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Start from the beginning

Vienna didn't care which doctor was Cain or Lyndon, all she cared about was seeing Hermione. As they approached the two men, they only became creepier and it was hard to keep eye contact with them. But then Vienna turned her head and looked through a windowwith peered into a horrid-looking room.

All white and nothing but a table and two chairs. And sat in one of them, looking almost sick, was Hermione Granger. Owens and the doctor's conversation faded into nothing but background noise.

The popular mean girl from school. The stuck-up girl is now in chains attached to her wrists and wearing a white hospital gown. Her hair was a breezy mess and her eyes dark, as though she hadn't slept in days.

Was that pity that Vienna felt in her chest? No, don't be silly. The window must have been one of those double-sided mirrors because Hermione didn't move an inch as Vienna admired that state of her. She smiled. Smiled because Hermione was the one tied up and not Vienna.

Vienna thought back to the warehouse, where Vienna was tied up and where Hermione and Ron tried to kill her. She thought back to all the times she tormented her about her dad and the obvious abuse she endured. Vienna thought back to when Hermione and her friends tied her to a chair and poured blood other her and made her feel so foul.

She deserved this, Vienna told herself.

"Are you ready?" Owens questioned Vienna, bringing her out of her stare.

Vienna turned her eyes to Owens, "more than ready."

Owens smiled, dropping his mask for a moment, and then opened the door for Vienna. The doctors stared at Vienna and she face them with a quick grin before she walked in and looked into the eyes of Hermione.

Hermione's chest was heaving now and Vienna grinned wickedly as she walked over to Hermione, pulled out the chair in front of her and sat down. Only a table between them.

"I'll be outside," Owens said from the door and Vienna didn't once look away from the girl in from her, "say your goodbyes." A lie. This wasn't a goodbye, but that must have been the lie Owens had conjured.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione gritted once the door was shut and it was only them in the room.

"Sorry, I hope you weren't expecting Potter or Weasley," Vienna snarled, "unfortunately, you won't ever see them again."

Pain and anger swirled in Hermione's brown hues.

"I hate you," Hermione gritted out through a choke.

"The feeling is mutual," Vienna sighed and admired the tight chains around her wrists. They truly believed Hermione was the psycho killer. It was almost laughable.

"Why. Are. You. Here?" Hermione asked again and this time with more anger in her tone.

Vienna lowered her chin and leant forward, "so I could see for myself how miserable you are. So my face would be stuck in your stupid little head. So I can always be a reminder that you are in this hell while I am free and happy."

Hermione scrunched her nose and Vienna had never seen someone look so angry.

"I hope your life is very, very long," Vienna laughed.

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