Ghost in the basement

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{Recently added chapter}

Monday, the 11th of February, 2019

"You asshole!! That wasn't part of the fucking plan!" Anna's loud voice rang from the living room. Amy didn't like when her parents argue, but that was something she has gotten used to. Because they argue all the time.

Before she could grasp the next sentence to come out of Anna's mouth, the squeaky sound of the basement's rusting metal door echoed from the top of the staircase, followed by angry footsteps down the stairs. Amy's heart pumped faster and faster as the footsteps drew close.

"You little bitch!! This is all your fault!!!" Anna grabbed Amy's hair and yanked so hard, she successfully pulled off a handful of strands. Amy screamed out in agony.

John held Anna by the arms and dragged her away from the miserable girl crying on the floor. "Stop this, Ann! This isn't the best way to handle this-"

"To hell with Josh's money! I'm so tired of this girl! I can't live a normal life all because of her..." Anna broke into tears and tugged on John's black shirt. She cried frustratedly on his chest while he stroke her hair gently, repeating consoling words.

"Just be a little patient, baby. Just one more year" He kissed the top of her head.

She lifted her face from his chest and stared into his blue eyes. with mucus seeping out of her nostrils and down to her chin. "One more year, you say?"

"Yes, baby." He spoke softly. "Now, who's my dirty little bitch?" He gripped her blond hair tightly, but instead of yelping in pain, Anna giggled like a possessed doll.

"I am. You big bad wolf." She growled seductively.

He brought his face close to hers and kissed the slimy mucus off her lips. Is this love or madness? He grabbed her bum and devoured her lips like a madman. He carried her up in his arms and she wrapped her legs around his torso without breaking the kiss. They fell on top of Amy's bed and made love right in front of her. Ah, yes! One other reason why she is not allowed to sleep on her own bed is.
To be fair, after their 'activities', it gets harder and harder for anyone to sleep on that gross mattress, especially since they never wash it.

Thereupon rekindling their 'love' in their daughter's presence, John and Anna decided to drive into town that night. It was 9 pm sharp when they got into their beat-up black truck— and drove into the darkness.

With no living person within a two-mile radius, their house is practically in the middle of nowhere, with only dried corn fields and hideous scarecrows surrounding them. The only visitors they ever get are the birds that occasionally come to rest on the patio.


On the way back from their little escapade, John and Anna started arguing again. This time, things took a bitter turn on the highway. They were so busy quarreling with each other that they didn't notice the large trailer coming from the opposite direction. Before John could take control of the steering wheel, it was already too late.   Their vehicle crashed into the trailer, which in turn crushed them to bits. Needless to say that there were no survivors.
John and his beloved wife, Anna died on the spot exactly that night. Amy was left all alone, hungry, and thirsty for days.


Thursday, 14th of Februar, 2019

Two of Anna's siblings, Train and Tania went by their house to go through their stuff. Their family never really understood why the couple was so secretive and bizarre. They never let anyone visit them, they made sure of that when they got a house in the middle of nowhere. Well, they are gone now, this is the perfect time to grab as many of their belongings as are still usable.

Tania was in the bedroom, going through Anna's wardrobe, picking out some pretty dresses and shoes, and Train had his head in the fridge. When suddenly, they heard a cry coming from the basement. They froze.

"What was that?", asked Train to no one in particular.

Tania ran out of the bedroom to meet her brother. "Did you hear that?"

"You did too?"

"Let's check it out ".. said Tania. She has always been the brave one when compared to her twin brother, Train. But this time, she didn't know what to expect.

They unlocked the basement door and met with total darkness and a subtle stench. She ran her hand across the wall in search of the switch. When she found it, she pressed the 'on' button, but the light didn't come on. She turned to her brother and whispered. "Get me a flashlight".

Soon, Train returned with a small torch and handed it to her, she turned it on and pointed the light ahead. They walked slowly down the stairs.

Their heartbeat increased uncontrollably as they neared the bottom of the staircase. Tania pointed the flashlight around the room in search of whatever made that noise.   

They caught sight of a pair of hazel eyes on a figure sitting in the corner, and their souls left their bodies. They ran upstairs in fear. "Ghost!!!" They both screamed like maniacs.

"Wait, wait, Train! You spineless idiot!" Tania grabbed the hem of her brother's shirt.

"You can insult me all you want, but I ain't staying here for one more second."

"Listen to me, lets go find out what that is"

Train gawked at her as if she has gone mad. "You must have a death wish or something. I ain't going down there"

"Fine! Stay here like a little pussy!" She grumbled and returned to the basement. She walked slowly to where the figure was sitting and observed it. "Hey, Train get down here! It's a girl" Train joined her soon after and they looked at the poor creature.

The sight of her sent chills down their spine... A girl chained to the floor, looking malnourished, with eyes bulged out, bathing in her own waste. She couldn't speak due to weakness and a sore throat.

"What's your name?" Asked Tania. The girl said nothing, her eyes told a sad tale. Her fingernails were long and unkempt. Her hair looked uncombed, and her skin was covered with layers of filth. "When last did you have your bath? There is literally a bathtub there-"   Her words got hooked in their throat when she noticed the chains binding the girl to the floor. The girl's wrists and ankles were firmly affixed to those chains that it is impossible to even stand up.

Train called the cops who broke the chains and brought her to the station. She could not bear the bright light entering her eyes, so she spent most of the time with her eyes closed.

"What is your name, dear?", Asked Sawyer, the Chief of the County Police.

"AmyClaire".. she responded with her eyes still closed.

"Are you hungry AmyClaire?"... Asked the Chief.

She nodded vigorously. She was given a hamburger, and without hesitation, she swallowed everything.

It became the most disturbing case in the history of Ziegville, a girl who had not seen sunlight for over ten years. The most alarming thing was the fact that a DNA test conducted on AmyClaire proved beyond reasonable doubt that the couple is not her biological parents, and there are no adoption papers linking her to them in any way.

What everyone wants to know is: Who are AmyClaire's real parents?

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