The Boys

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"What the hell is your problem, Hunter?! Do you want to get expelled because of this good for nothing girl?"

"Mom, please... I just got back home, I'm tired" Hunter picked up his luggage from the sofa and swung it over to his back, refusing help from their maid.
The air in the Wilson's mansion was tense as always, he had started regretting coming home for the holidays.

Theresa threw her Prada handbag in a fit of rage. "Listen to me when I'm talking to you!! You are just like your father, stubborn. I warn you to forget about this girl's matter and focus on your studies!"

Having had enough of his mom, Hunter took menacing strides against her until she grew scared. "And YOU listen to me, Theresa, I will not rest until AmyClaire comes back to school. Don't stretch this matter, am I clear?!"

Reluctantly, she replied. "Y-Yes son, whatever you say".

"Good." He faces the staircase and made his way up to his room.

She watched her son disappear behind the banister of the staircase. When did he change so much? She wondered. The voice of her husband brought her out of her internal turmoil. "I told you to leave the boy alone, Theresa, but you never listen"

She turned abruptly to him and walked over to dining table where he sat. "How can you watch your son destroy his future because of some basement freak, Derek?!"

"Calm down, woman. For once in your life, just be quiet. Randall thinks this could help our campaign-"

Theresa cut him off as she took the seat next to his. "Is he insane? How will this help our campaig?"

Derek sighed in anger and frustration. Trying to control his temper, he forced out his response through gritted teeth. "Would. you. let. me. Finish? AmyClaire is more or less a charity case, and what do we do about Charity cases?"

Still perplexed, Theresa answered. "We partake?"

"Exactly. We are going to help our son in his little quest"...


"Hey, AmyClaire!"

"Yes, Mr Gerald" Amy answered tiredly. She had been working five hours without a single break. For some reason, the diner was packed up with customers today.

"You better wipe that boring look on your face and go serve table 4. They're asking for you personally"

"Me? Why?"

"How should I know, smarty pants?". Sarcasm laced in his coarse voice.

She cussed under breath and walked out towards the table. Surely, right before her was a sight for sore eyes! "Adam!"

"Amaire" He got up and hugged her.

She pulled out while checking for her boss. "I'm not really allowed to hug the customer" She smiled for the first time that day.

"You look exhausted, my little Amaire" He invited her to sit with him. She sat down opposite him, but her eyes were fixated on the door leading to the kitchen.

"Where have you been, Adam. I've missed you"

"Hey, ive misses you too. Well, I've been here and there... you know"

Amy shook her head playfully. "Yeah, right. You disappeared from the surface. 'Here and there' my foot"

"You really wanna know where I've been?"


"Come closer, lemme Tell you" He gestured with his hand. To humor him, she brought her ear closer. He then whispered: "I've been away on a secret mission with Tom Cruise"

She hit his arm. "You'll never change, Mr Wilson" She laughed out loud, but stopped when she noticed her boss glaring daggers at her. "Uhm, What can I get you?" She stood up.

"Just two cups of coffee"

"Two? Are you expecting someone?"

"You can say that" He grinned mysteriously.

She shook her head at his antiques and made her way back to the counter to get him his cups of coffee. She noticed someone join Adam at his table but didn't see who it was, because of another waitress obstructing her view.

She returned with two cups on a tray. That was when the second person came in sight... Hunter.

She froze for a second in her tracks, but she continued walking until she reached the table and placed their mugs on either side of the small table. "Enjoy you coffee, boys" She turned around and returned to her duty post.

Seeing Hunter after so long, she didn't know what to say to him... Thank you? Hello? Or maybe she was too proud to admit that his presence made her feel a certain way. She hated the sight of him for the first year of their knowing each other, how does hatred suddenly transition into unexplainable butterflies in the stomach?

To her surprise, Adam and Hunter waited until her shift was over. She was always happy when her shift ended, but today, she was ecstatic! They entered Adam's car and he drove them to a different part of town. A restaurant, not too fancy but way better than Gerald's.
Throughout the ride, neither she nor Hunter tried to start a conversation with each other, that made Adam sort of the middleman.

They were led to the nicest table thanks to Adam's rapport with the owner. They took their seats at the rectangular table with Amy and Adam sitting opposite Hunter. Avoiding each other's gaze, they focused on Adam up until the waiter came and took their orders. As they waited for their food, Adam cleated his throat to get their attention.

"Sorry ive been off the grid for sometime now. Its been because of some stuff going on"

"What stuff?" Asked Hunter. sharing in his curiosity was Amy.

Adam stayed quiet for awhile. It was clear that he had some internal battle with himself on whether to say what he had to say... eventually, he opened his mouth. "Guys, I'm getting married"

Her stolen memories [Editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang