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Amy's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "You are Mrs. Russell?"

"Do your research next time and don't ask silly questions". Avery walked majestically to her seat and reclined. "Did you bring your credentials?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Did I stutter?" Asked Avery firmly.

"Huh?" A mixture of fear and confusion overwhelmed Amy.

"Did I stutter?!"

"No ma'am"

"Then why should you?" Avery observed her. "A Bennet never stutters."

Did she just acknowledge Amy as a Bennet? Amy was overjoyed but maintained a stoic face. "I'm sorry, ma'am". She handed her a file.

Avery accessed the documents for a moment. "As soon as the name-changing procedure is completed, this will be settled. But for now, you have a lot to catch up with. You must attend classes and partake in extracurricular activities. Ming will show you to your dorm-"


"Do not interrupt me!"

"I'm sorry. I thought I could stay with grandmother"

Avery scoffed. "If you wish"

There was silence while Avery inputted some data into the computer. Amy wanted to speak but she was scared of getting yelled at again. Is anyone this scared of their strict elder sister?

She finally gathered the courage. "Miss Avery"


"Are you mad at me?"

Avery stopped her typing and looked at her. Slowly, her eyes softened. "No." She returned her attention to the computer.

"Can I hug you?"

Avery paused again. This time, her countenance was more legible. The ice wall around her heart could be seen melting gradually. She cleared her throat. "If that is what you want"

Amy got up and walked over to her side. She wrapped her arms around Avery—as every little sister should. "I'm sorry I took this long"

"You- you shouldn't say that." Avery stuttered. She wasn't used to this level of vulnerability, but it is unavoidable. "It wasn't your fault."

Amy broke the hug and returned to her seat. She noticed when Avery buried her face in her palms. The sniffing sounds indicated that the damage had been done. Avery turned into a crying mess in seconds. The high and mighty Avery? Stubborn tears ran down her chin, the more she wiped them off, the more they flowed.

"I always remember the first time I held you in my arms. That was one of the happiest moments of my life. I promised myself I'd be the best sister in the entire world. But I broke that promise and I couldn't save you when those men took you away right in front of me. I didn't get the chance to see you grow up. I'm so sorry."

"I'm here now, aren't I?" Amy forced herself to stay strong.

They wrapped their arms around each other and held on tightly. Avery kissed her baby sister— just like she used to. How can time fly by so fast? Memories of the two of them playing together in their dollhouse filled her mind. If only mom and dad were alive to see this.  Amy didn't realize what she had been missing, until she felt Avery's warm embrace. So this is what it feels like to have a big sister?

They broke the hug but Avery held on. "Come stay with me instead. You can meet your niece, Audrey" Avery said excitedly.

Amy grinned, but her mood dampened when she remembered. "What about Grandmother?" She asked.

Avery frowned and looked away. "Can we not talk about that?"

"Please, Avery, I know it all happened because of my disappearance. As long as you are angry with grandmother, I'd feel that you are angry with me too."

"That's not the case-"

"Then, please, forgive her"

Avery sighed. "I'll try"



"Miss Soul Bennet, you have a visitor. Come to the school's front desk" A voice announced through the megaphones. Amy was surprised to hear her new name, or rather, her real name mentioned. Who could be her visitor?

She walked down the now familiar hallway of Bennet University until she arrived at the front desk and greeted the woman there. The woman pointed in the direction of her guest.

"Hunter?" She stood there, unsure of what to say to justify ignoring his calls.

He matched on to where she was standing and grabbed her in a bone-crushing hug. He broke the hug and continued glaring at her. "What did I go to deserve what you did to me? Tell me"

She stayed quiet. And he continued. "I called Gerald and he told me you returned to the diner for a couple of weeks and quit again. I called Maj but she refused to tell me anything. Adam and I had to hire a private investigator to find out your whereabouts. Why didn't you open up to me?" His eyes only showed a fraction of the hurt he was feeling inside.

She avoided his gaze. "I'm sorry-"

"Be honest with me, AmyClaire, I mean Soul... Do you now have a betrothed? What is his name? I shall challenge him to a duel!"

She chuckled at his antics. "I do have a betrothed"

Hunter became nervous. "What is his name?"

She smiled. "Hunter Wilson"

He heaved a euphoric sigh of relief. "Phew! I was hoping you'd say that." He embraced her again and kissed her lips.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HUGGING MY SISTER?!" An intimidating masculine voice came from behind them.

Hunter froze...

Her stolen memories [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now