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Draco didn't find girls pretty.

That was until he met Vienna. It was like she had always been lurking in the shadows. He didn't care for relationships until he met Vienna. Although he did have his fair share of girls he slept with in that boarding school—they never filled that dark hole in his heart or matched his dark desires and insane mind.

But Vienna did.

He realised he didn't need a pretty girl who was kind and loving, who could fill that dark hole buried deep inside him. No, what he needed was a girl who was just like him. Who also had a dark hole in their heart, who had dark desires of their own. A girl who had a dark gloomy past.

And who was just as insane as him.

Vienna was perfect for him.

And she was the prettiest girl he had ever laid his dark gaze on. Her black shiny curls which messily but effortlessly fell down her back. Her green eyes matched the colour of those dark rainy forests. Her fare coloured skin which he could kiss all over. Her scars. Her cruel but also loving heart. He loved all of her. The only girl, person—the one thing he had ever loved.

He was annoyed he didn't notice her sooner.

So much time wasted.

Well, he did. He just never noticed her. He would see her walking past him in corridors and through the common room. But he never blinked an eye. He would see her at parties and in classes. He saw her get kicked out of lessons and listen when she would get yelled at by teachers. But again, he never blinked an eye.

They even had the same friends and the only words they ever shared were little snappy comments or subtle greetings.

He hated how it took a fucking bruise for him to be a little interested in her. That interest only escalated when he witnessed that argument she had with Hermione. And it escalated even higher when he realised she was the one who killed Cedric. You could even go as far as saying it turned him on.

But it didn't matter how he met her, or how he noticed her because she was his now. His forever. He killed for her. Died for her. And he would do it a thousand more times for her. And when they go to hell, at least they will be together.


Vienna always wanted someone to love her.

That was until she met Draco. Because the only person she knew who could truly love her was Draco. No one could love her murderous heart as he does. No one could understand her insane mind as he does. No one makes her feel as alive and happy as he does.

He is perfect for her.

Everything she ever desired.

The love of her life and her partner in crime.

Forever. . . In life and in hell.


Copyright © Kirsten enn

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