What went wrong?

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"Where am I?" A confused AmyClaire asked as she looked around the unfamiliar bedroom. Her head was pounding so loudly that she could not hear properly.

She noticed the white mattress, white walls, and floors. "Where am I?" She asked again.

A pair of hands caressed her back, this made her grow scared and she jumped out of the bed. A hot guy in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs had been sitting on the bed with her the entire time.

"Come back to bed, mami," The guy said with a grin. "Last night was so much fun"

"What?" That was when she noticed that she only had her undies on. "What did you do to me?!! Oh God" Her heart started beating faster, and she started panicking. "Where are my clothes? WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!"

"Over there, Jeez" The guy answered.

AmyClaire got dressed and ran out of the room. When she got to the hallway, she realized it was a hotel room. "How did I get here? Thea?" She looked around like a helpless little lamb.

Just then, a maid came out of one of the rooms with a trolley. AmyClaire ran up to the maid. "I'm so sorry, ma'am, but where is this?"

The maid looked at her as if she was crazy, but answered nonetheless. "You're at Benoit Hotel on Precious Avenue"

AmyClaire gasped. "Precious Avenue? That's far away. Please help me get back to ZiegUni, I'll pay you, I promise"

The maid who now had a genuine concern for her shook her head. "No need to pay me, I'll take you there myself. Let me get changed"

"Thank you so much"

True to her word, the maid took AmyClaire, and together, they took a cab. Precious Avenue is like Beverly Hills, where the rich folks reside. How the heck did Amy find herself in such a place?

"Thank you, Miss Miranda" AmyClaire greeted the nice maid as the cab dropped her off at the school gate.

"It's fine. Just be careful next time, okay?"

"Okay". She made her way into the school grounds. Classes had begun. She snuck into her first class but made sure to sit in the back row to avoid getting noticed.

Just as the class was ongoing, Mrs. Ortega, the school's Deputy VC walked in and took permission from their lecturer. "Will a Miss AmyClaire Robinson signify herself?"

AmyClaire raised her hand. Her heart skipped a beat just wondering what must be the reason for the DVC to come to call her.

"Good. My office, now!" She turned and left the classroom.

AmyClaire walked to the DVC's office with her heart in her hands. What could be the matter?
She finally made it to the door where she saw both Mark and Maj, as well as some Nonacademic staff.

"Miss Robinson, have you seen the picture that has been trending since this morning?" Asked the DVC.

"N-no, ma'am"

The DVC handed her a tab. AmyClaire looked at the photo on the screen. It was a picture of her and the guy she saw in the hotel room. They were both under the bed covers, she was asleep, and he was smiling at the camera.

Cold shudders flowed down her spine. How could she have been so stupid? "I don't remember any of this, I swear"

"You don't remember getting in bed with a man twice your age?" Asked a woman seating next to the DVC.

AmyClaire shook her head in the negative.

"Were you drinking?" This time, a man asked.

She tried to remember the previous night. The last thing she recalled was having a glass of apple juice. It was Thea and the girls who were drinking vodka. But she didn't dare say anything about that. "No, I was not"

"Are you telling me that if we do a blood test for alcohol, it would come back negative?" Asked the DVC.

"As far as I know, Yes"

Magenta spoke up. "I know Amy, she'll never do anything that would jeopardize her scholarship. She is a good kid"

"You obviously don't know her well enough." The DVC retorted. "The article has a lot to say about her, and how she throws herself at young, rich boys. It also mentions your foster home... you didn't see that?"

"No, I did not" Replied Magenta.

"Her blood sample will be collected, and if there is so much as a small trace of alcohol, so help me God, I will kick your daughter out of this school"

Amy followed a lady to the school lab where some milliliters of blood were drawn from her arm.

Now, we await the results...

Her stolen memories [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now