Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 013

    At the beginning of September, at six o'clock in the morning, the sky had just turned pale, and the night was still cold.

    On the sidewalk, there are a few scattered figures.

    From time to time, a suspended vehicle passed by in mid-air.

    Meng Ling lowered her eyelids, walking hurriedly along the main road leading to the school as if she had never heard of it. .

    When walking, my legs were a little floating, and my feet staggered continuously, almost hitting the guardrail.

    Meng Ling's eyelids were half-closed, and Hei Suosuo's eyes revealed a rare trace of lethargy.

    She is very busy recently, from six to ten.

    There is no need to deliberately avoid the man next door, the two have different work and rest schedules, and it is impossible to meet each other. The mental strength training courses on Xingwang also ran aground.

    The reason why he was so busy was that things started seven days ago.

    As the head of the department, Meng Ling was quite busy at the beginning of the busy period.

    The spice research team has just been formed successfully. Due to the heavy academic work during the beginning of the semester, she is absent from many researches, discussions, and meetings currently being carried out in the laboratory.

    Because of this matter, Mei Ping put on a lot of small shoes for her.

    If it was just to drive her out of the research institute, Meng Ling could only wish for it.

    But things were far from as simple as Meng Ling imagined. A week ago, Chen Qiming took out a notebook and gave it to her to try to translate.

    The content in the manuscript is an analysis report on ancient incense-making techniques handwritten by a perfumer before human beings were irradiated and evolved into abo sex at the end of the ancient earth.

    In the last years of the ancient earth, although the technology was not as good as that of Interstellar, the spiritual power and brain domain of human beings had been initially developed at that time.

    They combined their spiritual power to analyze the traditional incense making techniques, and wrote such a document. Even if the theoretical knowledge is not complete, it describes the feasible method of applying spiritual power to spice making.

    After reading it, Meng Ling thought there was still room for use.

    At home, she carefully translated this ancient earth document overnight, and wrote notes and adjustments on the raw materials for spice preparation in the letter.

    Five days after this incident, the research team urged her to return the original manuscript.

    Meng Ling was very busy with school affairs, when she found out that the original letter in the office was missing, it was already too late.

    Because of this matter, Mei Ping took advantage of Chen Qiming's business trip and sued Meng Ling to the interstellar court for the crime of losing and damaging national documents.

    Meng Ling's situation can be imagined.

    Fortunately, there is still a template she translated by herself at home.

    With her amazing memory, Meng Ling reviewed the ancient earth document and forged an ancient book that was exactly the same as the previous document.

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