Before the Panel

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"The results are out, Miss Robinson" Mrs Ortega's harsh voice rang in AmyClaire's ear, increasing her anxiety.

It had been the longest three weeks of AmyClaire's life. Waiting for a result that she already knew would be positive, yet wishing for a miracle. She had been summoned before a panel consisting of Two women and Five men. Out of seven of them, she recognized only five; Mrs Ortega, the school registrar, One Dean, and two Heads of department. The other two seemed like external bodies.
Not to forget Mark and Maj sitting by the side, waiting for them to pass their verdict.

AmyClaire stood before these scary-looking men and women— feeling like a criminal on trial. The only difference was that she wasn't in chains or a uniform.

An envelope was placed on the table in front of Mrs Ortega by her assistant. Mrs Ortega picked up the envelop and gradually pulled out the piece of paper inside. AmyClaire almost bit her finger due to panic; Adrenaline rushed through her body making her feel lightheaded. Her heart rate increases as as Mrs Ortega's eyes glided through the texts on the paper.

"I knew it. The test results are positive, Miss Robinson. What can you say for yourself?"

"Ma'am, I did not take alcohol intentionally. Someone spiked my juice-"

The Dean cut her short. "Please, we have heard this story a million time, young lady! Find another excuse"

"Please, listen to her, she is telling the truth-"  Maj wanted to bad to defend her daughter.

Mrs Ortega put up her hand to shun Maj. "Stay out of this, Mrs Robinson. You and your husband are not innocent here. I can not accept such misdemeanor in this school. AmyClaire Robinson is hereby expelled from Zieg University"

Those words dropped like an atomic bomb. AmyClaire's knees went weak and she fell to the floor. Her face had become flooded with her own tears. "Please, Mrs Ortega. I promise it won't happen again... please, Ma'am. I...I have studied really hard to get here, don't let it all be in vain."

"Should've thought about that before you decided to mess around. You forgot where you are coming from, unfortunately, you have to return there now." She turned to the guard at the door. "Get her out of my sight"  The guard obeyed and grabbed AmyClaire's arm in order to pull her up from the floor.

Just then, the door was pushed open and Hunter ran inside—just in time. He was panting really hard which indicated that he ran all the way there. "Mrs Ortega, wait, please"

"Mr. Wilson! What is the insolence?! Listen, Just because you are the senator's son doesn't mean you are above the school law-"

Hunter cut her short. "Ma'am, please hear me out before making your decision. Check Reuben's videoclip"

"Who is Reuben?"

"The guy who took those pics with AmyClaire"

Mrs Ortega reluctantly went online, so did the others. In the twenty minute long clip, Reuben confessed to having been paid by Julia Callahan and Thea Regan. It was exactly what AmyClaire needed to prove her innocence.

Mrs Ortega looked furious. She turned to her assistant. "Get Miss Thea Regan and Miss Julia Callahan." Then she turned to the rest of them. "We shall take a short recess"

They went on a break, but no one left the room. The panel sat together to delegate while Maj and went hug AmyClaire. Hunter approached the ladies. Maj excused herself so they could talk.


"Hey" returned AmyClaire. "Thank you"

"Oh, no worries. I promised you I'd solve this problem. Believe me now?"

She grinned for the first in three weeks. "I do believe you"

The assistant returned with Julia and Thea. They were questioned by the panel, but they denied everything. When Mrs Ortega threatened to investigate further, they had no choice but to confess to having paid Reuben to make a fool of AmyClaire.

After another recess, the final verdict was to be given. they awaited Mrs Ortega to speak.

"After considering the evidence, we, the panel member have decided to expel Julia Callahan, Thea Regan. AmyClaire Robinson will have to leave the school as well"

"What?!" Hunter yelled. AmyClaire and her parents were also shocked by the verdict.

"AmyClaire may have been drugged, but that doesn't change the fact that she has brought shame on this school. Leaving her in the University will affect other students and it is my job to keep that from happening. Mind you, She is not being expelled. I am only giving her the chance to attend school somewhere else, not here"

"How can you do that?!" Hunter charged at the panel but was tackled by the guard. He was given a week's suspension while AmyClaire was sent off to pack up her things.

Her stolen memories [Editing]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن