Two weeks suspension

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    It got to the day of the presentation of their projects, six teams presented theirs before it got to Hunter and Amy's turn.

Finally, two weeks of hard work paid off and Mr Garfield gave them an A while Julia and one of her minions who paired up, managed to even get a D. Hunter and Amy were both so happy they almost hugged each other but stopped themselves.
During the time they worked together, they grew closer but kept their romance secret.

The bell rang for lunch time, Amy was famished, so, she immediately left for the cafeteria but before she got there, she remembered that she must have left her notepad in the classroom and made a U-turn back to go get it. On getting to the door, she was about to walk in when she heard her name from the inside, she paused and listened...
" That girl, AmyClaire is so dumb and gullible. Just one simple kiss was enough to make her lose her mind over me...(they all laughed)... You should have seen the way she was all over me like a puppy wagging it's tail, and her house is so ugly..." You can guess who's voice it was, Hunter's.
Amy felt so hurt and angry that she could not listen to him anymore, she pushed the door open and entered, crashing their little gossip party.

"Are you done, Hunter? Are you done badmouthing me? I should have known, you were nothing but bad news..." Involuntary tear buds escaped her eyes but she did not care to wipe them off. There were two other boys there from the football team and Julia?

Hunter walked up to her and held her face, saying; "Oh come on brownie, you don't expect me to love someone like you. I only wanted to teach you a lesson, so that you will learn to stay within your boundaries. You are a just a dumb, ugly girl and you know what I think? I think those people did us all a favour by locking you up because you're crazy".

Amy pushed his hand away from her face in anger... Her eyes gave away the fire in her heart, she wanted to say something mean to him but she couldn't. All she said was; " I thought you were my friend Hunter..."

"He is not your friend!".. Julia cut her short as she went to stand beside Hunter, he grabbed her bum playfully and they both kiss. Amy wanted to leave but Julia held her hand. Too weak to fight back, she stood there, teary eyed. Julia took this as a chance to break her spirit completely, she said to Amy; " Instead of trying to steal my boyfriend, why don't you go find your parents, you bastard!".

Amy's eyes grew wide open, that word Julia just said rang in her head and she could not take it anymore... She hit Julia in the face and stormed out of the classroom, jamming the door behind her. She went straight home, no more school for the day, not with the anger burning in her heart.

Later that day, she and her parents were summoned by the Principal of Ziegville High. When they got there, Julia and her parents were already in the office as well as Hunter's mother, Mrs Theresa, all four of them looked at Amy with disdain.
Mr and Mrs Robinson, Amy's foster parents took their seats while Amy stood behind them. The Principal cleared his throat and started to speak;
"Mr and Mrs Robinson, do you know why I have called you and your daughter to my office?"

Mark responded,
"I'm not sure Mr Peters but I'm guessing it's because she left school early".

"And why do you think she left school early?".... The Principal asked him.

" I don't know ". He admitted.

" Let me tell you. Look at this girl".. He pointed at Julia, she had a plaster on her nose and she looked like she had been crying.  The principal continued;
"Your daughter, AmyClaire did that to her".

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