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Looking up at the opaque asylum, something dark twisted in Vienna's belly, which felt awfully satisfactory. It took a lot of pleading eyes and convincing for Owens to bring her but after only five minutes, he agreed. And so the following day, Vienna found herself sitting outside, in his car and peering up at the castle-like asylum.

Draco came along too, who sat in the front seat examining the building with the look of vengeance in his eyes. He would have loved to have killed Hermione but this, he knew it was a sweeter, more horrible ending.

"So this is the loony-bin Granger will live out the rest of her miserable days?" he asked, his voice glum but filled with approval.

"It is," Owens nodded, "and believe me it'll be hell."

And with that, the three of them got out of the car and wandered up to the asylum, where they were surprisingly only visiting. If this world was smart the three of them would be locked up inside there too.

A drug lord's son who is more lethal than fire and would do anything for the girl he loves. An emotionless teenage girl, who doesn't know right from wrong and is more insane than the devil. And a detective, who sympathizes with criminals and aids them instead of locking them up.

And may God have mercy on anyone who wrongs them.

The asylum dawned on them and all three of them were quietly thankful that it wasn't yet their time to be imprisoned in this hell-hole. Vienna always thought an asylum would be a place of rest, surrounded by nature and peace, and where one's mind would be healed back to what society considered normal. But this world wasn't like that. An assylam was a place to keep the insane locked up. Once you're in, you'll never know freedom again.

This place was gruelling. It felt evil and the screams of the patients were practically sketched onto the outside of the building like a terrifying painting. They had to go through security and be searched for weapons.

Once they were inside they stopped in what looked like a waiting room, although they were the only visitors there and the room looked like it hadn't been used in years. Cobwebs decorated the few chairs and walls. How old was this place? Even the inside of the castle-like asylum was decorated like it was the medieval times.

"I want to do this alone," Vienna said to Draco who then turned his gaze to her like she was insane. But he agreed to linger in the dingy waiting room while Vienna went and saw for herself the hell Hermione would rot in for the rest of her days.

She kissed him before Owens led her down the glim hallway. Inside this hallway, the walls were all white, and although they were dirty, it was blinding. And it was so quiet that a horrid ring echoed in her ears. Ahead, two doctors in white stood like they were waiting for them. They stood tall and creepy and had that cruel look in their eyes. Vienna smiled knowing these were the type of people who Hermione would be. . . cared by.

"Detective Owens," the one with square glasses said. Nothing about his voice was kind.

"Doctor Lyndon, Doctor Cain," Owens greeted the pair, his voice more formal and his detective mask back on his face.

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