First day in school

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Monday, the 9th of September

  Today is AmyClaire's first day in Ziegville high, the very day she had been anticipating all summer. Her siblings had told her that highschool senior year is the best year and she could not wait to experience the fun.

She put her beautiful brown hair in a high pony tail. Tammy and Trisha had taken it upon themselves to teach her a little bit about fashion because in their own words, 'it is just as important as highschool senior year itself'. She wears a white top and black jeans and matching sneakers, then completes her look with a grey jacket. She just had this need to impress all the students and make plenty of friends... A small blush comes on her flawless skin just by the thought of finding her Prince charming.

"Alrighty then, Amy it's time to..." Magenta enters the room and starts to talk but pauses when she saw Amy.

"You look so beautiful honey" She complimented.

Amy blushes, her hazel eyes sparkle beautifully when she does that. Magenta gives her a big hug. Adjusting her jacket, she beams, "I'm so proud of my baby girl, don't forget to show them who you truly are honey".

" Yes" Was Amy's only response, smiling from ear to ear.

"Come let's go". Magenta held her hand and they both headed for the car.


After finishing the formalities at the principal's office, Amy-Claire is lead to her classroom where she meets Mrs Carmichael, the biology teacher's class.

Mrs Carmichael is a petit, red haired woman wearing a pair of glasses and a black outfit and matching shoes. She smiled at Amy-Claire and asked her to introduce herself to the class...

"Hi, I am Amy-Claire, but you can call me Amy". She said in a low voice, looking at no one in particular.

One of the students said out loud. " I know you, you're that kid from the basement ". As soon as she said this, everyone else seemed to find it funny and the class thundered with laughter.

"Enough, Julia, be nice." Mrs Carmichael said in a warning tone to the girl. She then turned to Amy,  "Amy my dear, go sit down".

She sat down on the third row, just two sits to the window. She could hear some students talking about her, which made her uncomfortable but she ignored.

"Amy, can you tell us what makes up the Central nervous system?" Asked Mrs Carmichael out of the blue.

Amy took a minute before answering... "The brain and the spinal cord". She felt good after giving her answer, maybe now, everyone will accept her.

"Correct, and like I said here....." Mrs Carmichael continued lecturing..

"Is that what you were taught in the basement?" Another kid mocked, this caused another round of laughter.

Amy felt like running out of the classroom, tears threatened to come out of her eyes but she held them in.

"Stop that, Rick! You and Julia, see me after class", Yelled Mrs Carmichael to the two students who made fun of Amy.

The bell rang for lunch time, Amy left the classroom with the other students, she needed to use the bathroom. So, she asked for directions from a student who was nice enough to give it to her.
She got there, but entered the boys bathroom by mistake.

"Hey! you're not supposed to be here".. A voice said from behind her, she turned to the source.

Those pair of captivating green eyes caught her attention. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, his buzz cut brown hair, chiseled chin and roman nose made him look like he was cut out of a magazine. He stood tall without his shirt.
Amy-Claire's eyes involuntarily ran down his body which was nothing short of a sculpted work of art. She had never seen a six packs that Tammy and Trisha always talked about, but she was completely sure he had eight.

"My eyes are up here". He stated.

" Huh! uhm.." Her face turned crimson red with embarrassment and she tucked her hair behind her ear, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you deaf or something? I said you're not supposed to be here".

" Uh but why? "

"Take a look" He pointed to the sign on the wall that indicated that it is the boy's bathroom.

"I'm so sorry it was a mistake".. Still red with embarrassment, she apologized.

" Get out" He ordered authoritatively.

She scurried away, too scared to look back.

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