icy blonde hair and baby blue eyes, she was considered the most beautiful girl in school and the most popular girl as well.

Amy-Claire chose to ignore her, this Julia did not take lightly. She grabbed Amy by the hair.
"Don't ever turn your back when I'm talking to you, get that?"

"Leave my hair, Julia!" Amy was in pain as Julia mercilessly pulled on her hair.

"Not until I teach you a lesson that is gonna help you remember your place for the rest of the school year"...Girls". she called her minions, they came with two buckets of water. Julia left Amy's hair and moved back. Before Amy could make a run, the girls emptied the buckets on Amy's entire body, leaving her soaking wet.

Julia brought out her phone and took a picture of her. "Aww, Wet Amy is gonna cry". She then walked off with her minions.

The bell rang for the end of lunchtime, Amy could not afford to miss class on the first day, so she walked back to class all wet, not minding who was looking.

On entering the classroom, the male teacher asked her what had happened to her...

"Nothing" was all she said as she walked down to take a seat.

"Stupid". A familiar voice came from near the window. There he was, the boy she had met in the boy's bathroom, he sat with Julia and they both made fun of her throughout the class without the teacher noticing. She felt so terrible.


She got home after school.

"Amy darling, how was your first day in school?" sang Magenta's voice from the kitchen. Amy turned to her, looking sad. Magenta got worried. "Honey, what is the matter?" She went to Amy to find out what the problem was.

"I don't like school, I don't want to go back". She said with a low voice, her eyes wet with tears.

" Don't say that... Tomorrow will be bett..."

"No! I'm not going!". Amy pushed off Magenta's hand and walked away angrily. She climbed up the stairs to her room.

That night, she skipped dinner... Magenta took some food up to her room, where she found Amy sitting close to the window, looking outside. She sat beside her. "I never knew you to be a quitter, Amy. Just like that, you're gonna give up?".

Amy looked down at her hand. Tears dripped down her face. "They don't like me there Maj, they all hate me". More tears rolled down her beautiful face.

"Maybe they don't know you as well as I do, what's not to like about you?"

"Maybe I don't belong there..."

"Don't say that". Magenta cut her short mid-sentence. "You choose where you want to belong my dear. You are an amazing person, and if they refuse to see that, it's their loss, not yours. Don't stop being who you are for people who don't even know who they are. Promise me you will try one more time".

Amy closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them. She looked into Magenta's eyes. "I will try one more time".

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