Dear Grandmother

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The smell of leaves and pumpkin loomed in the air as falls lurks in the corner.

Amy alighted from a cab and made her way across the busy street to the nice-looking cafe which had glass windows. The bells jingled when she opened the door, the sweet aroma of brewed coffee embraced her olfaction. Even if she worked in a coffee shop, she was still excited by the smell of cocoa beans. Two men were standing at the counter, speaking to the clerk. Other customers were either seating alone or in pairs at their respective tables. One can only imagine what their conversations are about.

Amy joined the woman at her table, impressed by her choice to meet in that particular café. "Sorry I'm late, ma'am"

"Please, call me Agatha." The old woman waved at one of her two bodyguards sitting at another table. "Get her something to eat," But Amy refused. Agatha continued, "Oh, never mind, thank you, Peter". The man bowed and returned to his seat.

"Okay, Mrs. Agatha, could you explain to me what this pic is all about?" She placed the photo on the table.

Agatha picked it up and pointed at the first couple. "This is Joshua, my son, and his wife, Deren." She took her handkerchief and dabbed off the bud of tears under her eye. "And this..." She pointed at the second couple. "These are Anna and John Baker, Joshua's business partners at the time this picture was taken."

"How is this picture related to me?"

"Easy with the questions" Agatha laughed. "First, You have to promise me that you will listen to everything I have to say"

"I promise"

"Thank you." She continued. "Joshua and Deren are your parents"

Amy balled her hands into a fist and gritted her chin in a bid to control her temper. If what this old lady says is true, then why now? Where were they when she needed them most? Fuck them all.
She got up from the table without a single word.

"You promised, child" Agatha placed a hand on Amy's arm. Hoping she doesn't leave.

Amy sat back down. Her expression remained stoic. "Ma'am, it hasn't exactly been a great year for me, I'm alone and homeless. I am not in the mood to play your political games. Who sent you? Derek Wilson? Daryl Callahan? Who sent you?!"

"My dear, listen to me-"

"Don't call me that. If what you say is true, then I hate this Joshua and Deren so much more! Where have they been all this time? Why now?"

"They died ten years ago in a plane crash." Revealed Agatha with a broken voice.

Amy went silent like a graveyard. There was so much she wanted to ask them, so much she wanted to say...but not anymore. Why does this always happen to her?

"I...I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Agatha"

"It's okay" Agatha continued. "Joshua and John were best friends. They attended college together and started a business. But Joshua did most of the work while John squandered money on parties and gambling. The company started to suffer significant losses because of his reckless behavior. Joshua was advised by the board to take a stand or lose the company. He took a stand and forced John to give up a majority of his shares to save the company. He was left with 10%. They stayed best friends but we never knew that John held a grudge against Joshua the entire time. On one of Joshua's business trips to Turkey, he met Deren and they fell in love. He was so excited when he told me about her." She smiled fondly at the memory.
"Joshua and Deren got married and had your brother the following year. John met Anna and they got married".

"I have a brother?"

Agatha opened her purse and brought out another picture which she handed over to Amy. It is a picture of a cute little boy and a girl. "This is Emre, your big brother. Deren chose a Turkish name for him and Your father chose James." She laughed as she recounted the past.

"Where is Emre now?"

"In Turkey, overseeing the company's branch over there. But your sister is right here"

"What is her name?"

"Avery" Agatha's countenance changed from happy to sad. "I haven't set my eyes on her in years".

Peter got up from his table and walked up to the ladies. "Madam, sorry to interrupt but you have a meeting in thirty minutes."

"Oh! My dear, would you come with me to the meeting? We could continue our lovely chat afterward"


She went with Agatha in the white Mercedes Benz seated outside. They passed through the finest streets in town. Amy remembered that the only times she went to fancy places like this was when she followed Mark and Maj to the Wilson's parties.

The car stopped in front of a ginormous black and silver skyscraper with the words "BENNET Corp" boldly imprinted on it. Amy walked side by side with Agatha into the establishment. Employees greeted Agatha and looked curiously at her.
They stepped inside the elevator and Peter pressed the 51st floor. Moments later, the doors slid open and they got out. They arrived at the meeting room.
At the center of the room is a large table, surrounded by serious-looking businessmen and women in their seats. Amy suddenly felt underdressed. Agatha took the head chair and gestured for Amy to sit beside her. As if on cue, the secretary began placing a file in front of each person.

"Shall we begin?" Asked Agatha rhetorically, she picked up her glasses and wore them.

Just then, the doors opened, and a lady with a powerful aura walked in. She appeared to be in her late twenties. She had on a milk-colored straight-cut gown and a brown, fur jacket worn over her shoulders. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun. Her lips are red as blood, and her green eyes carry a fire. The room went silent on her arrival, it seems as though they are terrified of her.

She walked straight to Agatha with a grimace on her perfectly oval face. The sound of her heels struck fear in Amy's heart. The mysterious lady stopped in front of Agatha. "Were you about to start without me, dear grandmother?"

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