When they settled and unpacked their belongings Zayn hit his bed and crashed into a deep sleep. Harry stayed up and watched a few shows before he too fell asleep.

The next day consisted only of them lying around and recovering from the long flight. They hadn't come out of the room for a while, even the guard grew concerned when the two missed both breakfast and lunch not even ordering room service either.

The next couple of days were their designated sight seeing days. Of course Harry brought his camera to those spots but he couldn't wait to get in the local scene.

After all the sight seeing and tourist type of stuff they were free to hit the town and see where it took them. Zayn had run ins with some of his model friends and Harry met a bunch of new photographers as well.

During the week they traveled to surrounding cities so Harry could take his photos. They even took day trip to San Diego to shoot some photos.

Come Thursday morning the two sat in a local coffee shop, taking a break from their usual Starbucks visit. While sipping and eating their pastries Chrishell Stause from Selling Sunset came in and walked up to them because she was a big fan of Zayn. Harry was more well known in the alternative art celebrity scene.

Both he and Zayn's jaws were to the floor. Even as pretty known figures they still tended to get starstruck here and there. Both were obsessed with the show so when she invited them to a casual dinner Friday night with most of the crew, they were thrilled.

At the dinner the whole cast was there along with plus ones and a couple of other people who were invited by them. Zayn playfully rolled his eyes because everywhere they went girls always were on top of Harry which is what happened. He just had this charm to him that attracted everyone which made sense considering Harry was Bi.

They both felt super comfortable with everyone because they were all so nice. Chelsea Lazkani especially gravitated towards them talking about being from the UK. She even tried to convince Zayn to just move over to LA but she jokingly said "Don't worry love I know your heart is still in London but maybe you could convince him to open an office here!" She said referring to Liam. Zayn only smiled and blushed receiving a bunch of "awe's" from the rest of the cast.

Through the night he started thinking about what she said. He knew he liked Liam a lot but Love was a big thing and Zayn was never really good at it when it came to that. He loved for the wrong people and those people would end up hurting him. He knew their relationship was moving fast but it felt right.

The next day was their last. An early morning flight Sunday dulled the mood of that last Saturday, but every day in LA felt like a weekend especially the way they spent it. Both decided to spend the last day at the beach since they hadn't the whole week.

They started out at the Santa Monica pier. Zayn always wanted to ride the coaster because Hannah Montana obviously. They did attract some attention due to the security following them around but it did get crazy for a second so Zayn was thankful Liam hired them.

After a few hours at the pier they headed up to Malibu beach. Harry said they could just go down from the pier to the sand below, but Zayn told Harry they just had to because it was the most beautiful coast he's ever seen. Harry took his best friends word because he indeed has seen a lot of beaches, more than he has at least.

After a scenic sunset view they made their way back to the hotel to change and catch an early dinner. After dinner they walked around a bit just enjoyed the fresh breeze from the ocean. Since it was Saturday the nightlife scene started around them so with that they decided to head back to the suite.

The next day consisted of checking out, airport arrival mayhem, security checks, and boarding the plane all before 7 am. Zayn sent a quick text letting Liam know they were about to take off.

Around 3PM Liam received the text from Zayn. He couldn't wait for Zayn to get home because he felt weird without him being there. He also felt a bit conflicted because he wanted to talk to him about the technical deadline that was ticking down. Liam agreed to pick them up from the airport so he figured they'd get there around 1AM, but he didn't mind.

Nearly 10 hours later he waited outside the gates for all incoming passengers. After a few people emerged from the escalator he spotted Zayn and a very tired looking Harry. He laughed. He's grown quite fond of him lately.

As Zayn descended, Liam was smiling so big that his face started to hurt. Noticing his smile Zayn blushed. When he got down to the same level he walked to Liam excitedly and met him halfway with a hug. Harry couldn't help but mentally coo at the scene where as on the outside he jokingly barfed.

"Oh get a room. Now can we go im tired." Harry crossed his arms.

"Hey styles nice to see you too I guess." Liam set Zayn down.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways thanks for the swanky lifts and guards." Harry rolled his eyes walking off to the baggage claim.

Zayn and Liam just looked at each other and Zayn tried his hardest not to laugh. They followed Harry and picked Zayns suitcase up.

When they dropped Harry off he exited the car and said "Thank you guys so much for keeping the PDA to a minimum and thanks for the ride so I guess you can get to it now. Good night!" He said slamming the door and running inside.

Zayn turned to Liam and grinned. Harry was so unhinged and he could tell Liam was annoyed but couldn't help to laugh a little.

Liam grabbed his hand and held it tight as he drove to his own place. "I'm glad you're back and you had a good time." He said placing a peck on the top of his hand.

They got to Liam's house and left Zayns items in the car since he had some stuff to change into there. It was now almost 3AM. With a yawn Zayn stripped into is usual sleepwear and crawled in the bed with Liam instantly falling asleep. Liam tightened his grip on his smaller frame because even though it had only been a week, to him it felt like forever and he never wanted to let go.

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