Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 069

    Meng Ling walked out of the military base, and immediately saw Fang Du's pearl white limited edition high-end mine car.

    The man stood beside the thunder car, wearing an off-white Chinese tunic suit, holding a three-person-wide black umbrella with his bony hands.

    The huge umbrella mask was three inches above his head, able to completely cover half of his face.

    The rain fell on the ground along the edge of the black umbrella, because the umbrella surface was large enough.

    Fang Du's straight tunic suit was not stained with water.

    Meng Ling narrowed his eyes, and his eyes fell on him across the 100-meter rain curtain.

    Fang Du turned sideways and didn't see her.

    He stood there neither humble nor overbearing, pursing his lips lightly. The raised arc is neither too much nor too little, polite and gentlemanly.

    People who were stationed in the military area on off-duty, one after another passed by, and he smiled alienatedly.

    This is the demeanor that a gentleman should have.

    Due to his outstanding appearance and overly decent and clean clothes, most of the people who walked past one after another would turn their heads to look at him more.

    A hint of deep thought flickered in Meng Ling's eyes.

    She had only known Fang Du for a few days, except for a few days ago in the underground garage, when Mr. Fang faced Xie Nuocheng's thing, there was a hint of flattery and eagerness in his eyes.

    Since then, Meng Ling has never seen any loss of demeanor in Fang Du.

    At this moment, even if the sky is raining heavily, he can still stand gracefully and calmly in the heavy rain without dripping water.

    People like Fang Du have the innate superiority and calm blessing of a proud son of heaven, full of superior alienation and dignity.

    Meng Ling stared at the curved corner of the man's lips, her pupils were slightly dazed.

    This standard three-point arc smile reminded her of the first time she met that thing.

    In the hot summer of 36 degrees, men wear three-piece suits.

    There was no trace of sweat on his forehead, and the sleeves of his suit were rolled up to his elbows. He handed her a pair of long, slender and pale hands.

    The smile on his face coincided with that of Fang Du, it was the same alienated and proud smile.

    Such a proud man, but when Meng Ling passed him just now, he could only see the man's stiff back and half of his drenched body.

    I lost the calmness and indifference I had when we first met. .

    Meng Ling frowned, narrowed her eyes, and suppressed the irritability in her eyes.

    With the sound of water pattering, Fang Du found Meng Ling half a beat later, and he waved at her.

    "Meng Ling, this way."

    Meng Ling opened her eyelids in response, and the smile on the man's lips widened.

    There was a layer of waves in Qingjun's eyes.

    He stood there, and Meng Ling could see the joy and excitement from his transient face.

    Meng Ling's eyes were on his face, but they seemed to be elsewhere.

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