тнαηк уσυ!

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This story has been a wild adventure and my most favourite story to write. This book started with the urge to write about an unhinged character who was so unloved that it made her insane. And I knew that having a love interest who was just as insane and unfazed by her actions was the only way to go.

And I didn't want them to have redemption and become good at the end, I wanted them to become even more insane and unhinged. Which is why this story was so fun to write. I will miss my dark angels so much and I won't ever forget this story.

Thank you for coming on this wild adventure with me and I know this story wasn't for everyone but for all of you, who need a little darkness in your life like I do, I'm so happy we went on this tale together.

Goodbye for now and remember, always keep that little dark shadow by your side ;)

Live wild and have fun.

I love you!

I have many other stories, on my page and on ao3 (where you can download this story and my others on your phone) if you wanted to stay with me and my silly writing.

Copyright © Kirsten enn

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