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Somewhere in the mountains of Canada, the sun was setting—golden rays peeking over the cliff edge. Draco drove one of his many cars and today's special choice was his shiny black Ferrari F8. His most favored and for the very reason of the high speeds it can reach.

Draco turned to face Vienna, one hand on the steering wheel as he looked at his gorgeous girl. Her long black hair blew wildly in the wind and blue flashing lights flickered over her insane, wild smile and dried blood was splattered beautifully over her jaw, hands and chest.

She let out a thrilling scream as she turned back and laughed, seeing the eight police cars that were hot on their tail. Draco's Ferrari roared aggressively as he put his foot down harder on the gas, their speed now well over 140 miles an hour and kept pushing, knowing they wouldn't be stopping.

Draco's laugh boomed over the sirens as he gripped the steering wheel harder with his blood-soaked hands. Every nerve in his body was on fire, electrifying the adrenaline in his veins.

They had been caught after massacring a group of child traffickers. Canada was the last place they had to visit and after eleven years of seeing the world, all of it—not a single location un-explored—Vienna and Draco decided to go out with a bang.

They have to—they had no choice and it was all Ginny fucking Wesley's fault. Ginny knew Hermione didn't kill Ron and she went as far as to become a detective to prove it and a bloody good one too. It took her ten and a half years but she did it, finding out all of Vienna's and Draco's secrets and revealing the murders they thought they covered up. Ginny Weasley proved Draco killed Ron and along the way she proved all of their other crimes. Every single one of them.

But they knew their sins would catch up to them eventually.

For the past six months, they have been on the run and this morning, they finally were located. Vienna and Draco became worldwide vigilantes and in almost every state, Draco's and Vienna's faces were posted and shown on TV with "WANTED" written in big dramatic letters and were labeled as "dangerous" and "psychotic".

Almost everyone was looking for them. It had been fun, truly epically fun, running around the states of America in disguises. But they couldn't live the rest of their lives this way. Eventually, they would be caught and sent to an asylum or prison. They didn't want to go to prison and they definitely wouldn't go to no loony-bin.

So Vienna and Draco decided that when the time came they would go out with a bang—it would be beautiful and a spectacle would be made of it.

The years they spent running around America, they went on a killing spree in the process—only murdering rapists, abusers, traffickers and all kinds of horrible people—doing the world one final favor before they left it.

And today, they let themselves be caught. Let themselves be caught because they had grown tired and they had already seen every inch of the world, from feeding elephants in Indonesia, to climbing high mountains, seeing breathtaking views and to dancing in Costa Rica—they had seen and lived it all. 

So, they decided today was the day.

They found a group of people who had attempted to abduct a group of children to be sex-trafficked but Vienna made sure that didn't happen and left their filthy bodies in bloody pieces. Then, when the police showed up, Vienna and Draco got in the Ferrari and drove away, saying goodbye to the fresh air of the world.

And after seeing the world, the northern lights, the deserts, mountains and so many dazzling cities, spending every moment in-love—Vienna and Draco were both ready.

"They'll never get us," Vienna eyed the flashing lights and the darkness behind them. Then she turned to Draco, his insane smirk mimicking hers and then she looked ahead at the nearing cliff and golden setting sun.

Her heart skipped a beat but not with fear, something wild.

Draco pressed the gas harder and the engine screamed with speed. 

"I love you, Vienna," Draco said one last time. The cliff approached hastily, and the road turned but this car was only going straight.

Vienna's gaze fell over to his, her eyes softening but wildness and darkness still danced in her eyes. Draco removed his hand from the gear stick and gripped her hand tightly.

"I love you, Draco," she said, one last time.

Then, the car tires skidded over rock and then—

Draco grabbed Vienna's face as a gasp hitched in her throat. They floated through the sky and for a moment, the world went quiet. Then the terrifying free-fall came and the car plummeted harshly through the air, closer and closer to the ground.

Draco kissed Vienna. The car rebounded off something but through the pain, they didn't stop holding each other until Draco's shiny Farari was nothing more than a wrecked ball of shriveled metal on the mountain ground.

Vienna truly did live wild and fast and spent the last years of her life in love, finally.


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