1. The rejection

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"I'm not doing it." I snap at my boss.
He can't possibly be serious right now. The entire conference room goes silent, no one knowing or even daring to say something. It's a rare phenomenon, especially when it happens without me using my quirk to make all these people go silent. These people are unbelievable! And no one is saying a word to defend me either! They all just leave me hanging like this.

"Miss L/n, I know it's a difficult position I'm putting you in. I really do understand the complications this causes, but I don't have anyone else who can do this." My boss says, which is utter bullshit and everyone knows that. And yet, no one is speaking up. No, because why would they?!  A woman in a male dominated field doesn't need back-up, does she? Well, back-up would be appreciated, but all these men are pussies and don't know what's good for them. (Which would be to speak the fuck and tell this grown ass man that this is not okay!)
Maybe that's why I'm the head of the Department of Hero Licenses.

"And that's where you're wrong." I say, leaning back in my chair. Of course everyone's looking at me, wouldn't expect anything different. That's what you get, being the only female in power at this fucking place. But it's fine. They want to act like pussies? I'mma show them how much of a real cunt I can be. "Because there are countless of interns that would be begging you to at least let them try this. It would be a once in a lifetime experience for them, yet you chose me to do it. I have more important work to do than walking around a school with stinky teenagers around me and you know that. After all, you're the one putting all that work on my desk with tight deadlines." I point out, leaving the room yet again dead silent. I swear, you could hear a pin drop right now.

Everyone is looking at me, then at our boss, then back at me and so forth. They can't decide who's right or who's wrong in this situation, even though it's clean that I'm in the right here. And my boss knows this, because this man and I both signed the document to prevent this situation from ever occuring in the future. Maybe he forgot he made me sign it?
I look my boss in the eyes, before speaking up again.

"Do you need me to show you the document you're forgetting about?" I tell him, already leaning forwards to grab it. It's in my bag, because I always keep it on me. Because of my relationship status, I'm restricted with the projects I can accept in my current position.

"No need to play it this political now, L/n." My boss says, waving his hand at me as if he dismisses me from grabbing the document that's in my bag. I can see the stress in his eyes and it's amusing. This is the man that always does live interview on behalf of the entire Hero Commission (HC for short), yet gets stressed out when a woman proves him wrong in a room filled with men. "There are just a few aspects we'd like to check out, besides the usual aspects of the routine check-ups." My boss adds and the grin on his face doesn't sit right with me.

"He wants to test wether or not the teachers are willing to bo-" One of my male co-workers says and I raise my hand, in a talk-to-my-hand gesture, and silence him. I simply shake my head, not believing he was really saying that to me in this setting.

"I don't even want to know." I say, already feeling the headache starting to settle in right behind my right eye. Great, as if my mood couldn't get even worse. 
Today, everything is going wrong. First, my husband's best friend took a shower at our place yesterday, after patrolling with my husband. He ended up clogging the showerdrain with all his hair and now we have to wait for a plummer to fix it, since his hair has so much gel in it that it's glued to the drain and pipes. Second, the cat somehow managed to get into the cupboard and bumped the coffee powder we have on the floor. We didn't have any back-up bags of coffee, so that meant no coffee for breakfast. My husband and I live on coffee and no coffee during breakfast means danger. And now, as the third thing that could go wrong today, my boss is trying to convince everyone in this room that I should break a legal document because he can't find someone else to do it.

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