Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 078

    Emperor Star, Chopper City.

    As the end of autumn approaches, the weather in Chopper City fluctuates from sunny to cloudy.

    The dry and cold wind blows the leaves, and overnight, the ground can be covered with a layer of golden yellow dead leaves. .

    The cleaning robots in the urban area have already cleaned up the dead leaves on the streets.

    However, due to the recent tense situation in the urban area of ​​the main star, many street cleaning robots have run out of charging power, and there are no maintenance staff to store power, and the robots in many areas have stopped working.

    In the past few days, there has been strong wind in the city, and the number of dead leaves has gradually increased, and there is a faint scene of laughter and desolation.

    On the bustling main street at the moment, only a few people could be seen sporadically, but the air ambulances passing by were busy passing through the air like bees.

    In the past two days, there was a large-scale shooting of laser guns in the urban area. .

    The parliament building where ZF is located is even surrounded by army soldiers wearing ray particle guns.

    Interstellar calendar 3601, September 30th.

    The second unprecedented large-scale massacre occurred in Chopper City, the main star of the Empire.

    At the joint meeting chaired by Marshal Wen, the best officer of the military department, Wen Rui, the president of the Imperial Research Institute, was promoted as a candidate for the next speaker.

    According to the rules of the Bundesrat, the General Assembly votes were carried out.

    However, due to the illness and hospitalization of all cabinet members of the Parliament, the election was passed with 1 vote for 0 votes against.

    Less than ten minutes after the election meeting of the House of Representatives ended, a post about "Wen Rui's real identity, a thief madman in the star sea area" floated on HOT on the interstellar network.

    The news spread extremely fast, occupying the major forums of the Star Network almost instantly, and the inside story that followed was made public one by one.

    The post disclosed that 30% of the current population of the main star of the empire had been killed by the new type of inhibitor produced by the Wen family, and the victim had less than two days to live.

    Based on various evidences, the insane behavior of the Wen family has been exposed to the public. This kind of behavior is no longer as simple as military and political seizure of power.

    Their contempt for life and their cruel acts of destroying human beings shocked everyone in the entire galaxy.

    However, it is precisely this kind of person who is about to replace Speaker Yunlai's parliamentary group and become the supreme leader of the empire.

    After the fermentation of the information on the star network, it triggered a reaction from the local residents of Jon City.

    After a week of silence in Jon City, large-scale chaos finally broke out.

    A large number of people spontaneously organized demonstrations and rushed into the building where the parliament is located to express their protest.

    The scene in front of the parliament building was extremely chaotic. Wen Zheng could only use armed force to shoot the rebels indiscriminately.

    It was at this time that Chairman Yun Lai was wearing a striped hospital gown and leading troops from other relatives of the empire to contend with Wen Zheng's army.

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