Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 068

    Fang Du's pursuit is enthusiastic but polite.

    He would send a text message every morning and evening, saying good morning and evening to Meng Ling in concise words!

    Meng Ling has not been in the mood to fall in love recently, and her attitude towards Fang Du from the beginning to the end has drifted within the boundaries of alienated friends.

    Except for the first time the two met and she called him "baby", when she later saw that Fang Du, the man, had a deeper level of perseverance towards her, she also kept a proper distance.

    For people like Fang Du, love is often just a whim, a lonely pastime for adults.

    Once the other party refuses, you don't need to speak so bluntly, and you can often find each other's thoughts and retreat with a look.

    Meng Ling thought that when they met for the second time, her polite attitude towards Fang Du had clearly expressed her rejection.

    However, for some unknown reason, this man gave up for another two days, and then began to pursue violently.

    Meng Ling's categorical refusal was of little use to Fang Du.

    In a blink of an eye, it was Friday. It was a sunny day, but suddenly it rained heavily.

    When Meng Ling went to the office in the morning, there was a box of chocolates imported from Australia Star on the desk.

    Thinking it was Fang Du who sent it, Meng Ling took out the communicator and was about to transfer the money to him.

    Suddenly the light at the desk dimmed, and she raised her head in surprise.

    Standing in front of the desk is a middle-aged woman, wearing a simple skirt with hips, and the cuffs of the shirt are washed and yellowed.

    Her name is Lu Qi, and her colleagues call her Sister Lu.

    A native of the main star of the Federation, she is a female beta with average family conditions.

    Lu Qi usually doesn't talk much, and her presence in the office is almost non-existent. . In middle age, his back hunched early.

    According to the logic of the work of the research institute, every nine to five, the workload is not too heavy. The monthly salary is still considered considerable.

    A case where all colleagues are getting by. Lu Qi's life is extra frugal.

    Meng Ling usually did not meet Lu Qi, so she was able to remember her.

    Because occasionally in the tea room, I can see Sister Lu quietly picking up the leftover half-pack of coffee from the trash can and putting it into her pocket.

    Meng Ling is not the kind of person who chews people's tongues. Whenever she encounters such a scene, she will leave quietly every time, and then put a "under maintenance" sign outside the tea room.

    There are many difficulties in everyone's life, and Meng Ling will not expose this difficulty in a bloody way.

    Lu Qi's voice had a strong local accent. At this moment, she was looking at Meng Ling with a nervous expression, her eyebrows and eyes were rather flattering and cautious.

    "Thank you, Xiaomeng, thanks to your boyfriend's help. My son can go to a noble school for free this semester. My mouth is stupid and I don't know how to express this gratitude. In short, thousands of words are not worth you Help."

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